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Snap General Election Called


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I think something that is being missed about the results is how the old certainties are disappearing, the position we are now in is reflective of the rest of Europe where the impact of the GFC still reverberates, Spain with 2 elections in 6 months, Belgium without govt for 2 years, Italy in political chaos for 2 years, France elects a non aligned President with party allegiances shattered.

What we could be seeing is political certainties  dissolving, the Tories I am sure will try to stitch it together and carry on but will be forced to another election within 6 months or less as they struggle with brexit , they now do not have time on their side, the longer they persist in power the clearer their deficits will become apparent, their manifesto was weak and unclear based on them being returned with a huge majority leaving them the freedom to make their parliamentary program whatever they fancied.  If they want to do a deal with the Irish parties they are going to have to include a lot of things that May's right wing are going to gag on.

If it ends up with another election then Labour, it can be assumed, will improve their position again but will still be short of a clear majority and we are then no further forward, like Spain and Italy and as France is likely to be, and the brexit clock continues to tick.

Where is Cameron in all this, he won't be getting many shooting weekend invitations when the implications start to dawn.

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Well Ireland has a minority government at the moment and it is quite normal in Europe.

The DUP could do a deal but will want more $ for NI to reduce austerity and also a bigger say on Brexit, particularly in relation to the border.  Although unionist, they will not want a return to a hard border which means a soft Brexit (which is what people have voted for in the UK).


The Europeans must be scracthing their heads in utter bewilderment and who can blame them.

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54 minutes ago, Collie said:

Well Ireland has a minority government at the moment and it is quite normal in Europe.

The DUP could do a deal but will want more $ for NI to reduce austerity and also a bigger say on Brexit, particularly in relation to the border.  Although unionist, they will not want a return to a hard border which means a soft Brexit (which is what people have voted for in the UK).


The Europeans must be scracthing their heads in utter bewilderment and who can blame them.

I agree about Europe and minority govts but the UK has always viewed them as a failure and have vehemently stuck with first past the post on the basis, almost, of Baronial estates, so having to face this kind of uncertainty is something that the UK is unused to and finds, in the main, confusing because it requires greater understanding of the permutations.

I think if this persists in the next election, whenever that is, there will be a return of PR as a way of formalising things.

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43 minutes ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

I agree about Europe and minority govts but the UK has always viewed them as a failure and have vehemently stuck with first past the post on the basis, almost, of Baronial estates, so having to face this kind of uncertainty is something that the UK is unused to and finds, in the main, confusing because it requires greater understanding of the permutations.

I think if this persists in the next election, whenever that is, there will be a return of PR as a way of formalising things.

You have a very short memory.....not long ago we had a conservative/lib dem coalition government at a time of huge national turmoil.....the country was on its knees financially following the financial melt down of 2007/2008....there was no more money left (remember).....we needed more than ever a stable government to lead us through that financial mess.....there was no majority and a coalition was formed......many said it would never last......but it did and it was an extremely stable government that went someway to restoring stability and dragging the country out of recession.......


We will be fine, we will have a coalition government that will start the Brexit negotiations......the country will have stable government and the left will continue to offer some opposition.......


Can't believe Corbyn and Mcdonnell are talking themselves up to leading a minority government......."we are ready to lead comrade" :)

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6 hours ago, simmo said:

It is what it is. The people voted and we must get on with things. Itwill be interesting to see how the markets fair.

just been to mine.....all looks normal.....30p for 2lb pots.....dozen eggs £1.75 and mustafa has a consignment of Sergio Tacchini track suits.....2 for 15 quid.....move on......nothing to see here.......

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4 hours ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

How about giving your psyche a break and ratchet down on the Islamaphpbobia. 

Yep, time to switch over to your irishphobia, they are your masters now! (I meant him, not you)

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Personally I am happy with the result.  The Tories should be able to fashion an agreement with the DUP so that they govern and ultimately 'own' Brexit.  Corbyn is now in a strong position as many of his PLP doubters owe their jobs to his acumen.  The UK once again has a credible opposition and, what's more, an opposition that stands for something different from the Tories.

The Tories can no longer seek to rule with arrogance as such a tiny overall working majority invites compromise. 

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6 minutes ago, Gbye grey sky said:

Personally I am happy with the result.  The Tories should be able to fashion an agreement with the DUP so that they govern and ultimately 'own' Brexit.  Corbyn is now in a strong position as many of his PLP doubters owe their jobs to his acumen.  The UK once again has a credible opposition and, what's more, an opposition that stands for something different from the Tories.

The Tories can no longer seek to rule with arrogance as such a tiny overall working majority invites compromise. 

