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Is the grass greener?

Westward Ho

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The Australian School Dental Scheme provided free dental in schools my

children went to in NSW, NT, QLD, VIC and ACT. It has certainly been available in NSW since I was in school during the 1970's.


I remember reading something about kids seeing a school dentist the other week on here, but the op said they only get seen about once a year!?

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Appreciate your opinion Paul1Perth, I wish I did'nt feel the guilt (it must be my feminine side!) but I feel as though I should be there to look after them like they looked after me. I have a younger brother in the UK but he struggles to look after himself never mind my folks, so this does'nt reassure me much. My folks have/are always saying go for it, it's your life to lead & its a better way of life etc, so its not as though they are guilting me out, its just that we were close.

Great opinion from JohnAli, made me consider more what we have here & that in fact we might just be over idealising the UK somewhat. I remember the last recession at the start of the nineties... three day week, lower pay rates, being in the building trade we were the first in & last out of the hardship!!

Just want to clarify that Perth is a beautiful place but has developed so rapidly in the short 6 years we have been here that the original attraction for us has been lost. When we arrived there was... no traffic jams, free parking & always a space outside your destination, hardly any speed cameras, restricted shopping (which is becoming de regulated in August) and a general laid back small town mentality. Now it has become a fast paced full on money making machine which unfortunately has not invested/planned suitable infrastructure for the population/mining boom, and is therefore playing a losing battle of catch up!! This is not to be negative as everything grows bigger, but the speed af change has been rapid & the powers that be are too busy glamming the city up with foreshores & arenas etc instead of rail links, fly overs, road widening & to get someone with half a brain to sort the flaming traffic lights out (people in perth will agree with this last statement 100 percent!!).


Good luck to all arriving or leaving Australia and thanks for your opinions.


Perth certainly needs better infrastructure in the way of greater public transport options.Took the train from Leederville to the city during prime time last week.It was as packed as the London tube during the rush period. Thankfully it was only one stop.

Perth needs to get on top of its continual urban sprawl as well. Not a great title to have being the most car dependant city in the world.Besides it adds to the costs greatly. Better planning allowing for far greater urban density ....something that has been spoken about for ages...is really a desired option for inner city areas at least.

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I remember reading something about kids seeing a school dentist the other week on here, but the op said they only get seen about once a year!?



I think that is true if it is just a check-up. However my nephew is seeing an orthodontist through the scheme every 6 weeks while he has braces. They are low income earners though so that makes a huge difference to the level of support offered - but that's as it should be in my opinion.

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Hello, myself, my hubby and my 3yr old son are returning home nxt year, even though we like Australia, we live an hours drive from Melbourne airport, the beaches are lovely, the people are friendly, I just dont feel at home here, I know we haven't been here long enough, we arrived on the 15 may this year but I just know in my heart. We don't regret coming, it's been an experience and we are learning a lot being here, I know the uk is suffering at the minute but isn't everywhere, all my family are back home and they are missing out on so much to do with our son, we made the decision to come here, I just didn't realise what I was giving up back home. But we are gonna make the most of our time here and enjoy it, we won't be going home with any regrets. You have to do what's right for you. XXXX

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Guest chris955
I remember reading something about kids seeing a school dentist the other week on here, but the op said they only get seen about once a year!?

Yes our kids got to see a dentist theoretically once a year but it worked out about every 18 months.

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Guest paulwbafc

I have been in oz 5 years I will never move back to the uk. In England you have no escape from mundane working life. It's work shopping pub visit family go to the football and that's it. Australia away from working life you have an escape, beaches great bush walks massive national parks, free public bbqs, parks that are awesome, outdoor pools for kids to play, many great places to go, it's choice choice choice, Australia for me is a godsend. Took me 3 years to get over uk. These days a visit to England makes me sick and I am homesick for oz. I have divorced the uk, it's just so damned miserable.

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I have been in oz 5 years I will never move back to the uk. In England you have no escape from mundane working life. It's work shopping pub visit family go to the football and that's it. Australia away from working life you have an escape, beaches great bush walks massive national parks, free public bbqs, parks that are awesome, outdoor pools for kids to play, many great places to go, it's choice choice choice, Australia for me is a godsend. Took me 3 years to get over uk. These days a visit to England makes me sick and I am homesick for oz. I have divorced the uk, it's just so damned miserable.



It is only like that if you choose to have it like that.

Plenty to do in the UK too, but you need to open your eyes to see what's in front of you.

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I have been in oz 5 years I will never move back to the uk. In England you have no escape from mundane working life. It's work shopping pub visit family go to the football and that's it. Australia away from working life you have an escape, beaches great bush walks massive national parks, free public bbqs, parks that are awesome, outdoor pools for kids to play, many great places to go, it's choice choice choice, Australia for me is a godsend. Took me 3 years to get over uk. These days a visit to England makes me sick and I am homesick for oz. I have divorced the uk, it's just so damned miserable.

