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Simple question.... Is living in Oz better?


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The U.K. Is better for our young adults.


I'm sick of hearing folk saying how good Australia has been for them....probably (almost certainly) got good jobs and their own house.


Think of your children! Will they be able to achieve good jobs close to affordable housing. Most of us aspire to owning our own home and I see the youngsters (late 20's) still achieving that here in th uk.


That is a dumb comment. People living in Australia are just as concerned about their children as people living in the UK.


Oh, and we moved from a pokey 1930s semi-detached in England last year to a beautiful spacious detached home in Australia with $200,000 change on the transaction so you really cannot generalise on the cost of housing. If we had opted for the nearest equivalent properties over here then we would have had $500,000 change.

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Yeah where is this cheap housing in UK? certainly isn't in the south or even the midlands. The cost of housing in Brisbane probably isn't any more than my small home town in the midlands if you compare like for like. What really jumps out is how much cheaper it is to rent here so you can put away savings when renting.

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What do you mean? Didn't you ask people to put their two bobs worth in.


I am baffled as to where you are coming from. I have spent some time on careful thought to your questions.


I now suspect you just wanted people to say "Australia is better" and are getting a little bit ratty that is has not been so.


Goodnight Bungo lol

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Touché! I am past caring about the question, as not many appreciated it anyway :P


........TBF you got what was asked for mainly.....

.......a collection of experiences......personal to each poster.....

.......more suited to a CTF thread I thought...

........most here......find the place delivers their needs.....for now....

........but living anywhere different replys on attitude.....perceptions....

.........so however you....phrase your question.....

.........you will receive answers.....from the reply'ers point of view and experience....!

.........think most.....appreciated ....their perception of your question....

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is it better?

For me, at the moment, yes.


Better work, less commuting, more pay, more affordable houses, better social life, better outdoor life, cheaper hobbies.


I've just come back from a break in the UK, and I'm not sure I could live there again. Not for the moment anyway.


But you have to suit Australia, not every one does.

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Better..no..different yes...both good...yes!


Life here (and back home once you've lived here) is a trade off. Sunshine and beaches v family, friends and 'home'


Kids of a certain age don't miss family as it becomes the norm for them to grow up here whilst family is back home but for me, Im aware that they are missing out on family...and that family are missing out on them so I guess its a decision that we as parents make based on what we feel is better/more important for our kids.

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Better..no..different yes...both good...yes!


Life here (and back home once you've lived here) is a trade off. Sunshine and beaches v family, friends and 'home'


Kids of a certain age don't miss family as it becomes the norm for them to grow up here whilst family is back home but for me, Im aware that they are missing out on family...and that family are missing out on them so I guess its a decision that we as parents make based on what we feel is better/more important for our kids.


For us we owned a 2 bed house in the UK (rented it out while we saved for a bigger house...kids came along!) and we lived in a rented 4 bed house.


Here, we have built our own 4 bed house with the pool, blah blah blah...etc. Would we have built our own house back home..probably not due to lack of land.....BUT we wouldnt still have been renting by now either as we would have saved up, sold our 2 bed place and bought a 4 bed house/cottage somewhere.....because at this point in our life with 2 kids and needing a home office thats what we need...we didnt need that when we lived in the UK....hence us only having a 2 bed place.


Workwise, my wife is a midwife, she feels that her work load here is about the same as the UK, BUT shes appreciated more here BUT she doesnt like/agree with the level/manner of care they offer here, bedside manner I guess, no time to spend with mums/babies, onto the next one, conveyor belt style.


She earns more here..BUT works more hours.....go figure. Saying this, she used to do 2 nights a week in the uk (8 hour shifts) here she still does 2 nights a week but they are 12 hour shifts.....so effectively doing an extra shift a week...but because its still spread over 2 shifts she looks at it that for 2 shifts a week she earns more here..and she does, but...!


I do exactly the same job here as I did in the UK, now work remotely/hot desk and my employer just converted my uk wage to AUD and thats that. what my/our wages pays for/allow here v what it used to pay for/allow back home is about the same....things cost more here but my wife earns more..kind of! at the end of the month we are left with about the same amount of money percentage wise..NOT exchange rate wise.


Car wise.....lets not go there as cars here are ridiculously over priced but do we own 2 vehicles that get us from a-b yes......did we own 2 cars in the UK yes....but they were MUCH better cars...hey ho!


Lifestyle wise, the weather here allows you to do more outside things in nicer weather...BUT the weather here can also stop you doing some outdoorsy things (at certain times of the days) as can the rain in the UK.... This said, aside from a major down pour in the UK before we went out we never let the weather stop us doing anything back home, if it rained whilst we were out we usually had coats with us and just put them on....maybe got a bit wet....but its only water......you dont get skin cancer from the rain!


The beach is nice but is gets boring and life feels like a constant holiday and some (me included) find it hard to settle with that feeling.


I personally think if you were born here, always lived here, had family and friends here and knew no different then it would be a 'better' life but then you wouldnt know it was better because you wouldnt be comparing it to anything.


It all boils down to the old 'family' how would you feel living in the uk where you do now with no family......if you would find that hard then living in a new place/country without them will be even harder.


We find that by moving here we have gained a bit more family time together, mainly due to the extended family and friends not being around for you to socialise with not because work/life balance allows it.


the flip side of this is that we dont get any time together, either my wife goes out or i go out and we both said weve lost our own identity a bit since living here.


Will we move back to the UK....yes probably one day...but we will get citizenship first, for us and the kids. Do we regret coming...no!


Ive rambled...and rambled but I just kept typing.


Over and out!

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Some people settle easily and stay and embrace Australia and it's climate, natural beauty - even AFL - so they obviously would say yes, life is better. Then there are those who don't - and there's a few on this forum who feel the need to warn people of everything that is wrong with Australia and the horrible life they will have in Oz. So you have to come and judge for yourself.

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For us as a UK retired couple, yes.

Doubt we have a very much different contentment level to our retired friends in UK, just that the climate and life style suits us better.

We were ex pats in Asia before retiring here, and among other reasons we were used to a good mix of other Nationalities as friends.

Before any one jumps down my throat about that statement! had we gone back to our old village, very few people move there from overseas in retirement, where as here on the Sunshine Coast, there is such a mix of Australian friends from all over Australia, friends from Africa, which is also our background, UK, America, Canada, Demark etc. and we were made so welcome, iperhaps because so many of us have chosen to move here.


2 of our children have followed us here and have to be honest, have done better here than they were doing in UK, I balance that against our son who is still in UK doing equally well, so for the majority of our family yes is the answer, but my UK based son is equally happy with his life.

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For me , Yes Australia suits better.

I prefer the warmer, sunnier weather and the fact you can plan ahead as its pretty consistent.

I like how there is so much do and see as a family without massive charges attached.

When my kids were smaller i loved the variety and amount of lovely free playgrounds dotted around that i could take the kids too, now they are bigger we have free outdoor swimming pools we go to.

I like the fact i work less and commute less.

Overall i just prefer the lifestyle here to raise my family.


Cal x



p.s ,,I also like the free firework displays and festivals that happen all year around.

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But there are wild animals in Canada that will kill you given a chance!






Oh; wait a minute........



I'd bathe with the worst Australia has to offer rather than take on a bear. Can't stand bears.

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Dewsbury, unfortunately

A beautiful part of the U.K. Don't know why anyone would want to leave it quite frankly.

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