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Snap General Election Called


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2 minutes ago, newjez said:


It sort of is, and sort of isn't. House of representatives you can leave one blank. Senate, six in the top, or twelve in the bottom.

We were told to count all papers no matter how many preferences were listed.  A very large number did not accord with 6 above or 12 below which, if not counted, would result in a massive number of 'spoilt' papers otherwise.

The Senate voting paper was a joke.  If I remember rightly there were more than 120 candidates on it and the paper was literally about 10ft wide.  The paper had to be folded at least 6 times by which time people struggled to get it in the ballot boxes.  The boxes had to be rammed down with a stick regularly so we could squeeze more in.  Unfolding these screwed up papers was a joke.  I actually had a couple who had numbered every single candidate, heaven knows how long they spent at the polling booth doing that.  I would guestimate that in those I counted at least 30% did not number 6 above or 12 below but we counted them as valid.


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13 hours ago, Quoll said:

LOL, the EDL aren't a political party! 

Yes, I am aware of that, it was purely for illustrative purposes.  I'd imagine the EDL nutters would vote UKIP.

Great to see them laughed out of Liverpool to the Benny Hill music :D

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Guest John from Moneycorp

Vote day fast approaches on Thursday - it's come round so quick and feels like a lot of the big issues haven't been debated properly. 

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18 hours ago, John from Moneycorp said:

Vote day fast approaches on Thursday - it's come round so quick and feels like a lot of the big issues haven't been debated properly. 

The brexit election where no one discussed brexit? I don't know about come around quick. I'm sick to the back teeth of all the lies from both sides. It's been a bitter and horrible election. Certainly not a healing election. If anything the divisions in this country are deeper. What with the terrorism which looks deliberately designed to coincide. I expect more on Thursday, and more during Germany's election.

And all so un necessary. We didn't need an election for another three years. May has been a complete fool. She has risked losing government for nothing. Now she is vulnerable win or lose.

The whole thing has left a bitter taste. I'm also probably holding more pounds than I should be, but I don't even care. I just want it over with.

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16 minutes ago, kevsan said:

well, my postal voting slip arrived last night. 48 hours to return to the UK..... nothing like leaving it to the last minute


I gave up voting in Australia after a few years. I'm not allowed to vote in Australia now until I become resident again.

On 2017-6-5 at 22:21, Gbye grey sky said:

I worked at a polling station last year and counted votes for the Federal Government.  Many voted for a single candidate and those votes counted just the same.  Others made just 2 or 3 preferences.  All are counted.

it is a myth that is largely perpretrated by the two main parties as they are aware that fringe parties often attract first preferences but are unlikely to be elected so they seek to persuade such voters to give them 2nd preference so that they gain these votes on the 2nd round.


It sort of is, and sort of isn't. House of representatives you can leave one blank. Senate, six in the top, or twelve in the bottom.

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Jeremy Corbyn gave speech at demo attended by followers of hate preachers Anjem Choudary and Omar Bakri Muhammad – where some were dressed as suicide bombers


Police said at least 8,000 people attended the protest on May 18, 2002. An account in the Weekly Worker read: “Al-Muhajiroun chanted, ‘Skud, Skud Israel’ and ‘Gas, gas Tel Aviv’, along with their support for Bin Laden.


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18 minutes ago, simmo said:



Jeremy Corbyn gave speech at demo attended by followers of hate preachers Anjem Choudary and Omar Bakri Muhammad – where some were dressed as suicide bombers


The thing is simmo, the Tories have been caught out with fake adverts and fake photos and fake new about this. If there was any truth, why would they need to fake so much stuff? Because they have been caught faking, we have to assume that it's all fake.

And we all know that the sun is full of lies.

It's just fake fake fake and desperate fake. They should form a band, fake that!

Because of May's stupidity, it looks like corbyn has a chance of winning.

I think she should resign now. She's a disgrace.

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3 minutes ago, newjez said:

The thing is simmo, the Tories have been caught out with fake adverts and fake photos and fake new about this. If there was any truth, why would they need to fake so much stuff? Because they have been caught faking, we have to assume that it's all fake.

And we all know that the sun is full of lies.

It's just fake fake fake and desperate fake. They should form a band, fake that!

