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eu referendum update


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Voting Leave will be like jumping from a plane with a parachute stitched together by Boris, Nigel & co which has been examined by experts and declared unfit for purpose with no reserve parachute. Boris will reassure you that despite an expected hard landing you will get faster treatment for the injuries sustained in the fall and you should be back on your feet in a few years better than new.


Vote Remain at least gives you a parachute from the accredited manufacturer and a reserve -just in case.

So, no good reason to stay in the EU then, just fear of the unknown if we leave.

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Now you are really frothing at he mouth.


The Scottish independence issue was voted on by the Scots already.


Circumstances will have changed. Scots would not have voted to stay in a UK outside of Europe. The EU are likely to consider their application to join more favourably than they would pre-Brexit.

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Circumstances will have changed. Scots would not have voted to stay in a UK outside of Europe. The EU are likely to consider their application to join more favourably than they would pre-Brexit.

The EU might, Spain would more likely then not veto a Scottish application to join.

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Possible....but the circumstances would have altered and the Spanish would see that.


But the circumstances wouldn't have altered in Spain, the Spanish and for that matter the Belgium governments will not do anything to encourage the aspirations of breakaway provinces, in fact they'd see it as a great chance to send a message to the Basques and Catalans.

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Now you've gone too far.

How's things looking in Melbourne anyway? might have to head back sooner than planned if this EU caper goes wrong.


Well, at least you would have a chance of getting a decent exchange for your pounds in that event so every cloud.............

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Britain is in Europe and needs to be part of the Union to have any influence. Anyone that thinks Britain will not be dealt with ' harshly' in terms of agreements and what have you are deluding themselves.


There would be little reason for any country to remain if could obtain the same benefits remaining out. Pure common sense. Lost on any number of the Little Englanders that frequent forums as this, sad to say.


Main supporters for out are those with the most to gain. Dirty little nationalist parties with severe right wing agendas and inward looking conservatives whom could never focus their mind across the channel.


If anything UK should be reasserting in rightful place at the centre of Europe and push with vigour for desired reforms. Which are numerous.

In this day and age, most every school kid should have another European language. Even more in fact.

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Britain is in Europe and needs to be part of the Union to have any influence. Anyone that thinks Britain will not be dealt with ' harshly' in terms of agreements and what have you are deluding themselves.


There would be little reason for any country to remain if could obtain the same benefits remaining out. Pure common sense. Lost on any number of the Little Englanders that frequent forums as this, sad to say.


Main supporters for out are those with the most to gain. Dirty little nationalist parties with severe right wing agendas and inward looking conservatives whom could never focus their mind across the channel.


If anything UK should be reasserting in rightful place at the centre of Europe and push with vigour for desired reforms. Which are numerous.

In this day and age, most every school kid should have another European language. Even more in fact.


The Germans beg to differ, they have made it clear a deal will be done, the people deluding themselves are the looney left who think the EU is some kind of Pan European people's Republic, a left wing wet dream.

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