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The Labour party, it's kicking off!!!!


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[h=1]Labour leader and MPs set on collision course in a battle for party’s soul[/h] An election that pits unions against ministers begins on Monday: and the mood is so poisonous that even the rules of the contest are a source of friction








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Blair and Campbell created a party whose primary raison-detre was get elected. No core principles, just say or do whatever is necessary to get more Labour MPs than Tory ones. By sacrificing Labour principles they have struggled to properly differentiate themselves from the Tories. Essentially their mantra should now be 'Vote Labour, we are Tory-Lite'.


Corbyn is trying to rebuild Labour's core values and principles but most Labour MPs have been conditioned into believing that core principles are vote-losers.

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Newjez: and what about the Lib Dems? I agree that a total realignment is now possible. When did it last happen in the UK? In the early 1900s, over Home Rule for Ireland? Of course, first past the post voting always inhibits the rise of third parties. But the central issue is no longer the old one of capital versus labour. We might have to start a new thread!!!

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Basic principle of democracy is that the public vote for a politician within their constituency who best represents their views. This member of Parliament is then given a mandate to represent their electorate.


Corbyn has been elected into position with huge backing of the Unions who are almost irrelevant to most of society including Labour supporters and certainly do not represent most of the electorate. I know the country is anti Blair at the moment however general society liked him, saw him as a good PM......I saw him as an expensive mistake out to promote himself and see Corbyn as very simular in many aspects including self publicity.


If Corbyn is re-elected then Labour will be the opposition for many years, loved by the unions (who speak for most of the longstanding Labour members) but not liked by society generally.


Pity, UK needs a strong opposition to hold the Conservatives to account especially in the current challenging times.



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Basic principle of democracy is that the public vote for a politician within their constituency who best represents their views. This member of Parliament is then given a mandate to represent their electorate.


Corbyn has been elected into position with huge backing of the Unions who are almost irrelevant to most of society including Labour supporters and certainly do not represent most of the electorate. I know the country is anti Blair at the moment however general society liked him, saw him as a good PM......I saw him as an expensive mistake out to promote himself and see Corbyn as very simular in many aspects including self publicity.


If Corbyn is re-elected then Labour will be the opposition for many years, loved by the unions (who speak for most of the longstanding Labour members) but not liked by society generally.


Pity, UK needs a strong opposition to hold the Conservatives to account especially in the current challenging times.



Sorry but you are wrong, there are no block votes in the voting for a new labour leader. Every labour member has ONE vote and thats it.

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If the Tories elect Leadsom and Corbyn hangs on, both major parties will be led by unelectable hard core extremists. What a great result that will be, as the economic consequences of Brexit continue to roll out, and the UK itself threatens to come apart. The 150 billion EU bailout of the Italian banks is partly a consequence of Brexit uncertainty. At least the Tories have cut off their rolls, so people can't just stump up three quid now and get to vote for the leader. Lame duck PM, no possible successor until early Sept!!! Not just a vacuum, a bloody great black hole. Hope you enjoyed the tennis....

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I don't know why the Tory left and the labour right don't split and merge into a new party.


That is exactly being planned according to the Sunday Times: about 25 Tory MPs would not be willing to suffer Leadsom's leadership and so would resign the Conservative whip, and if Corbyn is on the Labour leadership ballot and wins then I would think quite a few centrist Labour MPs (most of them) would breakaway too.

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If the Tories elect Leadsom and Corbyn hangs on, both major parties will be led by unelectable hard core extremists. What a great result that will be, as the economic consequences of Brexit continue to roll out, and the UK itself threatens to come apart. The 150 billion EU bailout of the Italian banks is partly a consequence of Brexit uncertainty. At least the Tories have cut off their rolls, so people can't just stump up three quid now and get to vote for the leader. Lame duck PM, no possible successor until early Sept!!! Not just a vacuum, a bloody great black hole. Hope you enjoyed the tennis....


So the Italian banks situation is because of Brexit? Nothing to do with billions in bad loans accrued over a number of years? Nothing to do with the fact they were highlighted as being in this situation over a year ago?

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Well the dust starts to settle, Conservatives select the correct candidate in record fast time and the untangling of the mess left by Brexit now begins. It makes me angry that those pushing for Brexit have now all fallen by the wayside, nowhere to be seen and leaving everybody else to clear up their mess.....thanks Boris always a joke.


