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Main reason people move back. And do they regret coming / leaving


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There are all sorts of reasons for returning to the UK. Family and friends would probably be the biggest. Job opportunities. Missing the country in general. All sorts of reasons. For us because my family is pretty much all in Australia it was that we just have a 'better' life here. Sun and beaches are of little importance in life.

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Isolation, the feeling of not belonging in Australia. Missing family and friends. Nothing like a proper belly laugh with friends.

That's an interesting one because although I grew up in Australia from the age of 18 months once I got older I always felt English and that was reinforced when I returned later in life. I finished my schooling here in the UK and loved everything about Australia and felt very Australian but over the next few years it became more obvious to me that I was more at home in England.

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As above.


Whats ts everyone main reasons for going back to the uk


and does anyone regret coming here then going back after all we have had to go through (ilet's/skills tests etc)


Having been on these forums for a while I'd say the biggest reason for going back is missing family and friends. It's difficult to make new friends when you're older (unless you've got kids, in which case you can make friends through your kids' friends) so it's easy to feel isolated.


The other possible reason is being unable to find work: I'm seeing this more and more. Just because an occupation is on a state's list does NOT mean that occupation is actually in demand and some people do arrive, spend 6 or 9 months out of work and have to go back because they've run out of cash.


Finally, some people just prefer the UK!

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i missed family & probably werent mature enough to adapt to a new country the first time. i spent all my time comparing things & looking back with rose tints. made myself & everyone around me unhappy. went back but realised it was a mistake & had to start saving to come back to oz. ive got a different attitude this time & am very happy in oz. sometimes i think ping ponging isnt a bad thing. helps work out where you fit & where you will have a better lifestyle.

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Heading back from Oz to UK for family, ski hols in Europe, chance to explore more of UK and change of scenery. Oz is Great and So is UK fortunate enough to be a citizen of both. Pro's and Con's for everything life is what u make of it. to all the people with a question mark on moving back, do what your gut feel tells you, that way you can never be wrong. Too much time wasted wondering what if, what it, -------- do it and stick by your decision at least you took one rather than sitting on the fence.

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I thought at least 99% of most Poms came over to Australia,for exactly what you say is, of little importance in life.That's ALL they talk about.If it wasn't for the Sun and Beaches. Australia would be EMPTY,as there is nothing else here.There's much more to do in the UK.Unless you a sports freak.I actually have a couple of Ausies mates that have lived in the UK for years,and they say they can't understand why poms flock here.They loved the UK the History the Countryside and the Pub,and football,going out for pub meals and holidays to different countris on hand and so cheap., it's all there they say.They say Most Aussies talk About the Poms here, like we talk about the Pakies at home.Strange That but there u go.I think that when the novelty wears off there's not much difference between the two,as they say life is what you make it.Iv'e been here 35 years.And wish i had never left the UK.Just for the kids,and the wifes sake.I think the Pommy Bashing stuck in there minds when they were at school.They missed everything their Grandparents,their aunts, uncles,cousins.Family get togethers,wedding,funerals.The Sense of Belonging.And our four were just kids when they came here.But they even say, one day we may go home.it's totally different when like you, your family are all here.If i had another Chance in Life i would never leave our Homeland.All My Friends at home Have their own homes,had good jobs,before they retired .But when i went back last time i was green with envy.I couldn't get over the Lake District.And surrounds,we live on the sunshine coast it doesn't come close.And not one of my friends would ever leave England.And swap places with me.A holliday yes.But Not permanently.

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We decided after 4 years before then we were going through such upheaval it would have been easy confuse the stress with a dislike of Australia. We hadn't even talked about moving back before then.


For me it came down to Australia offering no advantages and being financially worse off together with losing most of what we enjoyed in the UK - going to see bands (you only get the mainstream/big names in Perth or folk/blues type stuff), mountain biking/snowboarding (complete lack of mountains in Perth), travel had always been a big part of my life and we couldn't afford to do much and whether it was just the

friends we made but we found people socialised differently - far too civilised for me & children were usually invited too. It wasn't so much missing specific friends, more about missing what British people are like in general.


Add to that my son never settling and my parents aging and it suddenly struck me 'why are we staying', it turned out my OH had wanted to leave after a year and so that was that we moved back a year later and never looked back. I can truthfully say there has never been a moment when I've wondered if we did the right thing.

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As above.


Whats ts everyone main reasons for going back to the uk.


and does anyone regret coming here then going back after all we have had to go through (ilet's/skills tests etc)



We moved back for practical reasons. We were tied to working in Sydney and just could see no way to get onto the housing ladder, not living in a place we wantd to live in anyway. We did have very good jobs, but were after the nice house in nice area. So we reached mid 40s and we just thought we were better off getting ourselves properly set up. Jobs security also started to diminish and new opportunities better in UK.


Not for a moment have we ever regretted going to Australia. We loved it and had a great experience, obviously visited some fantastic places in Australia and that side of the world more generally. But equally, we enjoyed the differences in every day life.


After how long did most people decide it wasn't for them


We never decided that. Loved living in Australia, might move back there one day, but it won't be anytime soon, maybe at retirement.

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After how long did most people decide it wasn't for them


I think some know immediately. Some it is a gradual thing and some it is a sudden thing.


It will also depend on the reasons for wanting to move to Oz and the reason for wanting to move back.


I hated Oz for a long time. Then began to enjoy it. Then found my career is going down the dogs in Oz. This was over 7 years. As we mainly moved to Oz for my job, a move back for my job is sensible. The one regret I have is that when I hated Oz, I was offered a job back in the UK which included full relocation back and I turned it down for stupid reasons.

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As above.


Whats ts everyone main reasons for going back to the uk


and does anyone regret coming here then going back after all we have had to go through (ilet's/skills tests etc)


We lasted a year. My wife hated it. The isolation, people weren't friendly (snobby mt Lawley crowd - should have gone to joondalup) - and I struggled to find work. Saying that, she is tempted to return.

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I did the move when I was 16, was settled and loved it living with my aunt, but then my uncle and aunt came over and I started to miss everyone loads family wise , so came home and as soon as I stepped of the plane in London I thought you idiot what have I done, everyone had there own lives and even though being away didn't make a difference in family life of others. So I saved up and 6mths later went back, leaving my family my mum and siblings . And stayed there for 11 yrs and came back due to family health illness, and now 15 yrs later iam going back I can't wait, but will be harder as I have closer friends and the kids have there grandparents , but will be the best thing ,nothing here anymore and they can always visit

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