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Not wanting to return to the UK ... is that strange?


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We arrived in Aus in January 2007, settled relatively quickly and this has only got better the longer we've been here. Establishing friendships that have endured the acquaintance stage had a lot to do with this and we have a great social network.


We have been very lucky that in the time we've been here we've had a lot of visitors so have seen our loved ones, but i've never had a yearning yet to go back even for a holiday. My hubby when we arrived said we'd probably visit after 5 years of being here - but after 2 he said he'd changed his mind. Our 'big' holiday for our special birthdays in 2014 is being planned for the US and not the UK.


I know that a visit will be inevitable when my dad passes away but other than that I really don't have any urge to visit. It's not that I hated it, we had a comfortable life there - but I really don't want to spend thousands of $ going back.


So is there anyone else who feels like this - or are we on our own in not wanting to visit?

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We promised the rellies that we would come back and visit after a couple of years, but now im thinking of suggesting that we could all chip in and hire a villa or large house somewhere like the Italian lakes or Greek Island to meet there.

Like you its not that i hate the UK, its just i dont think it would feel like a holiday and ive already visited everywhere there more than once that i wanted to see

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Ali if it is any consolation I feel the same, we have promised family that we will visit them next year, OH is a lot keener than me, I would prefer not to have to spend thousands to freeze to death in the UK, we have tried to persuade MIL & FIL to visit us here, even offering to pay for their flights, but they are too old to travel such a distance, so we are heading back ..... needs must I am afraid ..... like Fifi we have suggested spending time in Spain or somewhere hot, it is the climate that really puts me off, I like the UK but not for a holiday

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We worked out a while back we were only really interested in going back if we rented a holiday home in the UK for 10 days-2 weeks and people came to visit us whilst we were there - maybe with a few days in and around London plugging back into the city, seeing the sights and catching up with a few friends who couldn't make it to see us in the days before we come back here. Got no interest in going home to live out of a suitcase and tour around staying 2 days here, 2 days there - it just wouldn't feel enough like a holiday


Originally we were going to go back next Aussie winter - 2 years here. But we will have a new small person only 3 or 4 months old then so might re-jig that a bit


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I feel absolutly the same! I am going back for Christmas because the OH and DS want to, but I really dont , and am only going for their sakes. I think its a complete waste of money and would much rather spend the money on seeing all the bits of Aus and the world that I have yet to see, but instead the money will be spent holed up in a Premier Inn in Bristol.......:cry:

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We arrived in Aus in January 2007, settled relatively quickly and this has only got better the longer we've been here. Establishing friendships that have endured the acquaintance stage had a lot to do with this and we have a great social network.


We have been very lucky that in the time we've been here we've had a lot of visitors so have seen our loved ones, but i've never had a yearning yet to go back even for a holiday. My hubby when we arrived said we'd probably visit after 5 years of being here - but after 2 he said he'd changed his mind. Our 'big' holiday for our special birthdays in 2014 is being planned for the US and not the UK.


I know that a visit will be inevitable when my dad passes away but other than that I really don't have any urge to visit. It's not that I hated it, we had a comfortable life there - but I really don't want to spend thousands of $ going back.


So is there anyone else who feels like this - or are we on our own in not wanting to visit?

What a strange post Ali....you are who you are and if you have no desire to return why is that strange? You have lost me on this one.

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I'm not dead keen to visit the UK, particularly as my own family consists of my brother & his wife who will be here in November! Lived there nearly 40 years, there are other places to see. However for hubby's sake (and I do miss his rellies) we'll probably go for a week next August as part of a bigger holiday - with a 'stopover' of 2 weeks in California on the way back :laugh:


It's not just the money, it's annual leave too. I'm not keen to use so much of my precious 20 days visiting the UK, the place I wanted out of so much! But a couple of nights out in Manchester and/or Nottingham would be spot on. Some great boozers in those cities!

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What a strange post Ali....you are who you are and if you have no desire to return why is that strange? You have lost me on this one.


My friends find it really strange that we don't want to go back. We were talking at my sons birthday last week and saying what our plans were for big birthdays - our friends who have been here slightly longer will visit the UK for the 3rd time whilst we said we were planning a trip to the US she commented that she found it strange that we don't even want to go back for a visit.


I read on here people who plan to go back every 18 months or so but we have no desire to at all at the moment - but judging from the comments so far it's not as strange as my friends made out

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I "scratched the itch" 4 yrs ago. Both the kids and the OH said they had no desire to ever go back again after visiting. Now my youngest (Josh) who is just finishing school, said he wouldn't mind trying to get into a Uni near Salisbury. One of my older sons lives there and Josh really hit it off with him, never having seen him till he went to the UK. Dunno what's kicked the idea off? Just an adventure I guess as he loves Oz?

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We've been here over 2 years and I wouldn't want to go back

Saying that I have no family their so why would I lol

Pam has though

Her Mum came to stay with us she's 80 and flew all by herself and it was great to see her and show her where we live

She wants to come again and hopefully she will

Pam's Sister and Brother in law are here in 2 months which will be great

This is HOME now

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I "scratched the itch" 4 yrs ago. Both the kids and the OH said they had no desire to ever go back again after visiting. Now my youngest (Josh) who is just finishing school, said he wouldn't mind trying to get into a Uni near Salisbury. One of my older sons lives there and Josh really hit it off with him, never having seen him till he went to the UK. Dunno what's kicked the idea off? Just an adventure I guess as he loves Oz?


When we went to a couple of Uni open days, one of the Uni's is twinned with Lancaster Uni in the UK - we said to my daughter Oh you could do a semester of your degree there and stay with Nanna and grandad ... she just said "why would I want to do that".


