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Simple question.... Is living in Oz better?


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I don't really think about it. I don't know if life is better here - I just get on with it - same as I would if I was living in the UK or wherever else. I have always enjoyed my life here and I'm happy. Who knows, if I hadn't married an Australian nearly 40 years ago, I may have been just as happy if I had stayed in the UK. If for whatever reason my OH suggested a few years ago that we should try living in Canada, I would have been happy to give it a try too. The Australian weather has never really bothered me except on the odd 40C day. I never found it hard to make friends and I had a job for over 20 years which I enjoyed so I've no complaints but I'm not saying living here is any better either.

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Than life in Kilmarnock?


I don't know but it certainly wasn't better than life in Falkirk so after 5 years we moved back - I'm not from Falkirk & have no family in Scotland, moved there in 2002, moved to Perth 2008 - so having lived pretty much the same amount of time in each place I think I am making a fair comparison.


Too many variables to know if it's be better for you though - one thing to bear in mind is that house prices are astronomical in the major cities compared to Scotland and salaries work out about the same - it depends on profession and whether you can achieve the same level in Australia (lots of people have to take a step back to gain local experience), for me I was earning a lot less for the first 3 years and add to that much higher outgoings due to housing life was definitely harder.


If you're a nurse, teacher or one of the other professions better paid in Australia and you currently live in London then clearly the experience of moving to Australia would be quite different to mine.

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Smaller commute, more disposable income, more outdoor activities. World class beaches any weekend...


It's not too bad.


I thought you were in Australia not Scotland?


Seriously in Perth most people would have a significantly longer commute than someone living in Kilmarnock, even if they worked in Edinburgh and I had way, way less disposable income due to lower wages and higher house prices and I participate in far more outdoor activities here, as does my son. We do have world class beaches to but they are not, and have never been my thing - i'd had one beach holiday in my life (to Tunisia) before migrating to Australia so perhaps I wasn't the best candidate for the Aussie lifestyle :)


I'm absolutely sure that has been your experience but it has nothing to do with migrating and more to do with you as an individual, your profession and the choices you have made.

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Just as long as this thread doesn't evolve into one of those totally pointless "My country is better than your country" boring never ending sagas. :dull:


I absolutely agree with that. As Iv said I'm happy here and no doubt could be there too. How people view it as being better or worse is very interesting. I don't know what anyone has left behind to make it better or worse but hearing life experiences is always interesting.


On another note I feel looking through these forums it can all be negative and the same old few coming in with very high and mighty reality checks. People genuinely come on this forum as they are excited at the prospect of a new life in the sun and can be shot down for that enthusiasm. I am not suggesting life is perfect anywhere.

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Hi, this may sound like a silly question but I'm genuinely interested in people opinions.

There's obviously a reason this page is even set up and so many people choose to leave everything behind and go for it.

I also know everyone has their own reasons, but is it better?

No high and mighty answers please just looking for people's personal opinion.


Thanks in advance xx




...........for years I've quoted........needs and wants...!

..........where provides most.....

...........a job.....a home......good schools.......all needs....

...........good weather......a total change in lifestyle.....all wants....

............but it's the small things ...?.....that can make or break a successful migration.....make ...it better....

............if living near family.....the on tap babysitter....how important is this..

..............a close knit family..?

............is it important being part of the weddings .births,funerals...

.............if you can't afford to get back for all of them......will it matter as you live your new life....?

............the cultural history of Europe......is this a big part of life...?

.............because the cultural history is very different here.....

.............and needs and wants change as you age.....

..............different things become important.....

..............there is no......better.......forever......IMO....

...............there is what is the best for now.....and the foreseeable future you can control....

................look at where suits you best for now.......and good luck...

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It is a simple question, to some the answer will be very clear but for many it is impossible to answer. I was happy in both countries and so I could not even answer that question in my own head, never mind write it down on a forum.


