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Not wanting to return to the UK ... is that strange?


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Guest chris955

Im not sure it strange, we are all different. My wife would now have to be dragged back to Australia kicking and screaming whereas I would willingly go back to visit family and friends. Some people like my brother in NSW go back to the UK at least once a year but another brother hasnt been back since the 70's. As I say, we are all different.

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I just spent 2.5 weeks back in blighty!. I wont be returning there on a perm basis thats for sure. Prior to relocating here i had suffered with asthma for 30+ years.Ive not suffered at all here in Oz, but upon landing in UK it wasnt long before i was looking for an inhaler. It was nice to see family who i hadnt seen for the better part of 3 yrs, but it was just the same old, same old....

Was so happy to be landing back at Perth last weekend! :cute:

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I'm the other way around,so does that make me strange?lol I had to fly back to Australia for my Mum's 80th birthday "do"and tbh I was'nt the slightest excited about it.I am supposed to be in Adelaide on the 30th of this month for my nephews wedding,booked the ticket,could'nt face going and got a refund!:twitcy:I'm going to India instead in November.So in answer to the OP,nope you're not strange,just really settled which is fab!There is nothing better than feeling 100% content on where you live!

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Last time I went back, in 2002, I was so homesick for Australia I felt like crying but I had to hide it to keep the rellies happy. When I got home I felt like kissing the ground- all the lovely eucalyptus scents, family, friends and just -home. Never been since and probably never will.

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My brother has lived in Brisbane for 5 years & as yet, he has not been back to the uk for a visit. We (family of 4) have visited oz twice & our parents have visited oz 3 times so it's now my brother's 'turn' to visit us at some point. Yes it costs a fortune (whichever direction you're going for a visit) but how can anyone describe it as a waste of money? I suppose it depends how close you are to your family & whether or not you want to keep contact going. A massive waste of money would be to visit oz or uk just because someone has died, why not spend the time & money visiting when folks are alive? Without wishing to offend anyone, just because you live in oz doesn't mean you can just sit there expecting other people to visit you & that you don't have to make the effort to visit others. Not everyone has a desire to visit oz, same as many people don't have the desire to come back to the uk but I'm sure your loved ones would make the effort,if circumstances allow, just to spend some time together.



I'm very close to my dad who actually prefers to visit us here as my brother lives in QLD and he spends half the time in WA and half over East. For us it works (although I appreciate that for others they want to make the trip back )

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Although Australia is huge,I disagree it takes a lifetime to explore. There is really rather little between a lot of places that would warrent to much attention. Done three quarters of OZ by road and prefer certain locations ..but unless a grey nomad in search of the sun....I couldn't imagine there being anywhere near enough places to visit over a lifetime. A lot of backpackers do in in a year...sometimes two.


I would say India would take a lifetime or two to get to know....even Europe on another level takes a long time having so much diversity.


But I do agree always going back to the former homeland can be tedious. I more often than not give England a miss when in Europe as I will in a few weeks when go to Germany and Italy.


I do love to reaquaint myself with London every five years or so. Always different and always real in a funny sense.

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Guest Guest26012
My brother has lived in Brisbane for 5 years & as yet, he has not been back to the uk for a visit. We (family of 4) have visited oz twice & our parents have visited oz 3 times so it's now my brother's 'turn' to visit us at some point. Yes it costs a fortune (whichever direction you're going for a visit) but how can anyone describe it as a waste of money? I suppose it depends how close you are to your family & whether or not you want to keep contact going. A massive waste of money would be to visit oz or uk just because someone has died, why not spend the time & money visiting when folks are alive? Without wishing to offend anyone, just because you live in oz doesn't mean you can just sit there expecting other people to visit you & that you don't have to make the effort to visit others. Not everyone has a desire to visit oz, same as many people don't have the desire to come back to the uk but I'm sure your loved ones would make the effort,if circumstances allow, just to spend some time together.



Hi Tamjb, I do think it does depend on how close to the family you are, in some ways. I never "expect" anyone to visit us. If they do then they are welcomed with open arms and I make sure they have a bloody good holiday! I don't consider it a waste of money to pay my respects to close family members should they pass away! I believe it helps with the grief and I would be racked with guilt if I did not return to the uk for "close" family members that have passed away! I buy your view in that not everyone wants to visit oz or in reverse the uk! It's a choice if people want to visit us and its my choice if I want to go to the uk! I would never think it was anyone's "turn" to visit us.

