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I lost my Mum yesterday! :(


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Thanks again for the kind comments.Lost Dad 20 yrs ago,and now Mum,it does'nt quite feel right without any parents now!:cry:


hey Mel ...I feel for you big time ..........wish we could help ..........just been through it and we know what your going through ...........

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Hi all,well I've just returned from Adelaide last week,after spending nearly 6 mths there,spending quality time with my Mum.Yesterday I recieved the call everyone dreads,that Mum had passed away yesterday.She was 83,and had a myriad of health issues,but remained in her own home,and for the most part,managed ok.I am now flying back to Adelaide tomorrow night (Sat).Just feel so sad right now.:cry:xxx


I'm so so sorry x :hug:

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so sorry for your loss, lovely wee quote someone reminded me off when my dad died 9 years ago was "death ends a life, it does not end a relationship" (taken from 'Tuesdays with Morrie', great book btw) and it has always stuck with me, so during the times of grief and process of bereavement, do treasure the memories you have and remember your mum will continue to always influence you as you will never lose that relationship and love. take care

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Thanks again everyone for your kind words.Just had a visit from youngest daughter,so been quite busy catching up this arvo.Feeling abit teary now the house is quiet again.

Love that little saying Claudy Mucker,seems so fitting right now,thankyou for sharing it xx

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She probably held on to see you then gave up. It does seem to happen that way sometimes. I lost my mum when I was 16 and my dad in my twenties.


you do not "get over it" but it does get less painful


I see women my age out with their mum and it does make me sad that she never saw me as an adult or my children. I am in my fifties now and still miss her deeply on occaision.


Try ray always to remember the good memories and be thankful you had spent time with her.

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So sorry to hear your sad news. No matter how prepared we may feel, losing your Mum leaves a huge hole.


Sounds like you've only just returned to the UK and now are preparing to fly back over. Let the crew know your circumstances. When I was in a similar situation a few years ago, they were very accomodating in seating me somewhere quiet. I was even invited to the flightdeck to see the view in the sky as the captain said he "wanted to show me where my Mum was".


Take care of yourself; you must feel awful with the grief and jetlag.


Best wishes, from a fellow Wiltshire pom X

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Thankyou all for sharing your thoughts and condolences(not sure if thats the correct spelling).Lucharmily,thanks for sharing the flight news.I had booked into a seat already but will let them know my circumstances when I check in.Well its 12pm here.My taxi arrives at 4.30pm,flights at 10pm.My OH's work would only allow 3 days compassionate leave.As it takes 2 days to get to Oz,thats not much use to us.Did'nt have enough time to p*** around waiting for HR to get back to him,so I've booked to fly out alone and hopefully OH can arrrange with his manager on Monday some time off (AL)and fly out some time this week.

Just finished packing,and truly horrible trying to choose what to wear to Mum's funeral! Apparrently her body is still with the coroner's,so until everything is settled there,we cannot plan the funeral as such.Not sure how long these things take tbh,but I have booked to be in Adelaide for 3 weeks.Thanks once again everyone,I appreciate you taking the time to post and for sharing your thoughts.xxx

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Hi all,well I've just returned from Adelaide last week,after spending nearly 6 mths there,spending quality time with my Mum.Yesterday I recieved the call everyone dreads,that Mum had passed away yesterday.She was 83,and had a myriad of health issues,but remained in her own home,and for the most part,managed ok.I am now flying back to Adelaide tomorrow night (Sat).Just feel so sad right now.:cry:xxx


I'm sorry to hear that Mel,you done the right thing by her though by going back,my sympathies

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im so sorry to hear this , when i lost my mom , some one said to me that although i was saying good bye to her in this world , on the other side she was being greeted with a welcome and hello , i realise every one has different beliefs , but it gave me some comfort xxxx

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Hi all,arrived safely last Monday morning,back in Adelaide.Not sure how I managed that journey on my own but I did!On Tuesday us kids met up at the funeral directors to arrange Mums's funeral.We had the coroners report back on that day and Mums cause of death was undertermined.They had taken blood test and,Im not sure why,but we won't get the results from those for 9-12mths!!!! Mums funeral is next Tuesday.We all went back to Mums house on Tuesday,and it felt very sad being at her place,with her not there.I've cried buckets but today is the first day I feel ok,well as ok as you can be under the circumstances.Its nice to be here with my brothers and sisters,and we've all been supported by eachother.Thanks to you all,its nice to know there are people out there that care.xxxx

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Hi all,arrived safely last Monday morning,back in Adelaide.Not sure how I managed that journey on my own but I did!On Tuesday us kids met up at the funeral directors to arrange Mums's funeral.We had the coroners report back on that day and Mums cause of death was undertermined.They had taken blood test and,Im not sure why,but we won't get the results from those for 9-12mths!!!! Mums funeral is next Tuesday.We all went back to Mums house on Tuesday,and it felt very sad being at her place,with her not there.I've cried buckets but today is the first day I feel ok,well as ok as you can be under the circumstances.Its nice to be here with my brothers and sisters,and we've all been supported by eachother.Thanks to you all,its nice to know there are people out there that care.xxxx



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Thanks for the update Melza, take care.


And do make sure you have support and someone to unload it on!


i found that it was after the funeral when everything was " back to normal" that I really felt it.


I find when when I check in with people who have been bereaved a month after the funeral, they really need to talk about it and most people stop asking.

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