Of course you have an escape to do what you like in the UK, it is only people's imagination that stops people doing it, you can do virtually anything in the UK that you can do in oz, the UK is miserable for you but for a lot of others Australia is just as miserable, we are all different and there is nothing I can't do in the UK that I could in oz, you just need to get of your bum and do it.

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I have been in oz 5 years I will never move back to the uk. In England you have no escape from mundane working life. It's work shopping pub visit family go to the football and that's it. Australia away from working life you have an escape, beaches great bush walks massive national parks, free public bbqs, parks that are awesome, outdoor pools for kids to play, many great places to go, it's choice choice choice, Australia for me is a godsend. Took me 3 years to get over uk. These days a visit to England makes me sick and I am homesick for oz. I have divorced the uk, it's just so damned miserable.


It’s great that you have settled and that the emotional and financial commitment has paid off for you and your family. But I think it may have been more accurate to say in your post that in the UK ‘I’ had no escape from mundane working life…that ‘my’ life was work,shopping pub visit family go to the football and that's it.


Life in the UK does not have to be like that and isn’t for an awful lot of people, me included. Tx

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We are in UK, North Wales and it's going no where, we both currently have jobs but that will not be for long, my partner has worked for MoD for 22 years - a job for life so he thought - well that has turned into a bit of a laugh. I am a teacher in what is refered to a low socio economic area, trying to inspire kids that have no aspiration and lets face it little chance of a future. A lot of the the children I teach do not know anyone who works and have no intention of as 'whats the point miss', a single mum who has moved in a few door away from my mum boasts how housing benefit are paying her 460 GBP rent per month, she does not pay council tax as she is on benefit, her kids have new clothes all the times, their teeth are disgusting as all you every see them eating are sweets, their speech is lazy, they have no issues in approaching stangers as they are allowed at the age of 6 and 4 to roam the streets. She swans out around 11 each morning looking immaculate, while this is not a life I would want, to maintain that life I would think I would need to earn 14k per year. I am 42 with lots of experience I have a degree, a teaching qualification lots of admin experience (pre teaching) I have applied for numerous jobs as I am tired of being abused on a daily basis, working 60 hour weeks and during 'the amazing amount of school holidays' , I been unsuccessful or I am not interested in the jobs available. I have looked what's available and it's not good, there are jobs for 14k but after 4 years of studying I would expect to earn more. In my opinion this country is messed up, more and more people are being caught in the benefits trap, kids are being brought up with no moral compass. Bankers are receiving massive salaries yet the rest of us have experienced pay freezes and are made to feel lucky to have a job, 3 years ago when when our pay freeze started it cost me 100 GBP to get to work , it now costs 220 GBP (I have to travel 1 hour each way to work as no jobs locally) our weekly shop has increased our 'gold plated' pension contribution have increased so in real terms I am at least 200 GBP per month worse off than I was 3 years ago, it's a joke when you consider we are fortunate to have jobs, cars and a home. Therefore we are willing to see if the grass is greener in oz because in our opinion it's a weird shade here !!! I know some people think its ok in the UK but there are plenty of people who are disillusioned. I would tjink long and hard about what you are coming back to, if you have a decent job and lots of money to buy a house then happy days.

Rant over .......

My OH and I had our first daughter before we were married.Two years later,we brought our first house.It was'nt in a decent area.It was where we could afford to live at the time.I hated every minute of being there.We had another daughter,and my oldest started pre school.The preschool was as rough as they come.My daughter made friends with another girl,and I got to know the girl and her Mum quite well.Her daughter had to go into hospital aged 4 and have all her teeth out as they were rotten.She was constantly sick through eating the wrong type of food.Two thirds of my daughters class were rough type kids from poor families.The kids at pre school were very disruptive,and I worried constantly how my kids were going to grow up thereand have a bright future.The area where we lived was not safe at night,we had heroin addicts living across the road who mistreated their kids (I reported them to SS)cars being stolen,and house break ins.This was in Australia,not the UK!We spent 3 years living in that revolting suburb and we were lucky to get out.

To the OP,where I live you would not know there was a recession on.I don't know anyone out of work,and people do not keep going on about doom and gloom,infact no one really talks about the recession,or anything else negative for that matter.Life is what you make it,no matter where you live.

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I have been in oz 5 years I will never move back to the uk. In England you have no escape from mundane working life. It's work shopping pub visit family go to the football and that's it. Australia away from working life you have an escape, beaches great bush walks massive national parks, free public bbqs, parks that are awesome, outdoor pools for kids to play, many great places to go, it's choice choice choice, Australia for me is a godsend. Took me 3 years to get over uk. These days a visit to England makes me sick and I am homesick for oz. I have divorced the uk, it's just so damned miserable.