Over the fence, Labour are in a complete mess. Questionable memberships, Corbyn now being an automatic candidate despite common sence saying he requires at least some parliamentary backing. He will stubbonly plough on with the backing of the Unions exploiting a confused and unclear rule book which was re written poorly by Miliband to suit his needs. Ultimately the Labour Party will split, those ultra left blindly Union led members constantly attacking successful splitting from those power hungry members including the parliamentary party who want to be elected again.


UK will be Conservative led for years with a fractured opposition especially if Scotland leave.



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Well the dust starts to settle, Conservatives select the correct candidate in record fast time and the untangling of the mess left by Brexit now begins. It makes me angry that those pushing for Brexit have now all fallen by the wayside, nowhere to be seen and leaving everybody else to clear up their mess.....thanks Boris always a joke.


Over the fence, Labour are in a complete mess. Questionable memberships, Corbyn now being an automatic candidate despite common sence saying he requires at least some parliamentary backing. He will stubbonly plough on with the backing of the Unions exploiting a confused and unclear rule book which was re written poorly by Miliband to suit his needs. Ultimately the Labour Party will split, those ultra left blindly Union led members constantly attacking successful splitting from those power hungry members including the parliamentary party who want to be elected again.


UK will be Conservative led for years with a fractured opposition especially if Scotland leave.



So you obviously do not believe in democratically appointed leaders or parties? the labour members will vote on the labor leader challenge and not the self serving rather pathetic labour PMs who only care about their jobs and their self intrests. Dont you think it is only right that labour supporters choice their next leader.

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Newjez: and what about the Lib Dems? I agree that a total realignment is now possible. When did it last happen in the UK? In the early 1900s, over Home Rule for Ireland? Of course, first past the post voting always inhibits the rise of third parties. But the central issue is no longer the old one of capital versus labour. We might have to start a new thread!!!

The Italian situation is nothing to do with Brexit, that's a ridiculous assertion. People will be saying that Brexit is to blame for Greece next.

The situation with Countries like Spain, Greece, Italy, Portugal and others is long-standing and will continue whether the UK is in the EU or not.

Financially, the EU is not working, full stop. And I doubt it will again, either with or without the UK.


As for Corbyn, good on him. Seems democracy is thin on the ground at the moment, hopefully he landslides again. Eagle is just another Diet Tory.

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The Australian Labor Party split in the mid 1950s, over the issue of communism. It was out of power for 23 years. Yes, May has her work cut out for her. A huge mess to untangle, and plenty will blame her as reality/depression sets in. But as least she doesn't have to worry about an Opposition busily tearing itself into shreds.

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So the Italian banks situation is because of Brexit? Nothing to do with billions in bad loans accrued over a number of years? Nothing to do with the fact they were highlighted as being in this situation over a year ago?



was reading about the Italian economy it's another basket case like Greece, it was saying it's going to take a least 2 generations to pay the debt back if they ever do all caused years ago and nothing to do with the U.K. exit of the eu

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was reading about the Italian economy it's another basket case like Greece, it was saying it's going to take a least 2 generations to pay the debt back if they ever do all caused years ago and nothing to do with the U.K. exit of the eu

At least with brexit getting up the UK banks might not be so exposed to the bailouts that are going to be required by Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain et al. Anyone noticed how the massive problems Greece seemed to be having has not been in the news much since the Greeks have had to put up with the refugees flooding through their Islands. No doubt at massive expense, adding to the debt they couldn't pay before. The EU will end up having to write off billions.

Brexit is looking a better decision every day.

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At least with brexit getting up the UK banks might not be so exposed to the bailouts that are going to be required by Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain et al. Anyone noticed how the massive problems Greece seemed to be having has not been in the news much since the Greeks have had to put up with the refugees flooding through their Islands. No doubt at massive expense, adding to the debt they couldn't pay before. The EU will end up having to write off billions.

Brexit is looking a better decision every day.



I can see other countries voting out as well in next couple of years.

The uk was one of the major contributors , this will leave a huge hole in eu finances when we eventually leave.At what point will it become Unsustainable as there are only a hand full of countries that are keeping it afloat and with even more Eastern European countries applying to join it can't be sustained.

you can only milk a cow so much

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I can see other countries voting out as well in next couple of years.

The uk was one of the major contributors , this will leave a huge hole in eu finances when we eventually leave.At what point will it become Unsustainable as there are only a hand full of countries that are keeping it afloat and with even more Eastern European countries applying to join it can't be sustained.

you can only milk a cow so much


Merkel's got big udders :-)

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