Because of May's stupidity, it looks like corbyn has a chance of winning.

I think she should resign now. She's a disgrace.

awaiting you rebuttal piece (or was that it?) 

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7 minutes ago, simmo said:

awaiting you rebuttal piece (or was that it?) 

What more do you need?

The sun has a track record of lying through their teeth, and the Tories have been caught faking.

Take it up with the Tories and the editor of the sun.

If they wanted credibility they shouldn't have spent so much time lying.

Cry wolf too many times and you find out the wolf is your PM.

But I guess you could always leave and try Australia again?

Afghanistan maybe? 

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“Al Muhajiroun held placards reading ‘Palestine is Muslim’. They chanted, “Skud, Skud Israel” and “Gas, gas Tel Aviv”, along with their support for bin Laden. Two would-be suicide posers were dressed in combat fatigues with a ‘bomb’ strapped to their waists. This section accounted for no more than 200-300, but they made a noise far out of proportion to their numbers… The rally was also addressed by Labour MPs Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway.”

Below are photos from the event…


Al-Muhajiroun is a proscribed terrorist organisation which was led by the infamous radical Islamists Omar Bakri Muhammad and the jailed Anjem Choudary. Several of its members have committed terrorist attacks and the group has been linked to the 7/7 bombings, the murder of Lee Rigby as well as dozens of other attacks and plots. London Bridge attacker Khuram Butt was a supporter of Al-Muhajiroun. What was Corbyn doing anywhere near them, let alone addressing an audience which included 300 of their members?

*The Weekly Worker is pro-Corbyn so this cannot be a “smear from the Tory press”

Not the Sun

also not the sun

carry on.....

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20 minutes ago, simmo said:

awaiting you rebuttal piece (or was that it?) 

Let's face it simmo, we have a moron for a prime minister. 

From sturgeon

Sturgeon also hit out at May for distracting politicians from the Brexit talks and then basing her election campaign on the urgency of negotiations starting 11 days after Thursday’s vote. “Did she only find that out after she called the election? It does seem a pretty bizarre argument to underline the importance of the Brexit negotiations and the imminence of the start of the negotiations when she took the decision to call an election that has dominated, presumably, her time and everyone else’s time for the past two months.”

The SNP leader argued that the Tory campaign had “descended into complete farce” when the prime minister refused to take part in television debates because she was busy preparing for Brexit. “Come on,” she said.

If someone like Corbyn can level peg her, imagine what Hillary Benn could have done. That's what she's scared of, and with good reason. The Tories really aren't very good.

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3 minutes ago, newjez said:

Let's face it simmo, we have a moron for a prime minister. 

From sturgeon

Sturgeon also hit out at May for distracting politicians from the Brexit talks and then basing her election campaign on the urgency of negotiations starting 11 days after Thursday’s vote. “Did she only find that out after she called the election? It does seem a pretty bizarre argument to underline the importance of the Brexit negotiations and the imminence of the start of the negotiations when she took the decision to call an election that has dominated, presumably, her time and everyone else’s time for the past two months.”

The SNP leader argued that the Tory campaign had “descended into complete farce” when the prime minister refused to take part in television debates because she was busy preparing for Brexit. “Come on,” she said.

Yea..that Nicola Sturgeon hey...

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The unbiased BBC 


A Conservative-voting businessman applied at least six times to be in the audience of BBC Question Time – and claims he was only accepted when he pretended to be a ‘militant Left-wing train driver’.

David Stoneman, 60, from Houghton, Cambridgeshire, decided to alter his application to see if the BBC would invite him on the programme if his views were different.

Mr Stoneman, a business consultant, sent an application stating he was a militant trade unionist train driver who was opposed to fracking. To his surprise he soon received an invitation to appear on the programme in Peterborough in January.

Mr Stoneman, a business consultant, sent an application to Question Time stating he was a militant trade unionist train driver who was opposed to fracking

Question Time host David Dimbleby opened the programme on Thursday by saying that the audience was equally split between voters

He said: ‘I had the suspicion that as a middle-aged, middle-class professional who has voted Conservative all my life, I was always going to be disappointed. Every time I had applied in the past, I had told the truth and never even received a reply.

