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Thousands of illegals trying to storm the UK border to cross into Britain.


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Lulz - what do you imagine the train passengers breathe?

What?! You mean the train isn't hermetically sealed with enough oxygen to last a nuclear winter?


So far in this thread we've had suggestions of shooting and gassing the migrants. Any other Einsteins out there?

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Iam about as far from a bleeding heart left winger as you can get but .....if Blair had left Saddam in charge ,there would be no Isis ...isis are mainly made up of ex Iraqi Sunni police and republican guard disbanded after the 2nd gulf war .

And that nasty colonel ghaddaffi used to stop all the boats sailing from Libya...and oh dear mr Cameron and Mr sarkhozy got rid of him .....oh dear ...now look at it


Just to expand on my point about I.s ...when the Americans took over Iraq ...they had the basic infrastructure to run the country ...the police and army were still in tact.

So what do they do ? ...make them all redundant ,and put in a Shia led government ...brilliant .

You now have thousands of unemployed, military trained, pissed off Sunni men ....genius .

This has cost the united states ,a country Tha is technically broke 2 billion a month ....2 BILLION ....


Then we get president Obama in...happy days

Do you realise he has spent more than all the other u.s presidents in history combined ...thats from Abraham Lincoln to George bush junior .....the debt when he took over was 4.2 trillion...its now upwards of 16 trillion


Stay out of the middle east ....and then clean up the mess

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What?! You mean the train isn't hermetically sealed with enough oxygen to last a nuclear winter?


So far in this thread we've had suggestions of shooting and gassing the migrants. Any other Einsteins out there?

Not so much Einsteins as Eichmanns I think!

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I think just stop paying any benefit to anyone who hasn't worked for three years.

UK citizens get no benefits if they move to Europe, we should integrate with our EU comrades and welcome anyone, but, don't ask us for a handout.

they should never have built that Tunnel, and the sooner we have the EU referendum and leave, the better.

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I think just stop paying any benefit to anyone who hasn't worked for three years.

Do you have any idea of what society would be like to live in if you take benefits away from those who are demonstrably least able to work? Clue: it would not be safer and more peaceful.

UK citizens get no benefits if they move to Europe

Actually, UK citizens living elsewhere in the EU are entitled to the same benefits as citizens of the country in which they live

we should integrate with our EU comrades and welcome anyone, but, don't ask us for a handout.

Is it really EU citizens who are claiming all these benefits? My perception when living in the UK was that the EU citizens came to work, and worked hard.

they should never have built that Tunnel

I blame roads. If we didn't have roads, nobody would ever have thought of travelling anywhere.

and the sooner we have the EU referendum and leave, the better.

Albania tried isolationism. It didn't help their economy.

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Eichmann would be regarded as too much a lefty for some of this lot. I think the narrative has been somewhat hijacked to the point where a sensible search for solutions has been lost.


The truth is, nobody has a solution. Nobody knows what to do with those poor souls.

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What?! You mean the train isn't hermetically sealed with enough oxygen to last a nuclear winter?


So far in this thread we've had suggestions of shooting and gassing the migrants. Any other Einsteins out there?


Well, I'm going through there in the end of Aug, and I'm wondering whether I should fit a roo bar.

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The truth is, nobody has a solution. Nobody knows what to do with those poor souls.


Has anybody really looked at a solution? I mean within the international arena? That what it will take. Everybody needs to be involved. A solution was finally found for those fleeing in boats the Vietnam conflict and results. It was done through international co operation. Far more difficult this time around but efforts need to be made.

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It seems that most of the pro-illegal immigrants crowd here have very well defined and thought through ideas about how everyone else is wrong to oppose these immigrants....



...but no actual proposals for how the tiny British Island can absorb the millions of Africans who want to come here, let alone how we are going to pay for the UK houses, healthcare, education, social services and benefits they require.


Funny that.


There are 38 million people in the Sudan alone, what if they all want to have British houses?

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Iam about as far from a bleeding heart left winger as you can get but .....if Blair had left Saddam in charge ,there would be no Isis ...isis are mainly made up of ex Iraqi Sunni police and republican guard disbanded after the 2nd gulf war .

And that nasty colonel ghaddaffi used to stop all the boats sailing from Libya...and oh dear mr Cameron and Mr sarkhozy got rid of him .....oh dear ...now look at it

How do you know that.? It's like saying we should have left Hitler in charge.

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These immigrants have already reached safety but they don't get enough benefits in France/Europe.


Well that does appear to be the right wing thought process on the matter. Question why would France be expected to take all in when UK will not contribute to a quota? A large number by all accounts do have family of some sort already living in UK. Benefits are hardly great in UK. Look to get worse as well.

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It seems that most of the pro-illegal immigrants crowd here have very well defined and thought through ideas about how everyone else is wrong to oppose these immigrants....



...but no actual proposals for how the tiny British Island can absorb the millions of Africans who want to come here, let alone how we are going to pay for the UK houses, healthcare, education, social services and benefits they require.


Funny that.


There are 38 million people in the Sudan alone, what if they all want to have British houses?


Scare mongering a time old practice by the right. 38 million in Sudan really? Seems to be only a matter of a few thousand desire the UK. It is hardly the lotus land when more welcoming countries to an extent like Germany and Sweden are far more attractive.

