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Changes to pathway to Citizenship


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On 8/19/2017 at 11:26, Felix123 said:

Citizenship crisis: Bombshell crossbench decision leaves survival of the Turnbull government in doubt

Maybe if Malcolm's Peter Dutton had left the topic of citizenship alone and not tried to close the door to so many his government wouldn't be in the pickle it's in today. What a mess!


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44 minutes ago, 08SEP said:

Hi Guys, 

Can someone please update me on what's happening in regards to the new citzenship requirements. Are these actually in place and definite? or is there still a chance that this may not pass? 


Review committee will give the report on 4th Sep, it is up to the government to bring the bill  for debate in coming parliament session or not. Since dual citizenship crisis shaking the government and it has to dependent on cross bench to pass the bill, it is very difficult to predict what is going to heppen. some groups are predicting bill my come for debate in Oct/Nov sessions.. We may get more info by mid of Sep.


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Sorry just read my wife is thinking of applying fot citizenship,myself daughter and son already are.

Son born here,daughter got hers with mine and wife only to get it done.

She was about 5 weeks away from being eligible under old rules 1st june.

But as they said from 20th april of new rules means she would not have pr for the full 4 yrs until July 2018.

Which is plain crazy,many have applied hoping the new rules don't pass but what's put us off is losing the fee,yes there is the hassle of if not eligible to apply having to reply again.

We where going to do this over the coming days and get the application in would this be a wise move so late on?

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1 hour ago, Cerberus1 said:

A Senate committee has been told there won't be any transitional arrangements for people seeking citizenship from the date of Turnbull government rule changes.


Senate committee concerned about that, its good on report will show this issue.

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So if its saying that then its looking like new rules are going to be accepted then,as there should be a transition period. My wife was only 5 weeks away of being eligible and Appling which if goes under new rules she cant till july 2018 which is so wrong.

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1 hour ago, bwatt99 said:

So if its saying that then its looking like new rules are going to be accepted then,as there should be a transition period. My wife was only 5 weeks away of being eligible and Appling which if goes under new rules she cant till july 2018 which is so wrong.

It doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things.

In 2 years time it won't have made any difference to you whatsoever and will all be forgotten.

If you all live here now and are happy to stay then don't worry about it.

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Any one idea about the time frame of this legislative process. when will the new rules become a law? .Either way, if they want to implement 20 April 2017 date or some later date. It is quite frustrating that nobody knows what is happening since the announcement on April 20th. How long Senate will take to approve or refuse and what will be the next step?

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29 minutes ago, Parley said:

It doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things.

In 2 years time it won't have made any difference to you whatsoever and will all be forgotten.

If you all live here now and are happy to stay then don't worry about it.

Yes it does for us if things don't change as we might move back overseas again as not really been all roses for us,well workwise.

It might not be the place for us but maybe in future if things dont change for the better. Will also parents getting older and health is another factor then thats another issue.

My son was born here so when he is older and maybe wants to move to oz we might want to join him in later life if moved back overseas.

Daughter also got citizenship through my application so wife is only one to get it. If our circumstances dont change for the better then we might have no choice to go back where work etc has never been an issue.

As said been here over 4 yrs now, wife was 5 weeks away from applying then they made this announcement. Which by looking at a bigger picture if laws pass or not we are looking at another 1yr and half or much longer before wife gets hers.

Ok i could probably go back overseas myself and get the work while wife waits it out to become eligible but thats not an ideal option with having two kids and costs involved in flying back and forth to work overseas.

If things change for the better maybe we can settle but right now after 4 yrs we are not,and the money involved for me to gain my pr visa way back and wife's visa and agent fees and costs in moving here. Getting citizenship is the least australia can give us or i mean wife.

I know plenty who come here things dont work and move back,some never return and others do. It just not be right not getting wife her citizenship when rest of us have.


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Hi Folks,

Important reminder,  the The following Senators will be the main deciding factor if this Citizenship Bill goes ahead or rejected. So if you are affected by this bill, without delay make sure you email the following senators with your story and opposition to this bill and ask them to reject the bill:

1. Nick Xenophon (Team Xenophon Party) senator.xenophon@aph.gov.au

2. Stirling Griff (Team Xenophon Party) senator.griff@aph.gov.au

3. Skye Kakoschke-Moore (Team Xenophon Party) senator.kakoschke-moore@aph.gov.au

4. Derryn Hinch (Justice Party) senator.hinch@aph.gov.au

 5. Lucy Gichuhi (Independent) senator.gichuhi@aph.gov.au

Points you can mention (Retrospective/backdating nature of this Bill, Applications freeze since April20, extra 4 years wait for non-PR, English level 6 test, extra votes they can win by rejecting this bill from near-future citizens, new powers for Minister to override courts, any other stuff affecting you, etc )

I have personally received responses from all of these Senators, spoke to some of them and in some cases their policy assistants, who all confirmed that they are leaning towards rejecting or watering down the bill but haven't made a decision yet (on the fence), continued pressure from the public like yourselves will help steer them in the right direction. I have also been in touch with Labour and Greens Reps & senators who are united in strongly opposing the bill.

In addition, it also helps contacting your local MP and State Senator (regardless of Party),  you can find them using the following tool: http://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members

The odds maybe against us, but it's important for us all to keep up the pressure as a collective.

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I may just stick wife's application in who was due to apply 1st june past under old rules but july 2018 with new rules.

I sense these new rules will not happen and i can get her application in asap and get a slight head start even though it be frozen till its all sorted out.

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33 minutes ago, wombatinabox said:

Don't get too excited just yet. NXT could still do a deal to amend aspects of the bill and pass a watered down version. If negotiations go nowhere it'll be up to government to either ditch the bill or amend it and try to pass a new version. 

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This is definitely huge, but as the Romans used to say ('don't say cat until you have it in the bag'), it's better not getting too excited until the Bill is rejected officially in the Senate.

It's just a matter of hours until the Senate Committee will issue its reports, after receiving over 10,000 submissions against the Bill VS just 2 (yes, only two) in favour. This could be another big hit to the new proposed legislation.


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On 8/15/2017 at 17:34, Roberta2 said:
17 hours ago, dredg97 said:

This is definitely huge, but as the Romans used to say ('don't say cat until you have it in the bag'), it's better not getting too excited until the Bill is rejected officially in the Senate.

It's just a matter of hours until the Senate Committee will issue its reports, after receiving over 10,000 submissions against the Bill VS just 2 (yes, only two) in favour. This could be another big hit to the new proposed legislation.


Agree, senate committee report is out, recommendations are in same line with Labor, Greens and NXT teams. Now government has to dump the bill or compromise with cross bench and make changes to the bill. Thanks each and everyone who been part of this fight with potato face, it is not over yet, but our concerns are considered.




On 7/26/2017 at 17:41, wombatinabox said:


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The Senate Committee report in itself doesn't mean too much.  The responses of the ALP and the Greens were entirely predictable. What probably matters most  is the expressed view of the Xenophon team in its Dissenting Report.    It says nothing about the proposed requirement for PRs to be here for four years before being granted citizenship.  

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NXT did express their view that the changes shouldn't be back dated and only put in place from when this becomes law.. So does this then mean people who meet the CURRENT requirements and lodge before it becomes law will be approved ? Eg: in my case where I have had PR for 2 years and will have been in the country for 4 years at the end of the year.

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