May I ask that someone with a life so busy with new and exciting things to see and visit What to doing trailing around on a expat website......? Members like yourself always makes me wonder just how fantastic your life really is ...!

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I have been in oz 5 years I will never move back to the uk. In England you have no escape from mundane working life. It's work shopping pub visit family go to the football and that's it. Australia away from working life you have an escape, beaches great bush walks massive national parks, free public bbqs, parks that are awesome, outdoor pools for kids to play, many great places to go, it's choice choice choice, Australia for me is a godsend. Took me 3 years to get over uk. These days a visit to England makes me sick and I am homesick for oz. I have divorced the uk, it's just so damned miserable.

Wow,that is so Melancholy.......did you write for Coronation Street in another life?

Life IS what one makes it ,wherever you are in the world my friend.:wink:

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Hi all.

So,in a nutshell,with no property anymore,a declining maufacturing environment,Would i sell up,go back to the U.K?Thats what im looking at,it could be no worse over there than here?I think globally were all in for bad times.

Whats on offer,you may ask?

Family,job offers are promissing- even this early.Oh,plus a wonderful partner..I believe you need to change things before you turn say,50.

*I can just return on a British Passport,i dont need a RRV for this do i.?

Thoughts anyone?Some may say im mad......like i said i want to change my life before i turn 50.



do you live in Westward Ho? if so which road as i live just on the outskirts of it lol

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Guest paulwbafc

The food manufacture in Australia is pretty good and production flat out overall. Those jobs people tend to hang onto as very well paid especially in Brisbane and plenty of overtime. I work in the beef industry have had regular overtime last 4 years. Don t rely on job ads there's plenty of work about especially in Brisbane you just need to know where to look. Phone firms up directly. Word of mouth and some labour hire firms have contacts too. Ring round friends about jobs. I got my ear to the ground as it were and brisbane there's plenty about I know some walking out of jobs and finding work in a week. You don t do that if there's no work.

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May I ask that someone with a life so busy with new and exciting things to see and visit What to doing trailing around on a expat website......? Members like yourself always makes me wonder just how fantastic your life really is ...!


????? He's been a member for 6 and a half years and has averaged less than 2 posts a month in that time. Obviously very busy elsewhere. And maybe, just maybe, he thinks others might benefit from his experience occasionally?

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Guest guest74886
We are in UK, North Wales and it's going no where, we both currently have jobs but that will not be for long, my partner has worked for MoD for 22 years - a job for life so he thought - well that has turned into a bit of a laugh. I am a teacher in what is refered to a low socio economic area, trying to inspire kids that have no aspiration and lets face it little chance of a future. A lot of the the children I teach do not know anyone who works and have no intention of as 'whats the point miss', a single mum who has moved in a few door away from my mum boasts how housing benefit are paying her 460 GBP rent per month, she does not pay council tax as she is on benefit, her kids have new clothes all the times, their teeth are disgusting as all you every see them eating are sweets, their speech is lazy, they have no issues in approaching stangers as they are allowed at the age of 6 and 4 to roam the streets. She swans out around 11 each morning looking immaculate, while this is not a life I would want, to maintain that life I would think I would need to earn 14k per year. I am 42 with lots of experience I have a degree, a teaching qualification lots of admin experience (pre teaching) I have applied for numerous jobs as I am tired of being abused on a daily basis, working 60 hour weeks and during 'the amazing amount of school holidays' , I been unsuccessful or I am not interested in the jobs available. I have looked what's available and it's not good, there are jobs for 14k but after 4 years of studying I would expect to earn more. In my opinion this country is messed up, more and more people are being caught in the benefits trap, kids are being brought up with no moral compass. Bankers are receiving massive salaries yet the rest of us have experienced pay freezes and are made to feel lucky to have a job, 3 years ago when when our pay freeze started it cost me 100 GBP to get to work , it now costs 220 GBP (I have to travel 1 hour each way to work as no jobs locally) our weekly shop has increased our 'gold plated' pension contribution have increased so in real terms I am at least 200 GBP per month worse off than I was 3 years ago, it's a joke when you consider we are fortunate to have jobs, cars and a home. Therefore we are willing to see if the grass is greener in oz because in our opinion it's a weird shade here !!! I know some people think its ok in the UK but there are plenty of people who are disillusioned. I would tjink long and hard about what you are coming back to, if you have a decent job and lots of money to buy a house then happy days.

Rant over .......


