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Why am I not feeling "Christmassy" this year?

Que Sera Sera

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I've lost my Christmas mojo this year, I'm hoping Im going to find it nearer the time. I'm usually quite excited about it but this year I just can't seem to muster it. Is it because my " baby" is now 12 going on 21 and refuses to go along with the glass of sherry and a mince pie for Father Christmas malarky, or is it because I'm really doing well in the diet department and all Im seeing is obstacles. I don't know what it is but it's defiantly gone . Help needed!

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It's chilly in Melbourne so I'm actually feeling quite Xmassy today! Have you put the tree up yet? I'm obsessed with mine, the lights go on as soon as I walk through the door. I actually fancied a mulled wine after seeing my UK mates on Facebook at the German markets, but I'm pregnant so missing that merry part of Xmas. Hope you can feel festive soon, watch the Snowman!

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Can't help you really QSS except to say I'm not feeling the Xmas thing either, but not sure I ever will living here.


i just got bored of it in the UK, too in you face. Here the opposite exists, nobody really even mentions it at work. I'm happy with that.


mind you my kids are 18 & 19 so I've been there and got the tee shirt!!


what makes me laugh is I'm getting told off by my pommy mates for not yet having got a tree and trimmed up. I wonder why when I work same hours as OH, plus do the dog walks before and after work and all the household chores, am I the one that should also be looked at to take care of Xmas too?


present wise not too bad, as a family we are just doing a secret Santa, so only 1 to buy for. A few friends kids to get for too but that will be last minute, I just don't have time. To be honest cant face shopping, not even to find a outfit for Xmas doo on Saturday.

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You are not alone. 20 days to go and I have done nothing! We had a family wedding here 6 weeks ago with our middle one finally tieing the knot. A really busy happy 3 weeks with our UK son, wife and grandchildren here, + daughter and partner from Sydney and new DIL's family from NZ, so really feel we have already had Christmas if that makes sense, and just can't find the enthusiasm to sort Christmas out.

ideally I just want someone to say they will take over.

could go to son or daughter, but they don't live near and normally everyone is here together, including a few friends who always come. Everyone does muck in, but the organization does fall on me, and if we go to either son or daughter then one or other will be on their own.

Might just run away!!!

Perhaps if we put the tree up tomorrow I might feel better.

let me know if you find a solution!!? Good luck.

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Guest Guest 47403
...more wine needed....christmas songs on a loop and stare at your christmas tree while eating mince pies...oh and a bottle of baileys....


It's not Christmas without Baileys!

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I'm actually feeling more Christmassy this year than I have on any previous Christmas in Australia. I think it's because I've decided to forget about the normal Christmas and embrace the warmer, brighter weather and do things differently. We've put the tree in a different place this year which has really helped and I'm getting the kids helping me make Christmas decorations to hang outside on Christmas Eve ready to have a Christmas brunch outside on Christmas Day. I'm treating myself (and the OH and kids) to some of the fabulous fruit available at the moment. Well, mangos anyway. I love mangos and they are a bit of a treat so as it's Christmas I'm buying extras. This weekend we're going to assemble a gingerbread house that I've bought in kit form.


I'm thinking of Christmas as more of a carnival type festival this year - think summer solstice and the carribean.

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I'm enjoying the fact that it will be warm at Christmas but it does feel different to the UK (although days like today in Melbourne do make you wonder sometimes where you are living).


I really love the fact that Aussies like Christmas but that Christmas here don't have the full on obsessional stuff, blanket wall to wall in your faceness of Christmas as an event in the UK. It's more of a great build up to the summer holidays, with Christmas just happening to mark the start of it here in Australia.


Certainly won't be putting a tree up, we didnt do it for years in the UK before we came and never bother now. I do think they tend to look a bit ridiculous in Australia,anyway.


there's on in our office festooned with fake snow and holly leaves and other symbols of northern hemisphere winters, in the bright light of the Australian summer. Looks totally daft and out of place, like someone has put it there as a joke!


I might get around to putting a few bits of tinsel up a couple of days before Christmas. No big deal!

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Guest Guest 47403
I'm actually feeling more Christmassy this year than I have on any previous Christmas in Australia. I think it's because I've decided to forget about the normal Christmas and embrace the warmer, brighter weather and do things differently. We've put the tree in a different place this year which has really helped and I'm getting the kids helping me make Christmas decorations to hang outside on Christmas Eve ready to have a Christmas brunch outside on Christmas Day. I'm treating myself (and the OH and kids) to some of the fabulous fruit available at the moment. Well, mangos anyway. I love mangos and they are a bit of a treat so as it's Christmas I'm buying extras. This weekend we're going to assemble a gingerbread house that I've bought in kit form.


