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ScottieGirl last won the day on August 13 2017

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  1. The only communication I got from quarantine was notification the dogs had arrived and the bill the day before the dogs were ready to be collected.
  2. Which bank is it? I use RBS and they have a card reader that issues a code that you have to use with your debit or credit card to set up new payees. My Aus bank sends codes via SMS to my mobile. You shoukd be able to register for on line banking then set up your security system but if it requires a physical device you will have to wait for them to post it. You can forget about overseas phone calls ain't gonna happen.
  3. The media are near hysterical when it cones to the weather. This weekend is going to be cold but only a couple of degrees colder than average As a guy from the met said cold snaps in December are normal yet if you read the tabloids you'd think it was going to be colder than Siberia.
  4. Suggest you look at the forecast for the weekend.....
  5. Just read about the predicted storm in Vic, I hope everyone is OK. The last big storm in Sydney was a nightmare, a choir member got run over crossing the road as the lights went on the blink. Several houses on the North shore destroyed. Very scary when these things hit.
  6. Oh you ain't seen nothing yet. When a southerly comes through the temperature can drop by 15 c in 30 minutes.Which in Sydney when it's 40c is really rather pleasant....
  7. Last summer was the hottest on record in Sydney, for 6 weeks it was over 40 at least one day a week and got up to 45. As air con is the exception the advice was to go to malls and libraries to keep cool. It was literally standing room only in the local library, all seats were taken. People were on the news going to the beach for a swim at 2 in the morning as it was too hot to sleep. My biggest problem was the dogs. Had to stand them in the bath at regular intervals to cool them down. At one point the boy who hates water sank down into it of his own accord. Could almost see the steam rising off him!
  8. Made the xmas puddings yesterday. I am really looking forward to the whole turkey thing, I love a good roast with lots of root veggies. Then a nice long walk on boxing day. I abandoned the tree and lights in Sydney it just seemed pointless as it wasn't dark until 9pm.
  9. Err what sports? Ice hockey? It's too flat to ski isn't it?
  10. Vodka as far as I can work out and saunas. They are common place in Finnish houses.
  11. Not a morning person and by 10 am it was often 25c plus. Love the Bondi coastal path and Taronga to Manly and Manly to Palm Beach are also awesome coastal paths all of which I walked.
  12. Early mornings are for sleeping!
  13. I miss the sun but not the heat or the rain. I am a runner so the UK climate is much better for that. Had to run in a gym in Sydney as it was too hot but here I can run outside which is much nicer.
  14. It was a wee bit windy when Ophelia blew through but you are right it's not cold which is just as well as my stuff including all my winter clothes is still in storage ☹
  15. I bought a lovely thick velour dressing gown last week. Put it on that evening and realised it was way too warm for a house with central heating, would have been perfect for the Sydney winter ?
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