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Would you get a fine, i think I would ?


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Guest The Pom Queen

What a stupid rule, I can't see why the police would be even interested. I could understand for insurance purposes if you needed to claim but to get fined for it :no:

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Another thing to be aware of, at least in QLD. Some one I know was stopped for a random police check. Breathalize clear, walk round car clear, but then told she would be fined $60. Why? Because her hand bag was on the front seat and could cause injury if it flew off the seat in an emergency!!! Apparently there should be nothing on either the front seat or back seat. Another little known law that you can be fined for?!

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Another thing to be aware of, at least in QLD. Some one I know was stopped for a random police check. Breathalize clear, walk round car clear, but then told she would be fined $60. Why? Because her hand bag was on the front seat and could cause injury if it flew off the seat in an emergency!!! Apparently there should be nothing on either the front seat or back seat. Another little known law that you can be fined for?!


What?! I'd be speechless if they fined me for that!

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Apparently you can be fined in SA for having your arm out of the window, and having things dangling from the rear view mirror. So I've been told anyway....


I think having things dangling from your rear view mirror is an MOT fail here. Obstructs your view. Not sure if you'd get fined for it though.



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What a stupid rule, I can't see why the police would be even interested. I could understand for insurance purposes if you needed to claim but to get fined for it :no:


Revenue earner. The police are being down right d*ckheads at the moment trying to earn extra revenue for all sorts of stuff - it's not endearing anyone to the police force that's for sure. It's what you get when there are idiot pollys elected into government <thumbdown>

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Is that just QLD then?


Bizarre law, but then I'd never leave my windows open on purpose anyway. What do they say about people with convertibles who leave their roofs down?!


I don't think convertibles are allowed in Qld.


Actually - I have heard of WA police putting a red or yellow sticker on a car if they don't like you but can't find a valid reason to book you. They don't need much reason for this. My brother was pulled up and stickered once. When asked why he had been stopped, the cop just answered 'attempted speeding'

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The only encouraging thing about this thread as a would-be immigrant is that there must be almost no crime in Queensland if the police are having to fill their day looking at open car windows, objects on car seats etc.




My OH calls them kiddie cops - says the news is all about koala's being fined for jay walking:biglaugh:

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I remember someone telling me about the window one. I was picking my daughter up from school and the person in the car next to me told me. I thought she was winding me up, but my friend confirmed it was true. That was 13 years ago in Perth, so maybe not just a Qld thing, unless it's changed?

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Just watched this on the news and now expecting Barnett to come out and say something along the lines of "this is the way it is". Well it's not. These damned pollies need to look at their job description - public servant - and then look up the two words in a dictionary. They have long forgotten that they are there to do OUR bidding.

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Another thing to be aware of, at least in QLD. Some one I know was stopped for a random police check. Breathalize clear, walk round car clear, but then told she would be fined $60. Why? Because her hand bag was on the front seat and could cause injury if it flew off the seat in an emergency!!! Apparently there should be nothing on either the front seat or back seat. Another little known law that you can be fined for?!


i thought front passenger seats were made for handbags!!! mine is always there! have to get into new habits now !

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It does sound a funny law. I've no idea if it applies in Victoria too, where I live, or any other states.

You would think if something is your possession then it is your risk to take.


Is it against the law to leave your front door unlocked too ?

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