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eu referendum update


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and that can never change?


I doubt it as the Banks have already asked that the UK Government delay the invoking of article 50 so they have more time to make an orderly exit from the UK to Mainland Europe.


Financial service industry down the tube.

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BBC web just reported Barclays share down 35% since the markets opened and House builders down by a similar amount talk about providing more houses the builders will sit on any land till a recovery but that will take years now so more overcrowding it's not the immigrants it's government policy that's the issue.


pound down at least 10% if you are in the UK fill your tank today as fuel will go up in the next few days.

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Great Britain was always a successful thriving nation and it will be. It doesn't come down to be a member of the EU it's this typical mixture of values, ethics, skills & knowledge which makes the UK successful and not a membership of a certain 'club' (=EU).


This brainwash scare campaign that bad things will happen after leaving the EU is just to frighten and to tame the population.

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Great Britain was always a successful thriving nation and it will be. It doesn't come down to be a member of the EU it's this typical mixture of values, ethics, skills & knowledge which makes the UK successful and not a membership of a certain 'club' (=EU).


This brainwash scare campaign that bad things will happen after leaving the EU is just to frighten and to tame the population.


Hope you are right. Let us know when you hear some good news about jobs and the economy following on from this vote.

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Welcome to BoJo's world , there goes Cameron, he has resigned, now for the lurch to the right, Bojo here, Trump in the US.

God I can't believe it, I've just heard Kate Hooey saying we can now get on with doing trade deals with India and the Commonwealth, bollo*.

Edited by BacktoDemocracy
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Pound down 10%. Stock market to crash 10%. What have you done?

Just heard the news that Camerons quitting too. Suppose he had to really. Give it a few days or weeks folks and everyone will be wondering what the fuss was about.

Be interesting to see the response from the likes of France, Germany, Spain etc. There'll be a massive push internally for referendum or some big changes in the EU. GB can look back on this and say they had the balls to make the first move.

It will come as a surprise to the rest of the World I'm sure.

I'm glad people had the courage.

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Just heard the news that Camerons quitting too. Suppose he had to really. Give it a few days or weeks folks and everyone will be wondering what the fuss was about.

Be interesting to see the response from the likes of France, Germany, Spain etc. There'll be a massive push internally for referendum or some big changes in the EU. GB can look back on this and say they had the balls to make the first move.

It will come as a surprise to the rest of the World I'm sure.

I'm glad people had the courage.

Well I hope everybody does have courage, because this is not going to go well, the fault lines are going to last a long time, govt owned banks are plummeting , the govt were relying on selling those sales to get money in to pay off debt, well that is the first casualty of war.

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Well the OAP vote swung it, that and those who have not seen anything from the uptick in the economy, now that the xenophobia is out of Pandora ' s box how long before the demands for all the EU workers to be sent back.

Saw one of the underlings in the leave campaign at 5.45 who went off message immediately and started back pedalling on bringing immigration down and how all the EU workers can stay and stuttering about when the new money would start flowing to the NHS, so there are soon going to be lots of tears, although they are already talking about all the EU red tape that can be scrapped, bye bye holiday entitlements, hello more zero hours contracts.

Well I suppose you have to look on the bright side, we'll have the court jester as prime minister , that'll be good for a few laughs and bloody hell we are going to need them


Didn't know how prescient I would be.

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Hope you are right. Let us know when you hear some good news about jobs and the economy following on from this vote.


Good news for you! Apparently there's going to be a huge increase in the number of people needed at immigration (to stamp all those EU passports) and customs control (with the abolition of the blue lanes). Probably won't quite offset the other job less but you can't burn an omelette without breaking eggs:confused:

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I'm stunned that DC has resigned. He would have been the best person to negotiate deals with the EU and the rest of the world. Bit concerned at how competent the next leader will be. Should have another general election.



??Surely you're joking! This situation was of his making, he went to the EU to renegotiate using a referendum of leaving the EU as a stick to beat them with. He got absolutely nothing from them, he then had to call a referendum but campaigned for remain. He made himself look like a tool. The eurocrat gave him nothing the first time around, why would they give him anything this time?

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Corbyn campained for Remain so he should resign too.


On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 exit and 10 remain, he said he was a 7.


His view was - It has some benefits for labor laws, but don't really like it and it needs reform.


Can't see that he would be that bothered.

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Its a very sad day for anyone under 40.



The whole campaign was characterised by devisive and mostly inaccurate sound bites about various groups of people.


Its a B***** sad day for anyone interested in maintaining the European Union - and that includes those of us who grew old working for it. We oldies who went into it with heart and souls because we believed in the concept are also heartbroken today. And don't you B***** forget it!

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