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People with Anti Social Personality Disorder


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I posted this under health because it's mental health. Just curious as to what people's experiences are - bad ones I assume. Apologies in advance if this upsets or offends anyone, I've never seen a thread like this on PIO before so I realise It's a delicate subject. It's estimated 1 percent of the population have some kind ASPD

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I posted this under health because it's mental health. Just curious as to what people's experiences are - bad ones I assume. Apologies in advance if this upsets or offends anyone, I've never seen a thread like this on PIO before so I realise It's a delicate subject. It's estimated 1 percent of the population have some kind ASPD
I do know people like this. Kid gloves.
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I don't seem able to find the article but no matter. I'd be wary of mental health labelling, when a lot is pure behavioural issues. The industry is ever expanding in finding 'issues'. Far too many psychologists for one thing let lose on the public now a days. The fact being some personalities are well ' difficult'. Is narcissism a mental illness? Is social phobia?

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Is it the same as being a sociopath? If so, I've known a few in my time and steer well clear.


They are in their element with the times we live in. Such destructive behaviour often rewarded with position and power. I too often go head to head with such types. Probably does suggest something about me.


I didn't think that was what was being mentioned though. I doubt if the experts are clear on anti social personality.

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Never heard of it until now!




It's also known as dissocial personality disorder. A person has (if using the ICD 10 classification) meet the criteria of Personality Disorder diagnosis and then at least 3 out of 6 additional criteria.

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I posted this under health because it's mental health. Just curious as to what people's experiences are - bad ones I assume. Apologies in advance if this upsets or offends anyone, I've never seen a thread like this on PIO before so I realise It's a delicate subject. It's estimated 1 percent of the population have some kind ASPD


My experience clinically is both good and bad, this client group can have associated risks, which can create a barrier. I think the availability of therapy on a wider scale has been positive and concentrating on the personality structure rather than associated behaviours. I don't really know anyone outside my work environment with this diagnosis.

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I would seriously question the entire labelling of this form of behaviour. Attempting to change personality structures can be rather dangerous. It has been used in recent history as a political tool.


It can also be very helpful e.g. with Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, learning to regulate emotional responses and how they relate to others and themselves can be a positive life change.

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It can also be very helpful e.g. with Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, learning to regulate emotional responses and how they relate to others and themselves can be a positive life change.


It depends of course how it is used. It can be equally dangerous. A two edged sword at best. Certainly provide work for the ever mounting swag of psychologists within our midst though.

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Basically, if you upset them in any way- they get you back in spades plus they get upset very,very easily. To be avoided where possible. We had one in our workplace and she was a nightmare and I am slightly ashamed to say that the day she left the rest of us cracked a few bottles of bubbly.

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Basically, if you upset them in any way- they get you back in spades plus they get upset very,very easily. To be avoided where possible. We had one in our workplace and she was a nightmare and I am slightly ashamed to say that the day she left the rest of us cracked a few bottles of bubbly.


But isn't that a modern day work place? So many tread on eggshells these days, afraid of causing offence. Meanwhile the gossip mongers run riot with theories of one sort or another on the defects of a fellow worker. Surely make many a little ' frigid' under such circumstances?

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Nah - this one was a real psycho bi$chtroll from hell.


Well there are some unpleasant people about. But I don't think it is correct to claim they have a particular mental illness, unless you know they have been diagnosed as such.


I had never heard of this one, but I read about it as I wondered if it was like Borederline Personality Dosorder (it's not). People wth this condition are likely to indulge in criminal behaviour and have sociopathic tendencies.

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I have met people like this too, usually accompanied by some narcissistic tendencies. I steer well clear to be honest and would be polite but would never let them enter my closer friendship circle as their ability to cause trouble and destroy relationships is phenomenal.


I have seen the trouble these type of people can wage first hand .

We used to have a great little social group in the pub ,5or 6 couples...days out ,holidays in Europe .

I picked early on ,the way the division and mistrust was created...its still going on .

Brilliant the way its been done ,if you don't see it .

I think this type of behaviour springs out of jealousy and insecurity .

They weed out the weak ,who offer nothing

Then they weed out those that question their position ,in whatever way .

Then they are left with passive friends ,who bend to their every whim .

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Think there were a few people in my school who had that. In those days though there was no name for it, they were just bad kids and the school I went to was the last stop.

When we used to go out on weekends you knew the guys who would end up causing trouble too. Always the same ones.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ASPD is on a spectrum and people with this will have normally had Conduct disorder as children. I have worked with a few people with this diagnosis and they have all been very different. With ASPD people normally interpret others as threatening so are defensive. There are normally other mental health issues co morbid with ASPD. The evidence for treatment is not that great but treatment options are available. As with other PD's its highly stigmatising and difficult for people to manage their emotions & behaviour.

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Thank you everyone for your replies. Sorry for the delay - I haven't been on as much recently. I actually made a mistake with what I was getting at. I was referring to people with narcissistic and sociopathic traits because of an experience with someone I've had recently. I thought those traits fell under ASPD which is why I chose the thread title but have been told since that is not the case! So that is a bit misleading. I was going more on people who go out of their way to hurt and manipulate people, rather than the those who break the law.

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