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Should the UK cut ties with the EU?


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Leave EU yes, free itself of shackles of some regulation. Become an independent powerhouse and better center of financial matters. Still keep on friendly terms with Europe. After all, we have always loved the french !


Although we all know it will never happen, requires to much back bone.

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Is it time? Does anyone care? Have this UKIP party got a good voting point opposing membership?

Will there be another European war if everyone starts to leave?



If the UK leave, the EU will fall apart.


It's got a bit ridiculous. Too many members.


I don't think the UK should leave, but it needs an overhaul.

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If the UK leave, the EU will fall apart.


It's got a bit ridiculous. Too many members.


I don't think the UK should leave, but it needs an overhaul.


I agree though it is somewhat ironic that successive British governments were strong advocates of broadening the membership to include eastern European countries particularly (politically motivated to drag those countries away from their historic tie with Russia and to try to limit the Franco/German domination).

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I think leaving would be a substantial risk. It has a strong potential - IMO - to weaken the UK's attractiveness for manufacturing and global service industries to base themselves, and therefore risks further concentrating the country's prosperity to financial services (which I don't think would be affected). I don't see this as a good thing.


It would allow the UK to "control its borders" in respect of EU citizens but I don't see this as a massive plus either. Contrary to Daily Mail received wisdom, most EU citizens who come to the UK do not do so in order to scrounge benefits because generally, they can't. Most of them come to work and yes, there are economic sectors where this causes pressure but there are others where this is needed as the UK doesn't have enough skilled people. I can't see it making much difference at all to non-EU migration, why would it?


The UK would save the money it currently pays to the EU. But lose the money that comes in EU grants. As a net contributor the UK would gain from this, but I don't believe it would make a significant difference


This isn't to say the EU is all great - it is bureaucratic and the European Commission has terms of reference that are too wide. But I don't think the UK should leave


I think it probably will leave though, unfortunately. One of the luxuries of living here is that I can observe what I think will be a very risky experiment from afar and aren't stuck there if it does all turn to sh1t

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Is it a serious possibility? Why would the UK want to leave a union that is so good, other countries are willing to sell their souls to join?


The UK benefits from free trade, free travel and freedom to work anywhere in the EU. The UK has benefited from migrant workers, particularly from Poland, who raised the bar in terms of their productivity, efficiency and professionalism. Workplaces across the nation – especially in London – have a vibrant diversity of culture and language. By way of reciprocation, Brits work happily in European cities like Paris, Berlin and Brussels; they retire to the south of France or Spain; they make money starting new businesses in Eastern Europe and go on cheap weekend breaks within the EU. Brits can export their products cheaply and benefit from on-line sales outfits based in mainland Europe.


In terms of peace and security, I am old enough to remember the cold war. That seems to have gone away thanks, in no small measure, to the haven offered to former Warsaw Pact countries in the EU.


There are some things that the EU does that it probably shouldn’t. It can be quite prescriptive about taxes, social policies and general uniformity. Whilst the underlying rationale for these standardisations is often sound, the implementation is not thought through and disproportionate. Also, I think most people would now see the single currency as a mistake that has caused hardship in peripheral areas.


But the negatives are far outweighed by the positives, and the UK should be arguing to change them rather than walk away from them.


The stuff about refugees is a red herring. EU countries and non-EU countries alike are affected by mass population movements – and the UK might actually reflect whether some of its own decisions some years ago (that were not supported by the EU) might have actually contributed to the current instability in some parts of the world.

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Is it a serious possibility? Why would the UK want to leave a union that is so good, other countries are willing to sell their souls to join?


The Ex Eastern Bloc countries maybe willing to sell their souls, although Hungary don't seem too happy with the migrant crisis. Not so much the Swiss or Norwegians.

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If we leave there will be an initial panic until things settle down.....Interest rates are predicted to rise etc but I think things will gradually return to normal.....the effect on the economy is important.....how it affects our exporting and importing will be debated but the single biggest factor for many people in the UK is immigration.....that will effectively be the deciding factor in people voting I think.....I am for out but maintaining close ties with Europe.....its about time we got control of who we allow to cross our borders. Since 2004 we have been flooded and there are many more hundreds of thousands massing, looking for an opportunity.

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If a refugee gets a passport for, say, Italy, would that give them automatic free entry to the UK and all its social security benefits?

Yes, if someone becomes an Italian citizen they can travel freely to the UK. Similarly if someone becomes British they can travel freely to Italy. Not sure refugees are eyeing UK social security with envy. I suspect most have higher ambitions and want to work.

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Yes, if someone becomes an Italian citizen they can travel freely to the UK. Similarly if someone becomes British they can travel freely to Italy. Not sure refugees are eyeing UK social security with envy. I suspect most have higher ambitions and want to work.

They would need to be resident in Italy for 10 years before applying for citizenship, by which time they would no longer be a refugee. [emoji1] [emoji1]


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Is it time? Does anyone care? Have this UKIP party got a good voting point opposing membership?

Will there be another European war if everyone starts to leave?


We must leave the e.u ....its costing an extortionate amount of money .....£8 billion a year ( I think )

In reference to war ,its already started,or its in the making

If it pans out the way its meant to ,Britain will be on an opposing side to the e.u anyway,in any ongoing conflict .

Ultimately we will stand with the u.s ...the eu led by Germany ,will fall in with Russia ...lets see

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If a refugee gets a passport for, say, Italy, would that give them automatic free entry to the UK and all its social security benefits?


Yes ....and they are getting legitimate and fake passports ....did you tea my post about Isis over running Syrian govt buildings .

They are now in control of thousands of blank Syrian passports .

Syrian refugees are not ,under any circumstances ,being deported from the e.u .

They are for a FACT not being deported from the u.k

You fill in the blanks

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Is it a serious possibility? Why would the UK want to leave a union that is so good, other countries are willing to sell their souls to join?


The Ex Eastern Bloc countries maybe willing to sell their souls, although Hungary don't seem too happy with the migrant crisis. Not so much the Swiss or Norwegians.


Or the swedes ,just announced 80,000 failed asylum seekers to be deported.

The swedes have admitted these people are "chancers " not asylum seekers ...mostly from east and north Africa .....no war in morocco is there ?

When is Mrs Merkel going to cotton on ?

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Or the swedes ,just announced 80,000 failed asylum seekers to be deported.

The swedes have admitted these people are "chancers " not asylum seekers ...mostly from east and north Africa .....no war in morocco is there ?

When is Mrs Merkel going to cotton on ?


And now as we speak ....a gunman at Disney in Paris ....something every single day

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@Bunbury - you know of course that the refugees would exist with or without the EU. The issue has been caused by the destabilisation of their government (supported by the UK and opposed by Russia), creating a vacuum into which ISIS has stepped. It didn't take the clairvoyant powers of Mystic Meg to foresee that outcome.


So, now you have lots of refugees. The question is what you are going to do about them. The EU is trying to develop a coordinated approach to share the immediate burden evenly. They may not get it right - there are lots of moving parts. But without the EU trying to coordinate the outcome would be much worse.


Oh, and I think it is difficult to blame a gunman in Eurodisney on the EU. Unless you have a special insight we don't...

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The best thing that the uk ever did, joining the EU, and the EU the best thing for Europe, UK would have become a fuedal, capitalist offshore state dependent on the US and Europe would have been at war again with much of eastern Europe still under the control of Russia and Turkey and Greece under military dictatorships along with Spain and Portugal.

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