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It seems that most of the pro-illegal immigrants crowd here have very well defined and thought through ideas about how everyone else is wrong to oppose these immigrants....



...but no actual proposals for how the tiny British Island can absorb the millions of Africans who want to come here, let alone how we are going to pay for the UK houses, healthcare, education, social services and benefits they require.


Funny that.


There are 38 million people in the Sudan alone, what if they all want to have British houses?


It's not really a matter of being for or against. There is a problem. It needs a solution. Ignoring it will not make it go away.

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Well that does appear to be the right wing thought process on the matter. Question why would France be expected to take all in when UK will not contribute to a quota? A large number by all accounts do have family of some sort already living in UK. Benefits are hardly great in UK. Look to get worse as well.


I do apologise, if they know someone then of course we should just let them wander right on in! Its all very well having a bleeding heart but that is not going to feed, house, clothe, educate etc etc, these immigrants. And to answer your question, I do not expect that France should have to take them all in, I did say France/Europe as I do not know which other safe countries they have passed through in order to be standing in Calais tearing down the fences. If these immigrants weren't so intent on getting to the UK then Europe, as a whole, would be doing a lot more to stop it. You can't focus solely on the 1200 or so immigrants that are trying to get into the UK right now but see the bigger picture, there are millions that will come if we don't stop it. And aside from the financial impact on the Uk, our little island just isn't big enough.

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It's not really a matter of being for or against. There is a problem. It needs a solution. Ignoring it will not make it go away.


I couldn't agree more, but what solutions are there being offered? Some, myself included, would prefer a more rigorous screening process and refusal or repatriation if need be.

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I do apologise, if they know someone then of course we should just let them wander right on in! Its all very well having a bleeding heart but that is not going to feed, house, clothe, educate etc etc, these immigrants. And to answer your question, I do not expect that France should have to take them all in, I did say France/Europe as I do not know which other safe countries they have passed through in order to be standing in Calais tearing down the fences. If these immigrants weren't so intent on getting to the UK then Europe, as a whole, would be doing a lot more to stop it. You can't focus solely on the 1200 or so immigrants that are trying to get into the UK right now but see the bigger picture, there are millions that will come if we don't stop it. And aside from the financial impact on the Uk, our little island just isn't big enough.


Exactly. That is what Australia learnt the hard way.


As soon as you soften your policies, thinking it is only a few thousand what is the harm, that is when the floodgates open wide.

The boats turn up on your shores daily with untold thousands, and you have a massive problem.

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I do apologise, if they know someone then of course we should just let them wander right on in! Its all very well having a bleeding heart but that is not going to feed, house, clothe, educate etc etc, these immigrants. And to answer your question, I do not expect that France should have to take them all in, I did say France/Europe as I do not know which other safe countries they have passed through in order to be standing in Calais tearing down the fences. If these immigrants weren't so intent on getting to the UK then Europe, as a whole, would be doing a lot more to stop it. You can't focus solely on the 1200 or so immigrants that are trying to get into the UK right now but see the bigger picture, there are millions that will come if we don't stop it. And aside from the financial impact on the Uk, our little island just isn't big enough.



This reminds me of the apocalyptic predictions of opening the borders to Eastern Europeans.

The UK takes a very small number of asylum seekers in comparison with other countries.


Of course applications should be processed properly and quickly for the benefit of all concerned, but our failure to do this isn't the fault of the asylum seekers.

There are so many inspirational stories of people who came here as refugees and who have made their lives here, are contributing to our society and are proud to be British. We have to stop seeing everyone as a potential drain on our resources or a threat to our 'way of life'. Yes, they will need support to get started, but will often give far more back (I'm thinking in particular here about drs I know who came as refugees in the 80s without a word of English - that takes some determination).

Just to be clear, this doesn't mean I think we should just let everyone 'just wander right on in', or that I have a 'bleeding heart', simply that we have to find a humane way of supporting human beings who are escaping unimaginable situations.


[h=3]Does the UK have more asylum seekers than most countries?[/h][h=3]No it does not. With an estimated 173,100 asylum applications, Germany was the largest recipient of new asylum claims in 2014. The United States of America was second with 121,200 asylum applications, followed by Turkey(87,800), Sweden (75,100), and Italy (63,700). By comparison, the UK received 31,300 new applications for asylum by the end of 2014.[/h][h=3](Source: UNHCR 2014 Asylum Trends Report)[/h]

[h=3]How many refugees are there in the UK?[/h]At the end of 2014, the population of refugees, pending asylum cases and stateless persons made up just 0.24% of the population. That’s 117,161 refugees, 36,383 pending asylum cases and 16 stateless persons.

The vast majority of refugees stay in their region of displacement, so that 86% of the world’s refugees are hosted by developing countries. Turkey now hosts the highest number of refugees at 1.6million, followed by Pakistan at 1.5million

(Source: UNHCR 2014 Global Trends Report)



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The UK takes a very small number of asylum seekers in comparison with other countries.








How many refugees are there in the UK?






You are only considering "refugees" and asylum seekers, not all immigrants though.


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So lets assume that all the immigrants wishing to get to Britain are skilled people and do not want to claim benefits and are fleeing from war torn countries/persecution, and therefore will be entitled to claim asylum. How many can we take before there are not enough jobs, not enough houses, not enough school places, doctors, hospital beds and so on and so on.

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