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Well, that's why we're all different I suppose & of course, everyone should do what suits them & their family situations. I actually do think people should 'take turns' to visit as this shows all parties want to keep contact/relationship going. Why should one party have the cost, travel etc all the time? I also think its interesting for everyone to see how the other lives, you can then picture things when you talk/Skype or whatever & you create real memories. It's wonderful for me to think I've been to my brother's house, he's doing some work there at the mo & I can picture everything. For me, these kind of things keep you close but i appreciate its not the same for everyone. For the record, the 2 occasions I've visited oz it hasn't felt like a holiday either, probably due to the emotions involved & the reality that time spent there together is short & precious. I wasnt critising anyone for wanting to visit either way if someone dies, personally though, I would prefer my brother to visit whilst I'm still here to enjoy being with him rather than him spending time & money to be stood at my funeral, that's all.

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Guest themanns

I think children want to go because England is faster paced and has lots to do and would be exciting..WA especially can be a bit boring for them

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Guest guest17301

I expect our time back to be amazing Dom, we are only spending time with people we really want to see! Luckily for me my inlaws are fantastic and it will be a pleasure to be 'looked after' by them...I know my 6 year old will be in his element amongst his 'many' doting grandparents and aunties, uncles and cousins...remind me again why we moved? Just kidding...seriously I wouldn't be going back if I expected it to be crap!

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I think children want to go because England is faster paced and has lots to do and would be exciting..WA especially can be a bit boring for them


My daughter has commented that she's glad to have had her teenage years here in WA and doesn't want to go back to the UK - that might change of course but at the moment she has her sights set on Canada rather than the UK as somewhere she'd like to experience whilst doing her studies

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Guest Guest26012
Well, that's why we're all different I suppose & of course, everyone should do what suits them & their family situations. I actually do think people should 'take turns' to visit as this shows all parties want to keep contact/relationship going. Why should one party have the cost, travel etc all the time? I also think its interesting for everyone to see how the other lives, you can then picture things when you talk/Skype or whatever & you create real memories. It's wonderful for me to think I've been to my brother's house, he's doing some work there at the mo & I can picture everything. For me, these kind of things keep you close but i appreciate its not the same for everyone. For the record, the 2 occasions I've visited oz it hasn't felt like a holiday either, probably due to the emotions involved & the reality that time spent there together is short & precious. I wasnt critising anyone for wanting to visit either way if someone dies, personally though, I would prefer my brother to visit whilst I'm still here to enjoy being with him rather than him spending time & money to be stood at my funeral, that's all.


Well I suppose we have to agree to disagree! You did say though that you thought it was a waste of time and money for people to go to the uk if someone dies! That's an individual thing and not something that should be looked upon lightly! It's not always possible for people to take turns to visit oz or the uk! Maybe the family in oz or the uk have more disposable income to travel to the other side of the world? Maybe the family in the uk want to visit oz on a regular basis rather than the other way round? It's not good to make sweeping statements! Without wishing to offend you that's what you are doing!

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Guest Guest26012
Jim - this thread was going great - people sharing opinions and you come along and try to hijack it. Back on track please.


Is my iPad blocking posts? Can't see a post from jim Ali? Maybe I had too many wines lol! X

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Not in Aus but when I was living elsewhere overseas I never wanted to go back to the UK to visit. I think I was gone 2 years before I first headed back for a visit. I couldn't wait to get home after being there a few days. I'd only gone back to see family as they kept asking but tbh it was a let down and I didn't really enjoy being there.


One time I'd planned to go for a while and spend a week and I was there 3 days and was heading back to the Netherlands. After that I made sure to only visit for a weekend and did quick fly in on a Friday evening and headed home Sunday lunchtime. My heart used to sink every time I got on a plane to the UK. Sure it was lovely to see my Mum for a bit but honestly, I just didn't want to be in the UK.

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I totally feel the same , i would rather them come to us as they can see the life we have here , i spent too may years in the Uk and would like to visit other places that were only a dream from there.So in Answer to your question NO !!! your not on your Own , hubby just been back as he lost his father and he said it was quite depressing to how places had gone with the recession, like i said to me its not a holiday i would love all my family and friends to visit us.They too can have a holiday of a life time and understand why we did it .

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Well I suppose we have to agree to disagree! You did say though that you thought it was a waste of time and money for people to go to the uk if someone dies! That's an individual thing and not something that should be looked upon lightly! It's not always possible for people to take turns to visit oz or the uk! Maybe the family in oz or the uk have more disposable income to travel to the other side of the world? Maybe the family in the uk want to visit oz on a regular basis rather than the other way round? It's not good to make sweeping statements! Without wishing to offend you that's what you are doing!


I'm not making sweeping statements, I'm just giving my opinion. I thought that's what a forum was for? None of my family, on either side of the world, have disposable income. We have all saved hard to go to oz & we have done this to spend time together as a family & not really to visit oz. Thats why family should 'take turns'. I know how hard it is to save the money & how much it takes out of you to do the journey (then leave each other again!) but you make the effort & do it. Of course it's not a waste of time or money to visit when someone dies if that's what you want to do, I personally think it means more if people make the effort to be together whilst we're all still alive that's all.

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