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Tony Blair in deep ****


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I have been banging on about this for years ,and now the truth is out .


He sent soldiers to their deaths on a lie

1000s of Iraqis died on a lie

Saddam didn't have any wmds

And worst of all he and George bush jr were planning the war ,even whilst the weapons inspectors were doing their inspections .

They have his e mails to bush ,which are damning evidence.

I hope the people get justice

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I have been banging on about this for years ,and now the truth is out .


He sent soldiers to their deaths on a lie

1000s of Iraqis died on a lie

Saddam didn't have any wmds

And worst of all he and George bush jr were planning the war ,even whilst the weapons inspectors were doing their inspections .

They have his e mails to bush ,which are damning evidence.

I hope the people get justice



For once we are in total agreement.


But you forgot to mention the money he made from the lives he ruined.

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For once we are in total agreement.


But you forgot to mention the money he made from the lives he ruined.


I do not believe all information will be released for years meaning criticism will be kicked around however prosecutions will not be forthcoming.


I do feel very sorry for the losses and injuries from BOTH sides including those still suffering today. There should also be criticism regarding the ultimate reaction to the war being significant frictions and hatred of the west including reinforcing the strength of ISIS etc.



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We have got all the information we will receive unless there is now action taken to charge Blair and others for the devastation they caused by this pointless war, then if he is put on trial he will have to defend himself and we will get more information. The power Blair and his cohort seized and wielded on the world was solely for their own self-conceit without and due care for their consequences. This was the biggest wrong doing of modern history and will last for many many more years.

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This guy Chilcot has taken 7 years to come to a conclusion. I would imagine Blair and Bush and all the other leaders that went along with it had maybe 7 weeks (if that) to make a decision based on dodgy intel.

I was reading about the battle of the Somme yesterday. Death rate of 8 per second in the first hour. What's next an enquiry into that for someone to blame? Or is it OK 'cos we won?

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I think the fact that they persevered with it for years, despite massive protests and no proof of WMD doesn't favour them well. And Blair still believes he is totally right, because he's an arrogant, self-righteous, dangerous and power-mad man.


If you watch parts of his speech on the BBC website, you can see that he isn't sorry from his aggressive stance, his body language, and still thinks he's right. He'll never believe he was at fault, and that's what makes him a real sh*t in my book. And all he's done since he was ousted from the 'top job' is make a ton of cash. I don't believe he should get off scott free (personally).

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I was surprised that Blair had the temerity to show his face recently to comment on the Brexit result. I kind of thought he’d be keeping a low profile, what with the findings of this report due.

Pretty much what a lot of people thought at the time, no WMDs, lackying to the Yanks, lying to Parliament and the people.

A lot of people have said after the Brexit result that there should never have been a referendum and decisions like the EU vote are what elected MPs are for. Well, here’s a living, breathing example of why that logic is flawed; sometimes, ordinary people know better than Politicians driven by agendas.

The Labour party is a basket case right now, and that’s Blair’s fault as well. The members want a Labour leader, the MPs want a Diet-Tory leader; this is all down to Blair. Leaves the door wide open for the Tories to establish a dynasty without breaking sweat.

Blair’s legacy could actually be worse than Thatcher’s. Illegal wars, Dr David Kelly, saturation bombing of civilians, ill-equipped UK soldiers killed, lying to Parliament, widespread welfare dependency for cheap votes, widespread open-door immigration for cheap votes, alienation of middle England fostering the rise of far-right politics and parties, the rise of ISIS, increased instability in the Middle East … the list goes on.

Oh yeah, and Cool Britannia. Thanks Tony.

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This guy Chilcot has taken 7 years to come to a conclusion. I would imagine Blair and Bush and all the other leaders that went along with it had maybe 7 weeks (if that) to make a decision based on dodgy intel.

I was reading about the battle of the Somme yesterday. Death rate of 8 per second in the first hour. What's next an enquiry into that for someone to blame? Or is it OK 'cos we won?



I imagine there are many speaking out now against it who originally went along for the ride. But there were many of us who opposed it from the start. I don't think time is an issue. The wmd was always obviously bullshit. There was no rush. At every least they should have waited before they had the numbers and the correct equipment.


Time doesn't play a factor. It wasn't that long ago. We learn from our mistakes. We learnt from the disaster of ww1. We have a lot to learn from this.

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It has come out as what we all thought. A total white wash.


The only apparent thing is that Cameron has said we have lessons to learn, but then in the same breath said he may have behaved the same. So, no one will be held to account. Blair will go on earning his millions. The Blairite MP's are still trying to push out the only none Blairite leader the Labour party has.


Very sad that after so much wrong, all we get is same old same old

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Is there anybody who likes or admires Blair?? Right from the start I detested him. He always came across to me as a B grade actor when he was interviewed or giving a speech. Ghastly man.


He won 3 elections and as soon he handed over to Gordon Brown, Labour lost.

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I was surprised that Blair had the temerity to show his face recently to comment on the Brexit result. I kind of thought he’d be keeping a low profile, what with the findings of this report due.

Pretty much what a lot of people thought at the time, no WMDs, lackying to the Yanks, lying to Parliament and the people.

A lot of people have said after the Brexit result that there should never have been a referendum and decisions like the EU vote are what elected MPs are for. Well, here’s a living, breathing example of why that logic is flawed; sometimes, ordinary people know better than Politicians driven by agendas.

The Labour party is a basket case right now, and that’s Blair’s fault as well. The members want a Labour leader, the MPs want a Diet-Tory leader; this is all down to Blair. Leaves the door wide open for the Tories to establish a dynasty without breaking sweat.

Blair’s legacy could actually be worse than Thatcher’s. Illegal wars, Dr David Kelly, saturation bombing of civilians, ill-equipped UK soldiers killed, lying to Parliament, widespread welfare dependency for cheap votes, widespread open-door immigration for cheap votes, alienation of middle England fostering the rise of far-right politics and parties, the rise of ISIS, increased instability in the Middle East … the list goes on.

Oh yeah, and Cool Britannia. Thanks Tony.


The sad thing is if there had been a referendum at the time on going to war it would have garnered a majority. My outspoken opposition at the time certainly felt like a minority standpoint.

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The sad thing is if there had been a referendum at the time on going to war it would have garnered a majority. My outspoken opposition at the time certainly felt like a minority standpoint.

Only because of the half truths promoted by Bush and Blair.

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I imagine there are many speaking out now against it who originally went along for the ride. But there were many of us who opposed it from the start. I don't think time is an issue. The wmd was always obviously bullshit. There was no rush. At every least they should have waited before they had the numbers and the correct equipment.


Time doesn't play a factor. It wasn't that long ago. We learn from our mistakes. We learnt from the disaster of ww1. We have a lot to learn from this.


But what lessons do we really learn? we had the Holocaust and said we can never let this happen again, so what do we do we go after Saddam whom had killed and gassed (WMD stuff) his own people, we could not stand by and do nothing, no we learnt our lesson! and now have to learn a new one on the same subject....................Syria.

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