I'm thinking of Christmas as more of a carnival type festival this year - think summer solstice and the carribean.


All about embracing your surroundings I suppose, don't know whether we will do the full Christmas dinner thing once we are there, my wife is quite a traditionalist with things like that, but having spent a lot of Christmas's working away I don't feel the need to have to fit the stereotype Christmas......we'll see next year.

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Nor me, I sweated my arse off while putting my Christmas tree up today - it was soo hot in Redcliffe. This is my 4th Christmas here and I still don't feel the festive spirit, I guess it doesn't help that we're not doing presents this year and having seafood for Christmas lunch, lol. I'm hoping to be home for it next year for the first time since we left, and haven't been home in nearly 3 years. Maybe try putting on some Wham and The Pogues and drinking lots of wine :) x

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I feel the same. Found it a real effort and inconvenience doing the Christmas shopping for the folk back in England - not to mention expensive. I feel a bit "bah humbug" about it to be honest, as sort of feel obligated to continue buying gifts (and seems to get more expensive & extravagant each year) for people in England - yet they don't make the same effort to get gifts to us on time, and winge that it costs so much to post.


No Christmas decorations up in our house, didn't have a tree the past two Christmases and not sure if we can muster up enthusiasm to go and buy one either, it's just more money.


Maybe it would be different if we had children and could view it through their eyes...

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I've lost my Christmas mojo this year, I'm hoping Im going to find it nearer the time. I'm usually quite excited about it but this year I just can't seem to muster it. Is it because my " baby" is now 12 going on 21 and refuses to go along with the glass of sherry and a mince pie for Father Christmas malarky, or is it because I'm really doing well in the diet department and all Im seeing is obstacles. I don't know what it is but it's defiantly gone . Help needed!


Have a look in the leccy cupboard,it might be there QS?

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I feel the same this year. Last year I felt really Christmassy (our first one here as a family) but this year I am totally unprepared. Realised at the weekend I hadn't organised anything for family in the UK and I still haven't sent a card.

I think, for me, it is because I have been working a fair bit recently plus trying to sort out some rental issues and the kids have both been ill. Just not enough time to think about it.

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Lets be honest Christmas is not the same here when we are used to a British celebration...but it is a nice day and we make the best of it...maybe because there's not much else to look forward to in the UK, it's the highlight of the year, we have lots of highlights here;)


Never thought of it that way...but so true

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Lets be honest Christmas is not the same here when we are used to a British celebration...but it is a nice day and we make the best of it...maybe because there's not much else to look forward to in the UK, it's the highlight of the year, we have lots of highlights here;)

You are so right. It's my third Christmas here but this year I just don't know. I think I'll put the decorations up this weekend and see if that helps.

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Same here, I don`t feel at all "christmasy". I didn`t buy any gifts yet either and we usually pick up our tree in the week before Christmas. As a matter of fact, we still have 2 pumpkins at our front door, spider decorations in the playroom and bats on the chandelier:chatterbox:. It`s all going down this week - after I`ve worked on my CV`s, sent job applications, went to work, took care of the kids....... maybe next week then :cute:

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I have spent one Christmas in Sydney, Australia, 2005, I was 20, on a WHV, and it didn't feel like much of a Christmas for me, though we still enjoyed ourselves. I think we were out 'til about 6am Christmas Eve/Christmas morning, then spent some of Christmas Day on a little boat on Sydney Harbour (organised through Scruffy Murphy's pub). It was 35degrees, I was hungover and all I had was a turkey roll and tried to recover from the night before haha.

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I haven't done a thing yet, but we are putting the tree up this weekend so perhaps that will help. My OH keeps saying we have to think about presents but I just cannot get to it. I still cannot reconcile Christmas with the weather warming up and lighter evenings. That is at the core of it.

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Crimbo's probably great if you've got kids,i haven't tho,so to me its more or less another day,barring the hour me nephews are opening presents,and dinner with family together.

Weather doesnt impact it in anyway,think ive had a crimbo in Florida,Lanzarote,Cyprus and im sure there's another one or two?!

Anyway!bottom line,i like getting away at crimbo,not just for the sun,i fancy Germany at crimbo one day maybe?

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