For me, there are aspects of Australia that are better and there are aspects of UK that are better. A few things:


- Overall I prefer the climate of Australia mainly because of a milder winter.


- But at same time it can be harder to live in at other times of the year and I find it easier to enjoy the outdoors in the UK.


- I enjoy the longer days in the UK, the short days don't last long and it has been reasonably light since February and of course now we are enjoying lovely long days. I missed daylight so much in Australia, it was dark by the time I got home for much of the year round.


- I loved living by the sea in Australia. I love water, looking at it and being in it. Not possible for me to live in a coastal region in the UK due to occupations.


- I loved exploring Australia, so many places to get to just an easy domestic flight away. Even in Europe you still have to run the gauntlet of immigration and for me, the airports are a bit harder to get to and more crowded. Travel and visiting new places is very important to me.


- Whilst I would not say work life balance is better in Australia by any means, my OH and I both found our employers more flexible than our London employers in terms of things like working at home and flexing working hours.


- We had good incomes in both places but now I have given up work to have a sabbatical and we are perfectly fine on one salary, we would have struggled on one salary in Sydney and certainly had we lost one job we would have had to move immediately (not always straight forward when you are on a lease).


- The big one is of course being closer to family, we are pretty independent from family but getting to catch up with them half a dozen times a year is much better than once every few years.


Anyway that's me and I still cannot bring it down to conclude which is better..

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I absolutely agree with that. As Iv said I'm happy here and no doubt could be there too. How people view it as being better or worse is very interesting. I don't know what anyone has left behind to make it better or worse but hearing life experiences is always interesting.


On another note I feel looking through these forums it can all be negative and the same old few coming in with very high and mighty reality checks. People genuinely come on this forum as they are excited at the prospect of a new life in the sun and can be shot down for that enthusiasm. I am not suggesting life is perfect anywhere.


I don't think people get shot down, but having a reality check is very important. Emigrating is a massive decision. For many, the biggest decision they will ever take. Also a huge gamble and a very expensive one. Getting it wrong cant very literally cause decades of unhappiness. So, when people have a very unrealistic expectation it is very important to explain that to them. We do get people that think they can move to Oz and just spend their life on the beach throwing prawns on the Barbie. They don't realise they will need to work as least as hard as they ever have, that they still need to trudge around the supermarket and clean the toilet. They think of it in holiday mode.


We also see a small amount who have very idealised views of Oz or simply wrong. - I always remember a poster some years ago who was intending to move to the NT because he wanted to move somewhere that had as small a booze / alcohol influence for the sake of his children. A bit like saying you want to get away from the sun to cooler climate and heading to Alice.


There will certainly be disagreements between members on things, but, that's life - what is right for one, isn't right for all. We also see and experience things differently. For example, Perth is a classic example. When ever it is discussed it raises a lot of emotion because some love it and some hate it. But, it is still the same city. But, the experiences of the different people give rise to polar views, of which, when viewed objectively, probably neither are correct.

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On another note I feel looking through these forums it can all be negative and the same old few coming in with very high and mighty reality checks. People genuinely come on this forum as they are excited at the prospect of a new life in the sun and can be shot down for that enthusiasm. I am not suggesting life is perfect anywhere.


I'm probably one of the ones you regard as high and mighty, but it's done with the best of intentions. When people come on these forums "excited at the prospect of a new life in the sun", that's exactly when they need a reality check! If their enthusiasm is based on realistic expectations, our warnings won't put them off. If what we say punctures their "dream", then it was unrealistic in the first place and we've just saved them the thousands of pounds they would've spent on a failed migration.

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I thought you were in Australia not Scotland?


Seriously in Perth most people would have a significantly longer commute than someone living in Kilmarnock, even if they worked in Edinburgh and I had way, way less disposable income due to lower wages and higher house prices and I participate in far more outdoor activities here, as does my son. We do have world class beaches to but they are not, and have never been my thing - i'd had one beach holiday in my life (to Tunisia) before migrating to Australia so perhaps I wasn't the best candidate for the Aussie lifestyle :)


I'm absolutely sure that has been your experience but it has nothing to do with migrating and more to do with you as an individual, your profession and the choices you have made.