Disappointed Alan sugar is  not paying my kids uni fees.

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4 hours ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

Interesting comment that the DUP may not align with the Tories views on A number of issues, most notably brexit, so May could face a lack of partners because of their own obduracy.

The biggest obstacle for the DUP to align will be the question of a soft, or hard border between the Republic. The general consensus is that the Brexit vote was carried mainly on the strength of tightening border control. The DUP want a soft border, the Brexit vote is generally considered as wanting a hard border. So do the tories concede a soft border to the DUP in return for their support, and thereby allow "immigration by the back door"?

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5 hours ago, BacktoDemocracy said:

Interesting comment that the DUP may not align with the Tories views on A number of issues, most notably brexit, so May could face a lack of partners because of their own obduracy.

Or hers


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Tories To Make Deal With DUP After Satan Pulls Out



BRITISH PM THERESA May is set to confirm to the Queen that she has struck a deal with Northern Ireland’s DUP party, following the sad news Satan pulled his support for the Conservatives after having ‘second thoughts’, WWN can confirm.

It is believed May, driven by a strong and stable desire to cling to power in an act of naked self-preservation, no matter the consequences for the British public, struck a deal with a party known for its misogynist and bigoted views.

“Don’t forget they hate science and seem happy enough not to condemn terror groups like the UDA/UVF,” Satan explained to WWN, speaking exclusively from the fiery pits of hell.

“Look, we all have to draw the line somewhere, I was looking forward to helping Theresa carve out the worst possible vision for Britain with policies that would punish the most vulnerable in society, but **** me, have you seen the DUP? That was my call to exit stage left,” added the fallen angel.

Hailed as a triumphant political masterstroke by leading Tory idiots; enlisting the help of the DUP party, made up of level headed politicians with a similar number of ongoing scandals and corruption allegations as the Tories, is seen as great start to moving Britain forward.

“We had considerable bother finding the ruddy place on the map, but turns out it’s just left up by Scotland and across the sea,” confirmed a Tory spokesperson, outlining the location of Northern Ireland.

“Having a bunch of lunatics constantly threatening to the pull the plug on this government as we negotiate with the EU, I can’t think of a better way to govern, can you?” added the spokesperson.

The first part of the proposed deal between the two parties will see the DUP receive a shipment of over 300,000 miniature Union Jack flags.

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DUP set to be Westminister kingmakers

British prime minister Theresa May ‘strikes deal’ with party to form coalition government

about 3 hours ago
(L-R) DUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds, leader Arlene Foster and former leader Peter Robinson cheer as Emma Little Pengelly is elected to the South Belfast constituency. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

(L-R) DUP deputy leader Nigel Dodds, leader Arlene Foster and former leader Peter Robinson cheer as Emma Little Pengelly is elected to the South Belfast constituency. Photograph: Niall Carson/PA Wire

The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) are set to be the kingmakers in the new Westminster.

British prime minister Theresa May has struck a deal with the DUP that will allow her to form a government, sources have confirmed.

The prime minister is expected to visit Buckingham Palace to confirm a deal is in place and to seek permission from Queen Elizabeth to form a government. It follows extensive talks with the DUP late in to the night.

However, DUPleader Arlene Foster warned it would be difficult for Ms May to stay in Number 10.

The focus turned immediately to the former Stormont first minister’s wish-list and any Brexit concessions for Northern Ireland.

Amid noises of the DUP agreeing a confidence-and-supply arrangement with the Conservatives, Ms Foster will be looking for guarantees on preventing a hard Border with the Republic and any new customs operations.

One red line is the idea of Northern Ireland being granted some sort of “special status” when Brexit comes to pass.

The DUP will not stand for any arrangement that physically sets the region apart from anywhere else in the United Kingdom, including suggestions that border, immigration and customs controls could be set up at ports and airports like Stranraer and Liverpool rather than in Belfast or Larne.

Another big price to pay for the party’s support in Westminster could be the reinstatement of any EU subsidies that farmers lose when Brexit is a done deal. They were worth about £350 million (€400 million) a year.

Another set of funds doled out by Brussels could also be on Ms Foster’s shopping list — about £400 million of payments due over the next four years that go to community development and cross-Border projects as part of a dividend for the peace process.

But there are contradictions. The DUP, with its strong links to the business community in Northern Ireland, does not want to see the region set apart from the rest of Britain, but it may also use its strong hand to push for a reduced corporation tax rate.

The Republic’s 12.5 per cent rate has been a bone of contention at times, including with suggestions from some quarters that Dublin poached foreign investors considering locations north of the Border.

With the DUP’s new found position as power brokers, its website crashed from the the surge in internet traffic.

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