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Not wanting to return to the UK ... is that strange?


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I don't think you are strange Ali, In fact you and some other people on here form the least strangest set of people that I have had the pleasure of making acquaintance with over the years.

Migration and Integration are hard processes with the rewards usually reaped by future generations, perhaps your feelings are not merely financial but are based in part on the reasons why you migrated in the first place.

And the USA is always a lovely place to visit, do you fancy Hawaii ?


We're hopefully going to do the West Coast as have been to the East Coast. When I had my last 'big birthday' my present to myself was to visit my friend in New York as we'd started out as Pen pals and never met. Her brother lives in California, so she will make the journey over when we go so that we can celebrate this birthday together too.

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Again well have to disagree! Your family don't have disposable income that doesn't apply to everyone? You talk about your family and that's fine but in your opinion you still think that people should "take turns" and as I said that's not always possible! We have some rellies that have been here and will come again because they have the money to do that and they want to! I won't go on about this with you but just go back and read what you originally wrote! You did say it was a massive waste of money for people to visit oz or the uk if someone had died! In my eyes that was a sweeping statement that did not take into account individual choices! I was responding to that statement!


I did say its a waste of money & I've never denied saying it?? In fact, I still stand by it. I personally feel its a waste of money. I've not at any point critisised you or anyone else for wanting to go to oz or uk when someone has died. I really don't understand why you're still going on about it. My opinion is different to yours. I respect your thoughts & opinions but that doesn't mean I can't voice mine or disagree with you.

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I dont see why its so strange dom? everybodys different, not everybody loves the UK and misses it. I dont see whats wrong with that. Theres so many reasons why people might be unsure about going back.


Also, whats wrong with just not liking where you came from? Not everyones lucky enough to come from a great area.


Btw im just curious wether you would of mentioned the same thing if it had been a australian on here who had moved to the UK saying they didnt want to go home ever?

I would think it was strange. I know quite a few Aussies in the UK, they are very happy in the UK and there for good, but that doesnt stop them wanting to return on holidays to catch up with family and friends and dip into familiar territory.

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I would think it was strange. I know quite a few Aussies in the UK, they are very happy in the UK and there for good, but that doesnt stop them wanting to return on holidays to catch up with family and friends and dip into familiar territory.


Yeah but they come back to Utopia, whereas going the other way doesn't have quite the same cachet.

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Guest guest17301

Each to their own, we can't put ourselves into someone elses head....why is it so hard to just accept someones experience and thoughts?? Personally I am feeling the closer we get to the trip like Im going 'home' always said Perth was home now....wonder how I'll feel once there....displaced I expect...

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Guest guest17301
completely with you mate. I'm a bit baffled TBH by the idea that returning to the place you grew up is so unattractive


Tbh i think even if its a shithole its where you grew up and most people will feel a certain 'affection' for it and defend it to people who slag it, just like you wont have a bad word said about your mum or dad or sister or brother...even if they are a pain in the arse..theyre your pain in the arse...

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I am the same, no desire to go back at all much to the disgust of our families. We say every year we will be back and have for the last 3 years. They are fed up of me know back home, but other things come along and we just don't get a chance to go. How lucky are we to have all settled so well

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Guest guest17301

I dont think its to do with settling or not settling, its to do with the people you left behind for most who have a desire to return...it is for me and mine at least...we feel very settled but very ready for a trip back also....

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I dont think its to do with settling or not settling, its to do with the people you left behind for most who have a desire to return...it is for me and mine at least...we feel very settled but very ready for a trip back also....


It'll be quite interesting to see how you feel back in the UK and what you think of it now. Im sure you'll all have a great trip! :)

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completely with you mate. I'm a bit baffled TBH by the idea that returning to the place you grew up is so unattractive



Maybe it depends on where you're from?If you come from a not so pretty place,I can maybe understand that.Mind you,as I said before the thought of going back to Oz is well not exactly exciting for me and I came from a nice place too.I guess I've seen more of the world now.Sure Australia has nice beaches,but so does Sri Lanka,and India(and I don't mean Goa either,would hate to go there tbh,too many tourists)and alot of other places.People at work have been surprised I'm not heading back to Oz for nephews wedding,but to me its just "Australia"!No biggie really!

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I am the same, no desire to go back at all much to the disgust of our families. We say every year we will be back and have for the last 3 years. They are fed up of me know back home, but other things come along and we just don't get a chance to go. How lucky are we to have all settled so well
Yep very very lucky!
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Guest Guest26012
I did say its a waste of money & I've never denied saying it?? In fact, I still stand by it. I personally feel its a waste of money. I've not at any point critisised you or anyone else for wanting to go to oz or uk when someone has died. I really don't understand why you're still going on about it. My opinion is different to yours. I respect your thoughts & opinions but that doesn't mean I can't voice mine or disagree with you.


Here we go again! You gave your "opinion" and I responded! Nobody said you can't voice your "opinions" and you are entitled to them as is anyone! But not everything is black and white and I don't see life like that! I responded to your statement or opinion about it being a waste of money, can you see how that would offend some people? You didn't state that it was your opinion so therefore one could assume that you thought anyone going to either country after a death was wasting their money! Geez now lets leave it at that! Have a nice day!

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