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how I feel about being back in the UK

chrisrich 5

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Hi all,


I have been back in the Uk now for 10 months after living in Australia for over 40 years .

I would just like to say how I feel about being back in England ,If someone asked me whats make you happy my reply would be ,being back home ,I can't believe how happy I feel at being here It never cease to amaze me of how beautiful this country is .

And what a great city London is,we are only 45 miles from the centre of London but looking around ,you would think you are in the middle of now where surrounded by apple orchards and fields of rape seed in full bloom.

Having Europe on your door step, the lovely country towns that have not changed to much,there is a classic car show being held near by and it is being held where the darling Buds of May were filmed, was thinking of taking my TR5 which I have owned for 32 years and brought it back with me .

I love the history that England has, every where ever you turn you are looking back in time at one place or another. I absolutely love the long summer evening that we have in the summer.


what I am trying to say is that I am so glad to have retuned home and it feels to me that is where I belong .


To all those wanting to return ,I hope you find the happiness of being home that I have found.



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Guest Dave53

Home is where the heart is , and you are so lucky that yours is in the UK , as is mine ..


Dave C

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Hi all,


I have been back in the Uk now for 10 months after living in Australia for over 40 years .

I would just like to say how I feel about being back in England ,If someone asked me whats make you happy my reply would be ,being back home ,I can't believe how happy I feel at being here It never cease to amaze me of how beautiful this country is .

And what a great city London is,we are only 45 miles from the centre of London but looking around ,you would think you are in the middle of now where surrounded by apple orchards and fields of rape seed in full bloom.

Having Europe on your door step, the lovely country towns that have not changed to much,there is a classic car show being held near by and it is being held where the darling Buds of May were filmed, was thinking of taking my TR5 which I have owned for 32 years and brought it back with me .

I love the history that England has, every where ever you turn you are looking back in time at one place or another. I absolutely love the long summer evening that we have in the summer.


what I am trying to say is that I am so glad to have retuned home and it feels to me that is where I belong .


To all those wanting to return ,I hope you find the happiness of being home that I have found.





Lovely post to read Chris, glad it's been what you hoped for (and more by the sounds of it).

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Hi all,


I have been back in the Uk now for 10 months after living in Australia for over 40 years .

I would just like to say how I feel about being back in England... what a great city London is,we are only 45 miles from the centre of London but looking around ,you would think you are in the middle of now where surrounded by apple orchards and fields of rape seed in full bloom.

Having Europe on your door step, the lovely country towns that have not changed to much...

I love the history that England has, every where ever you turn you are looking back in time at one place or another. I absolutely love the long summer evening that we have in the summer.


After 30 years I feel more Australian than British, but I identify with all of that! Now I'm retired I need more to interest me, and if we moved to the UK, I would have so much to explore.


My question is, how did you manage the financials? We've looked at moving back, but the tax implications seem so horrendous we've almost written it off.

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What a beautiful story and I'm so glad you're happy! It must have been a massive life change to move after so many years in Australia but sounds as if you did exactly the right thing for you. I really feel that for a few of us it is a case of "belonging" and it's so refreshing reading your story after hearing so many negatives ones on here about England! I'm very much looking forward to my return next year!

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glad your happy being back where are you from

have you tried earning a living near london

its quite hard you cant blame us for wanting to spread our wings as you did



I come from Sevenoaks in Kent , and I don't have to work any more .


if you feel the need to try Australia the I would say go for it, would rather regret going than regret no going.


Good luck



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I still own a home over there , not through choice all my income is taxable in Australia and I then use Ozforex to transfer the money over when I am happy with the rate .


No big deal .

its only when you are over here you realise how isolated Australia is .


good luck with your decision



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Good work. See how much you love it come October, six months of feral weather :biggrin:



hes retired, if the weather proves problematic ...he can bugger off to spain ...or southern france or malta ( for pennies ) .....or like a mate of mine does , goes to goa in india for 4 months a year ......ways and means ....plenty of choice

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hes retired, if the weather proves problematic ...he can bugger off to spain ...or southern france or malta ( for pennies ) .....or like a mate of mine does , goes to goa in india for 4 months a year ......ways and means ....plenty of choice


as he has been back 10 months i guess hes already lived through a winter, in which case, i'm pretty sure he can cope. not everyone has to live like a lizard in year round sun. he sounds very happy to finally belong, and sun or no sun, this is the most important feeling.

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Weather in the UK isnt that bad to be honest, its just when you work all week and it rains at the weekend it feels you have had rain all week.

Retired would be fine as you can do things any day of the week

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