Hi Johnali

I understand absolutely and some of what you say is what motivated me to move out here, but I think you have to really think whether you could cope with the distance from anywhere other than Australia, the fact that most of Australia resembles the last place you just left, that the cost of everything is bloody outrageous, cars, housing to buy and rent, and food, a lot of the fresh food other than meat and veg is dire quality, the beer and wine is bloody expensive and the beer is suitable only as coolant on the super hot days that just go on and on,the sun which can turn you into a flayed steak in 30 minutes and don't get me started on the punch and judy show that passes for politics, oh and did I mention those dire amoral animals that pass as people in charge and pretend they run what pretends to be an advanced country, could you cope with a country where a bunch of redknecks get themselves elected and immediately make 14000 people redundant without any rationale and slash every cultural thing in town and every societal support system in the state, welcome to, soon to be a third world banana republic, Queensland.A country where lots of state schools still don't have air conditioning even tho portacabins are the classroom of choice, and where most state govts can only survive on the back of the money they raise from licensing gaming machines of which Australia owns more than any other country and which has a major problem with gambling addiction, not a pretty picture is it. Oh and don't forget the stingers in the ocean which can kill you if you go in the water up here at the wrong time of year.

As you said rant over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest guest74886

Hi Johnali

Oh, I didn't mention the dyed in the wool racism, the mozzies and the flies or that the Ozzies really don't like bright intellectuals, especially women, it makes them come over all insecure .

Nowwwwwwww I'mmmmmmmm finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hi Johnali

Oh, I didn't mention the dyed in the wool racism, the mozzies and the flies or that the Ozzies really don't like bright intellectuals, especially women, it makes them come over all insecure .

Nowwwwwwww I'mmmmmmmm finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of all, the quote about Ozzies not liking women is off the mark!

Possibly in your experience but certainly not in mine! If anything I've been treated better both personally and professionally than I was in the UK.


As for dyed in the wool racism, again, I feel that is a huge exaggeration. My partner and his family are born and bred Ozzies and the most non-racist people I've ever met. I can say the same about most of the people I associate with. I am aware there are factions of the population with racist views but I don't believe this is the norm.


I'm all for people being able to express opinions and experiences but sweeping generalisations are not necessarily helpful.

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Hi Johnali

I understand absolutely and some of what you say is what motivated me to move out here, but I think you have to really think whether you could cope with the distance from anywhere other than Australia, the fact that most of Australia resembles the last place you just left, that the cost of everything is bloody outrageous, cars, housing to buy and rent, and food, a lot of the fresh food other than meat and veg is dire quality, the beer and wine is bloody expensive and the beer is suitable only as coolant on the super hot days that just go on and on,the sun which can turn you into a flayed steak in 30 minutes and don't get me started on the punch and judy show that passes for politics, oh and did I mention those dire amoral animals that pass as people in charge and pretend they run what pretends to be an advanced country, could you cope with a country where a bunch of redknecks get themselves elected and immediately make 14000 people redundant without any rationale and slash every cultural thing in town and every societal support system in the state, welcome to, soon to be a third world banana republic, Queensland.A country where lots of state schools still don't have air conditioning even tho portacabins are the classroom of choice, and where most state govts can only survive on the back of the money they raise from licensing gaming machines of which Australia owns more than any other country and which has a major problem with gambling addiction, not a pretty picture is it. Oh and don't forget the stingers in the ocean which can kill you if you go in the water up here at the wrong time of year.

As you said rant over !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I agree with everything you say especially the part about states schools having no air conditioning...or heating, my children are sweltering in class in the summer and freezing in the winter, its ridiculous, the go to school with thermal vests, long sleeve tops, school shirts and jumpers.

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The food manufacture in Australia is pretty good and production flat out overall. Those jobs people tend to hang onto as very well paid especially in Brisbane and plenty of overtime. I work in the beef industry have had regular overtime last 4 years. Don t rely on job ads there's plenty of work about especially in Brisbane you just need to know where to look. Phone firms up directly. Word of mouth and some labour hire firms have contacts too. Ring round friends about jobs. I got my ear to the ground as it were and brisbane there's plenty about I know some walking out of jobs and finding work in a week. You don t do that if there's no work.


I see. So the wages are so good in Brisbane your having to work "lots of overtime for a number of years".

So i assume your hourly rate is so low your working excessive hours to keep your head above water.

What a fanastic lifestyle you have.

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Guest guest76088

Or....he is making hay (beef) while the sun shines and working hard while the work is available and making a bloody fortune while the green-eyed-monster simply watches.




I see. So the wages are so good in Brisbane your having to work "lots of overtime for a number of years".

So i assume your hourly rate is so low your working excessive hours to keep your head above water.

What a fanastic lifestyle you have.

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May I ask that someone with a life so busy with new and exciting things to see and visit What to doing trailing around on a expat website......? Members like yourself always makes me wonder just how fantastic your life really is ...!


The same could be said of someone who is enjoying their lives 'back home' I can't quite see the attraction of coming on here making ridiculously sweeping statements about Australia when you (the collective you, not you personally) are not even living there anymore.

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