‘But when I applied as a train driver, saying I was anti-fracking and a militant unionist, I got a response almost immediately. I was astonished ... It just shows how Left-wing they can be. It’s supposed to be the British Broadcasting Corporation who represents us all.’

The father-of-one received an email and a phone call from Question Time’s production team to invite him on the programme.

He also received a phone call from the local BBC inviting him to May’s Cambridge shire and Peterborough mayoral Question Time debate – despite not even applying for it. The first email inviting Mr Stoneman to Question Time asked him to call a phone number to discuss his views and what questions he would like to ask the panel.

This had never been offered when he presented as a Conservative voter.

Mr Stoneman explained: ‘I received the email, and then a follow-up phone call.

‘I was so shocked that I went to forward it to my wife, writing “surprise surprise. This just shows how left-wing the BBC is.” ’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4571884/Tory-voter-pose-left-wing-BBC-debate.html#ixzz4jI5NNaWI 


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46 minutes ago, newjez said:

The thing is simmo, the Tories have been caught out with fake adverts and fake photos and fake new about this. If there was any truth, why would they need to fake so much stuff? Because they have been caught faking, we have to assume that it's all fake.

And we all know that the sun is full of lies.

It's just fake fake fake and desperate fake. They should form a band, fake that!

Because of May's stupidity, it looks like corbyn has a chance of winning.

I think she should resign now. She's a disgrace.

Do people actually read the Sun? Its more of an entertainment paper than a factual one ?

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1 hour ago, Toots said:

If all this is true about Corbyn, I don't know how he can sleep at night.  Reminds of the grinning Tony Blair shaking hands with Gaddafi.


tony blair.jpg

You should watch hyper normalisation. Apparently it was all Syria, nothing to do with Gaddafi. It was an outrage the way we deposed Gaddafi and allowed extremists to flourish. What were we thinking?

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1 hour ago, simmo said:

“Al Muhajiroun held placards reading ‘Palestine is Muslim’. They chanted, “Skud, Skud Israel” and “Gas, gas Tel Aviv”, along with their support for bin Laden. Two would-be suicide posers were dressed in combat fatigues with a ‘bomb’ strapped to their waists. This section accounted for no more than 200-300, but they made a noise far out of proportion to their numbers… The rally was also addressed by Labour MPs Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway.”

Below are photos from the event…


Al-Muhajiroun is a proscribed terrorist organisation which was led by the infamous radical Islamists Omar Bakri Muhammad and the jailed Anjem Choudary. Several of its members have committed terrorist attacks and the group has been linked to the 7/7 bombings, the murder of Lee Rigby as well as dozens of other attacks and plots. London Bridge attacker Khuram Butt was a supporter of Al-Muhajiroun. What was Corbyn doing anywhere near them, let alone addressing an audience which included 300 of their members?

*The Weekly Worker is pro-Corbyn so this cannot be a “smear from the Tory press”

Not the Sun

also not the sun

carry on.....

Fake news

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2 hours ago, simmo said:

“Al Muhajiroun held placards reading ‘Palestine is Muslim’. They chanted, “Skud, Skud Israel” and “Gas, gas Tel Aviv”, along with their support for bin Laden. Two would-be suicide posers were dressed in combat fatigues with a ‘bomb’ strapped to their waists. This section accounted for no more than 200-300, but they made a noise far out of proportion to their numbers… The rally was also addressed by Labour MPs Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway.”

Below are photos from the event…


Al-Muhajiroun is a proscribed terrorist organisation which was led by the infamous radical Islamists Omar Bakri Muhammad and the jailed Anjem Choudary. Several of its members have committed terrorist attacks and the group has been linked to the 7/7 bombings, the murder of Lee Rigby as well as dozens of other attacks and plots. London Bridge attacker Khuram Butt was a supporter of Al-Muhajiroun. What was Corbyn doing anywhere near them, let alone addressing an audience which included 300 of their members?

*The Weekly Worker is pro-Corbyn so this cannot be a “smear from the Tory press”

Not the Sun

also not the sun

carry on.....

Attendance at an event does not signify approval, yet again smears by association,these were a splinter group appearing at a rally held by others, a bit like EDL or BNP breaking into a tory meeting, what did he actually say, don't just take what the Tory gutter press want you to believe, at least try to apply some analysis

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