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Poms Not in Oz

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

I just wondered why there has been such a huge drop in poms moving to Australia?

A few months back I had a member email me and tell me it was because of the negative posts and the number of people who seem to be returning. No disrespect to the member but I don't think anyone who had a dream to move to Australia would change their mind due to a few who don't like it.


This was posted recently in a news article


Net migration from India and China has held up, and even continues to grow, if at a slower level than in the past. But the numbers coming across the Tasman is at its lowest for 10 years, and the 8,250 who came from the UK represents the lowest level recorded by the ABS.

This drop in population growth is something that many economists have been looking at with respect to the unemployment figures. Given the ABS benchmarks its labour force survey against the population survey, marked changes in growth – especially across states – can make the data a bit screwy.

And there certainly have been some big changes across the states.

Since the start of 2014, Victoria has been the place to be. It has the highest population growth of any state – something that has not occurred in the past 35 years:

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The negative posters on here can be draining. But thinking migration is simple and living thousands of miles away from loved ones is easy isn't realistic. I just think the unhappy posters type more than the content people! Maybe the happy people are too busy enjoying their new life?

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I just wondered why there has been such a huge drop in poms moving to Australia?

A few months back I had a member email me and tell me it was because of the negative posts and the number of people who seem to be returning. No disrespect to the member but I don't think anyone who had a dream to move to Australia would change their mind due to a few who don't like it.


This was posted recently in a news article




And do they really think that everyone that is migrating from the UK is a member on here?

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The negative posters on here can be draining. But thinking migration is simple and living thousands of miles away from loved ones is easy isn't realistic. I just think the unhappy posters type more than the content people! Maybe the happy people are too busy enjoying their new life?


No IMO it is pretty well balanced but more on the positive side. It would be a neglecting forum if all sides of the debate was not expressed. If some are indeed made to realise Australia may not be the el dorado they made have been led to believe and in turn ponder their decision so much the better.

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I'd imagine their is an awareness in the downturn of conditions in Australia generally. As noted not just UK numbers that are in decline. NZ has seen big drops. The fall of the dollar 35% against the $US hardly encouraging for many also. Not forgetting the push/pull factor of folk already here informing those still at home of changing conditions.

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I can't imagine someone not going through with one of the biggest events in their life because os negative posts on a forum, they couldn't be very committed to the move in the first place. An raked upturn in the UK economy and the opposite in Australia, also the gap between costs closer dramatcially, housing costs in Australia. Lots of factors.

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I think the average intelligent person would be discerning when it comes to reading posts on this forum.However I do admit that if I were moving somewhere I have either only visited on holiday,or never actually been,I would take some points posters make as not being fabricated (although I realise some are!),and that they were telling the truth about the place,no matter which country it was.

A few years ago,I started looking at properties overseas (not Oz)with the intention of retiring there.I researched,used another forum for that country.I didn't expect the replies to my thread to be all positive.Why would they be?That would be unrealistic surely?I did take on board both sides from posters I could "trust".

I think WDU might of had something (a little bit anyway)to do with the downturn of people emigrating.I remember watching those first episodes,and all was positive (mainly).Affordability of housing,jobs seemed quite plentiful etc.I haven't watched the whole series of WDU,but I did watch one recently and times have changed.

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Guest The Pom Queen
And do they really think that everyone that is migrating from the UK is a member on here?

Are you telling me they aren't :elvis: lol

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I remember finding this forum but after we'd decided to make the move


I felt it was nice to have somewhere to post updates and get kind messages of support which we got lots of


Also a few negative comments but we were living it so only told the truth as we found it


The forum for me as changed in my time which is about 6 years now


Not sure if for the better or not


But I still hang around and use it has a chilling out place now and help out where I can but normally via pm's


I've certainly melowed and laugh a lot more rather than take posts too serious

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I guess things are on the up in the UK and going down here. It will change again no doubt but now is not a good time to come here.


That is debateable.

The good thing about coming now is a fantastic exchange rate. If you wait until Australia is doing a lot better economically you will get a lot worse exchange rate.

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Don't forget that combined with the slow down, the visa rules also changed and tightened a lot over the last few years and many every day working families who do want to migrate just dont qualify for the visa anymore to get them here.


Cal x


Yes, and the SOL has reduced whilst visa fees have increased. In July 2013 as we were going through the skills assessment, the visa fees jumped from $3060 ish for us to $6110. They increased again this year.

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I'm current going through this, I have 4 children, and I am moving to be closer to my other halves family. I have a friend who has been over a few years, and he said don't go on the forums, because you get the ones who state all the bad things. Yes, I have thought am I doing the right thing, for me, for my other half, as she's been in the UK 20yrs now, and most of all my children (most of all my children). The whole process is costing me about £20k, moving costs, visa, pets, insurance etc.........., it's been one of the most stressful things I have done in a long time, far more than moving house, you have to think of every little thing, when to ship furniture, what to live on the other end for the 6 weeks, locating properties, what area to live in, getting a job, it's not all plain sailing, I am not surprised people are thinking twice...................I'm in the for the long haul, I can see light at the end of the tunnel, and a big hole in my bank account, but I won't change my mind, I will not be beaten! :-)

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That is debateable.

The good thing about coming now is a fantastic exchange rate. If you wait until Australia is doing a lot better economically you will get a lot worse exchange rate.


Totally agree. It depends on the individual and their circumstances. How can you say it's not a good time to come here when you don't know what people are planning to do in Oz, their qualifications, whether they have a job lined up etc. It may be the perfect time for them. Maybe it wouldn't be the perfect time for you, in your circumstances.


It is always good to know the facts ie downturn in the economy, who is affected by this, allowing people to make their own minds up from good information. At the end of the day this move isn't for the faint hearted, so you either take on board all the info that is chucked at you and make your own judgement or walk away before you spend a ridiculous amount of money on something that you'll potentially end up regretting!

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It is easily obvious. The economy in countries such as the UK are rising while Australia is struggling. During the boom times it was easy to see why many wanted to move - look at the huge numbers of Irish that came over after 2007. Now that things are reversing, why would you


That's just simply generalising! Dropping housing prices, great rate of exchange. It will be the perfect time for some and not for others. Take a GP as an example, are they going to be affected by a downturn in the mining industry? It will depend on peoples circumstances.

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That's just simply generalising! Dropping housing prices, great rate of exchange. It will be the perfect time for some and not for others. Take a GP as an example, are they going to be affected by a downturn in the mining industry? It will depend on peoples circumstances.


Of course, but it is not just the downturn in the mining industry. Though that obviously has big flow on effects across other industries - everything from engineering to hospitality. But other sectors are struggling. Manufacturing is struggling as well.

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Not everybody moves for monetary gain, some people just don't get that. And they seem to be the ones who are the least happy.


So true!!


If money is your main object then there are prob much better options. If your willing to try something new, enjoy a different kind of life, take pleasure in Mother Nature then Aus is still a nice change from the UK.


Saying that, the visa rules and the amount it can cost, just puts it out of some people's reach. Which is a shame.


Also at the moment with the UK in a slightly better position now, than it has been for the past few years. It is a big risk depending on where you are in life.


that being said, if you want something badly, like moving to Aus, you will find a way and you will make it work. People can still arrive with not v much and still end up with a damm good life here.


Its not up to Australia to make it happen, its up to you!!

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Not everybody moves for monetary gain, some people just don't get that. And they seem to be the ones who are the least happy.


No, but, the ability to get a job and earn an income is a huge factor - sunshine does not pay a mortgage.


For example, I imagine there are not many Brits moving to Greece to work. Lovely country, great culture, great food, laid back lifestyle with stunning beaches. But, no income

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