I'm sure at some stage Kev we might an an itch to scratch too

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Guest guest17301

I know how you feel Ali, I felt the same when we were discussing going back last year....all that money, wondering what else I might have spent it on....it's only been this year that since we've all decided to go back as a family..previously were going to go back separately....that I'm now soooo looking forward to seeing certain people, my two best friends, one with 2 new babies, I only know through facebook pics and the odd chat on the phone, one who had a cancer diagnosis earlier this year...just need...really need..to see them...and others, so many others, It's all about the people but the place will be fun to get reaquainted with too....I'm excited about going 'home'. No point going till you get the urge..may never come...depends what's back there waiting for you.

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I'd be lying if I said the thought of seeing family, catching up with old friends, visiting places I used to live, watching my beloved footy team, visiting some historical places of interest etc didn't appeal to me, but the eye-watering cost for 5 of us to go back for a period of time makes it a non starter.

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The first trip we made after two years here was horrendous - slept in 14 different beds in less than 3 weeks and came back exhausted. Second time we booked a long weekend in Centre Parks and told everyone beforehand that was where we were and the dates and if they wanted to see us join us as well as the other places we'd be. Funny how people find it hard to travel for a couple of hours to see you but expect you to travel to them! The next time we spend a week in the UK seeing the "Mums" and the rest in France having our own holiday which worked well! And now I go back every year on my own as the Mum is in her 90's and might not last much longer. It is not a holiday, it's a duty and I love seeing her but if she wasn't there I wouldn't be going back. Feel no pull to be there at all and always glad to be back here.

Other interesting thing - those first trips I spent up big time as I missed all the familiar brands but now I just think I can get everything in Oz and hardly buy anything.

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We've been here since 2009, and had absolutely no desire to return to UK...I was always wondering what else we could do with the money. But in the last few weeks we have had 2 lots of bad news MIL had a minorish stroke and my older sister has been diagnosed with MS. Also my younger sister has announced she is pregnant..So I/we as a family now have a really strong urge to go back. Since being here I have had a baby as well and none of my family have met her, and babies are a big deal in my family:wubclub:...So yeah it is going to put us way back in our savings and we won't be doing our road trip at Christmas any more:cry: But we have an itch that needs scratching, So we are currently making plans for our return in April/may next year in time for MIL 60th Birthday and the birth of my niece/nephew. And do you know what?? I CAN'T bloody wait!!

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I lived in Cyprus and Kenya 2006 - 2010, then UK for 2 and a bit months (getting out the Army administration basically) and then came here (via a holiday in Singapore).


In all that time never had a desire to "holiday" in the UK. Went back for a week from Kenya in Sep 09 for the wedding of one of my best mates - him and his wife are our eldest's godparents so she was a bridesmaid but that's the only time.


I went back for work a few times (the RAF couldn't cope with getting your baggage on or off at Cyprus so after both Afghanistan tours sat on the tarmac 12 miles from my house and family for a few hours, then flew to the UK so I could catch a flight back again. And people ask why I detest the crabs!) and always managed to slip away for a couple of beers with my mates which was great.


I do miss going back for occasions though. The best man at my wedding (which was in Adelaide) is getting married in Co.Wicklow beginning of December and I'm so gutted I can't pop over. Something to take into account.


But for a holiday I'd rather people visited us here. The reason is, as you say that you feel that you're using your money and leave entitlement to go somewhere you've been before and there's a big wide world out there to explore.


My experience is that in Jul 09 we went to Australia on holiday (so same as you going to UK) and it was the crappest holiday I've ever had. Cost an enormous amount for the 4 of us - only found out about the fifth one when we were over there - and although I pride myself on not being a selfish person it did feel as though the entire holiday was about other people. Spent most of the time knackered from trying to fit everybody in and didn't feel like had any time left to enjoy ourselves.

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We feel the same way, we went back for three months in 2010 to see family and we spent a couple of weeks with my oh sister and then rented holiday houses around the, best way to do it.


However I don't think that we will return prefer holidays without the long haul, Fiji, NZ.

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Guest The Pom Queen

We haven't been back and I always swore I'd never go back not even for a holiday, but I think if the flights were cheaper I'd head off back for a few weeks.

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I have no great desire to go back and I know the OH feels the same. Nothing to really draw us. We have travelled around most of the UK. Family wise, both sets of our parents passed away before we came and siblings have their own families to look after, most being grandparents themselves, they all understood why we had to be here.


If we ever did consider a visit, Loto win permitting lol, I too like the idea of a huge family holiday somewhere in Europe.


Close friends have already visited us here and we look forward to welcoming more in the future.

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Not strange at all. I had the same but in reverse. My father lived in Australia, after leaving as a kid and later a year on two occasions over the decades here never wanted to return even for a holiday....felt it far too naff at the time.

He returned to UK about every four years and a few other times met up in Malaysia as a compromise.

I changed later in life.....so never say never....

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My brother has lived in Brisbane for 5 years & as yet, he has not been back to the uk for a visit. We (family of 4) have visited oz twice & our parents have visited oz 3 times so it's now my brother's 'turn' to visit us at some point. Yes it costs a fortune (whichever direction you're going for a visit) but how can anyone describe it as a waste of money? I suppose it depends how close you are to your family & whether or not you want to keep contact going. A massive waste of money would be to visit oz or uk just because someone has died, why not spend the time & money visiting when folks are alive? Without wishing to offend anyone, just because you live in oz doesn't mean you can just sit there expecting other people to visit you & that you don't have to make the effort to visit others. Not everyone has a desire to visit oz, same as many people don't have the desire to come back to the uk but I'm sure your loved ones would make the effort,if circumstances allow, just to spend some time together.

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