Wasn't that the whole point? We can only answer our individual circumstances.


I can now play tennis and golf year round, it required a lot of motivation to do this in winter months at home. I love going in the ocean too. However I think nights out in 20's better in UK so glad I didn't come here until I was over that period of my life.

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Life where I live in Australia is better than life where I lived in the UK for all sorts of reasons. However I have also lived in places in the UK that were better than where I lived before we moved and if we ever moved back to the UK it would be to somewhere different to where we moved from.

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I would have said that the UK is generally better when you are younger. The relative cold and damp of the autumn, winter and spring are less of an issue and there is generally more going on,more variety and greater career opportunities (unless you are a tradesman who generally thrive in Oz). If you are older and financially comfortable a warmer year round climate I would have said is better.


But then I read many posts from older contributors on here who return to the UK and thrive in the cooler year round climate.....so who knows. One man's meat is another man's gravy.

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The piece of string is 26.74 inches long


Oh sorry, not really the question.


For me, no it was not "better" it was different.


I like to be in a place where I feel I belong and I did not belong in Australia - I have real friends again now. For me, the UK weather is far better - I've had very few days where I couldn't go out and do what I wanted whereas Aussie summers saw me stuck inside trying to escape from the heat and Canberra winters weren't any more conducive to doing stuff outside. Career wise we did OK in Australia but I would, I think, have done just as well in UK. Our kids weren't really disadvantaged by growing up in Australia but the one who moved to UK has far better prospects than the other one who stayed. If you want an adventure then it's good for a few years, but I'm not a great one for "settling", plenty of time for that when I'm dead.

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The piece of string is 26.74 inches long


Oh sorry, not really the question.


For me, no it was not "better" it was different.


I like to be in a place where I feel I belong and I did not belong in Australia - I have real friends again now. For me, the UK weather is far better - I've had very few days where I couldn't go out and do what I wanted whereas Aussie summers saw me stuck inside trying to escape from the heat and Canberra winters weren't any more conducive to doing stuff outside. Career wise we did OK in Australia but I would, I think, have done just as well in UK. Our kids weren't really disadvantaged by growing up in Australia but the one who moved to UK has far better prospects than the other one who stayed. If you want an adventure then it's good for a few years, but I'm not a great one for "settling", plenty of time for that when I'm dead.


yeah how long is a piece of string was not the question. Most people can answer from personal experience if life is better or not, relating to their personal circumstances. Others will agree it is no better or worse but just different.

I was not looking for a perfect answer, just an honest one if indeed you choose to reply.


Thank you for the insight x

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yeah how long is a piece of string was not the question. Most people can answer from personal experience if life is better or not, relating to their personal circumstances. Others will agree it is no better or worse but just different.

I was not looking for a perfect answer, just an honest one if indeed you choose to reply.


Thank you for the insight x


Well, it sort of was the question because you didn't specify what you wanted it to be compared with - as the responses have shown you. One shouldn't necessarily assume that everyone had the same context as you think you have questioned. Specificity is good.

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There are plenty of people who move back to the UK because for them, life isn't better in Australia. All sorts of reasons for moving back but top of the list is missing family and friends. Next would be going back before they run out of money because they can't find employment here. Then there are the people who just don't like the place. I understand that. I lived in the USA but never liked it much after a year or so and was glad to leave.

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I disagree, is Australia better for you seems simple enough.


The answers have been helpful when relating to that particular person. I'm not asking for every detail just a general yes no or indifferent.


It doesn't appear to be that simple as I don't think anyone has managed to answer it yet. It is hard to sum up every aspect of your life into a straightforward "better or worse". And indifferent is not the third option. I cannot pick which is better but I am certainly not indifferent!

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