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ok do you want to be buried here

beach pig

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I'd like to donate my body to medical science or be buried in a cardboard box in a field somewhere. Something ecologically friendly that doesn't take up necessary space or too much energy. I would like my family to plant a tree in my memory, for the reasons Rupert mentions above, but the tree can be anywhere they like. They could even plant one in each country.

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I used to think I wanted to be buried, but there are so many untended graves, no one to visit and lay flowers ... so now think it'll be cremation - this is home, so I'll be scatterd here.

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I think a more important consideration is where would you want to see out your final days, say, if terminally ill


That's an extremely interesting point. I think, as someone who lives here with my immediate family (everyone else in the UK) and being very happy here, would have to give that one some serious thought. I know I would instinctively want to be with my people. I also know I would miss the things that make my life here enjoyable. What a dilemma that would be. I think your partners wishes would have to come into it after all once you're gone its them who will need support. Financial issues too, maintaining an income etc. Stability for kids. We don't give this much consideration when we're booking the holiday let, flights and throwing a leaving party do we!! The serious and impossibly difficult side if migration

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I'd like to donate my body to medical science or be buried in a cardboard box in a field somewhere. Something ecologically friendly that doesn't take up necessary space or too much energy. I would like my family to plant a tree in my memory, for the reasons Rupert mentions above, but the tree can be anywhere they like. They could even plant one in each country.


I like that idea too. Something lasting and real as a memorial. Far better than some awful headstone. I cannot fathom the idea of thousands being spent on some godawful polished coffin to then put into the ground. What a horrendous waste. Eco funeral and memorial service for me please.

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there doing eco funerals a lot more in perth they put you in a cardboard coffin and bury you in the standing position , you dont know where your loved one is buried just the vicinity and there are no markers , which is in a park for every one to enjoy and they charge you a high margin for the words enviromental funeral, at the same time the land over looking the parks becomes a premium for the views , i think its a total rip off my self , you would be better being cremeted and spreading the ashes in the ocean at least you can go and sit by any ocean any where in the world and think of your loved one .

i buried my mother in pinneroo , its lovely and peaceful there beautiful park lands small plaques [ i hate karrakatta and its huge stone and marble memorials , i feel even in death things are not even and you have the mine is bigger than your thing going on ], we will all be buried or cremated and our ashes laid to rest there

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I want to be plasticised by that dude who does the Bodyworks exhibition, and sat at the family table. I'd be willing to have joints put in my limbs so I can bent into amusing positions.


Incidentally, if anyone's interested in the alternatives to burial and cremation, I heartily recommend "Stiff: The Curious Life of the Human Cadaver" by Mary Roach.

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Guest guest30085

I don't think I will really care when it gets to that point, how will I know what they do with me :wideeyed:


If things pan out I may be in Oz, but whoever is left behind to deal with it, I may state in my last wishes that half is left in Oz and ship the other half back to the UK and I'll join Mum and Dad when the time comes. It's up to them which half they send back :eek:

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As I get older it's something that I've raised with my OH with increasing regularity. I'm not a spiritual person but if there is an afterlife I certainly don't want to spend it here. It's been bad enough being here for the past four and a half years, never mind eternity. I've asked my missus to ship my old bones home or run the risk of me haunting her by continually popping out of the wall rattling my chains and saying "Australia's still sh*t....especially for dead people......all this time on my hands and there's still nothing to do here...!!" :smile:

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I think i'd probably want sent back to glasgow where the rest of the family are buried. Still havent decided between cremation or burial, anytime i bring up plans like that my mum shouts at me! I quite fancy one of those eco funerals, im a bit of a hippy that way. I think its crazy we spend so much on coffins. Would never want to go in the sea, worst nightmare!!!!

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Anything from flathead to bream to golden snapper to barramundi to sharks, but mainly 4 of the 7 species of mackerel.


Cheers, Bobj.

any big sharks ? instead of being cremated when you drop off this mortal coil,put a big hook through your ass and drift away .might get the biggest fish you ever caught.i know your a keen fisho like me:laugh::laugh:what a way to go .i might be on to something here .

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any big sharks ? instead of being cremated when you drop off this mortal coil,put a big hook through your ass and drift away .might get the biggest fish you ever caught.i know your a keen fisho like me:laugh::laugh:what a way to go .i might be on to something here .


Biggest shark I have seen while fishing there was a 7 ft leopard shark. Plenty of small black tip reef sharks and stingrays etc.


Just to whet your appetite for fish...to keep with the thread.icon14.png


An 8lb 'bluey', black spot tuskfish, one of the better eating fish.




Cheers, Bobj.

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Guest guest76088

I don't really care as I'm not frightened of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens.



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any big sharks ? instead of being cremated when you drop off this mortal coil,put a big hook through your ass and drift away .might get the biggest fish you ever caught.i know your a keen fisho like me:laugh::laugh:what a way to go .i might be on to something here .


Was watching a program once about this tribe in south America (I think) and they did pretty mich the same. There was a patch of water by them and they used to attached the bodies to the back of the boat and then go around. The fish would eat the body and there would be nothing left.


At the time I thought that would be better than fire or earth, for me that is. Not too sure if I would like to be laid to rest here in Australia, would like to be back on home turf.

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Guest hill billy
I think a more important consideration is where would you want to see out your final days, say, if terminally ill

Definately here in OZ.

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Ashes definitely the way to go then you can have a few bits spread in your favourite places wherever that may be. Its nice to sit on a beach in a beautiful spot and think fondly with good memories of the people gone. Can never really do that standing in a graveyard. I like to think of being remembered as being out there somewhere and not buried in a dark hole in the ground....... Hopefully a long way to go as we still need to get to Aussie to find that spot :biggrin:

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any big sharks ? instead of being cremated when you drop off this mortal coil,put a big hook through your ass and drift away .might get the biggest fish you ever caught.i know your a keen fisho like me:laugh::laugh:what a way to go .i might be on to something here .



A what?. Is that like a 'Boaty?'

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