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Nuisance calls


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Moved to a new place and getting nuisance calls from a bunch of people from India, who want to talk about 'my phone' Expecting Telstra to be as useful as a chocolate teapot - registered with do not call etc., telephone preference etc.... have tried abuse, neglect, reason - 14 calls tonight so far ... any ideas?

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Moved to a new place and getting nuisance calls from a bunch of people from India, who want to talk about 'my phone' Expecting Telstra to be as useful as a chocolate teapot - registered with do not call etc., telephone preference etc.... have tried abuse, neglect, reason - 14 calls tonight so far ... any ideas?


Try answering with an Indian accent, they'll probably think they got a wrong number.

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Also be very wary of anyone ringing to do a survey. Particularly if they are from India and talk about doing a survey for working people.


It can be fun to be surveyed, but this can be a scam to get you to divulge personal information.

Several weeks later they call back again to get more infor pretending to be from your bank.


I now hang up on all survey phone calls.

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We had a nuisance call from india recently too. A facebook friend had put a status up a few hours before saying about it and how they were saying it was to do with the broadband and they needed our card details. When they phoned me i listened for a few seconds, said "shut up" and put down the phone. Its a bit worrying though because some older people might fall for it, my mums neighbour would be one of them

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I have done that one, phone down and walk away.


I carry on doing what im doing,BUT i like to hear how long they hang on tho,so i dont walk away,that must mean im a bigger bitch than you,dont tell anyone tho,ive got a reputation to live down to.....

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I start asking them questions such as "what's your full name?" "What's the company name?" "Where are you?" Etc. had a lot of fun annoying a woman who had duped my 75yr old grandad into giving her remote control of his computer. Ended up in an argument as I interrupted the connection & googled the company. Spooked her when I described the exterior of her office block thanks to google earth! Grandad hasn't been bugged since either

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Guest Guest 47403
I ask them to "hang on a minute",put them on loudspeaker then smile and ignore the "sir,sir are you there pls" pleas,i waste "their" time


Same here..........put the buggers on hold on your terms, there all on commission waste there bloody time when they sound desperate talk for a minute or 2 then get them to wait again..............good fun when your bored.

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Same here..........put the buggers on hold on your terms, there all on commission waste there bloody time when they sound desperate talk for a minute or 2 then get them to wait again..............good fun when your bored.


How much commission are they on Baz, and what are they using this commission for?


To feed their families? To look after the oldies who don't have the opportunity of an Indian pension? For extra funds to play the stock market?


Do you think they want this type of job? Are they phoning to annoy you or to fulfil their quota so they get a pay cheque? If they don't have a job, they starve, as too their families.

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Im not going to listen to someone whos lying on the phone to me, they can move onto the next person once i hang up!


I agree there are lots of dodgy people out there, but by circumstance there could be genuine people trying to survive mixed up as well.




look at the uk in the 1700's. Deported for theft. It is a crime.


But why were people stealing bread? To feed their family. If they didn't steal, they didn't survive. Australia and the uk now have a benefits system so people don't have to fall that far. Most of the world doesn't.


Would you turn to saying dodgy things to more advantaged people on the other side of the world to keep your head above water? To feed my family, I would. Would I like it? No.



Personally, I say I'm not interested, thanks. I don't listen long enough to try to determine whether they sound shonky or legitimate. I let them move on as quickly as possible.

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Guest Guest16631

..........and unfortunately as there are so many scams..........

...........people are wary and angry........

..........there may be many just working to live......

..........but as we can only go on our experiences......

..........and we cannot ....see .......through the phone.......if only....!

...........so as usual the few........spoil things for the many........

...........though it's fast becoming the other way round in this instant....

...........scammers reducing a job viewed often with suspicion

............to one that is now mainly viewed with with sceptics ism......and annoyance.....

...........a shame for the legitimate.......

............but until there is a way to differentiate......

.............most calls of this kind are viewed mainly as a nuisance.......ime.....

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I got an advice from a coworker - he said these people are usually working from their own home office so the missed call number is their business number. When we worked night shift, he started calling them at 3 am, saying " I got a missed call from this number and I wasn`t available but now I am" :biglaugh:. Great fun to hear them trying to put themselves together to be coherent lol. It is very annoying if you are working nights to be woken up by stupid ads in the middle of your sleep. I`ve never called back myself but I just don`t answer any number that doesn`t begin with our area code. Might be a little pricey to call back to India though :eek:

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Moved to a new place and getting nuisance calls from a bunch of people from India, who want to talk about 'my phone' Expecting Telstra to be as useful as a chocolate teapot - registered with do not call etc., telephone preference etc.... have tried abuse, neglect, reason - 14 calls tonight so far ... any ideas?


Change to premium phone service

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I ask them to "hang on a minute",put them on loudspeaker then smile and ignore the "sir,sir are you there pls" pleas,i waste "their" time

i do the same, had one on for 20 mins while I kept giving him my pizza order and he kept reading his script

had another on for nearly 30 mins till I ran out of stuff to try, then I said excuse me do you believe in Jesus, he asked if I did, I said no believe in beer and chocolate, it was all getting a bit deep, then my wife took the phone off me and hung up

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I sort of agree with the sentiment that the workers are just doing what they can to make ends meet and it is the company's that are shonky.


last year after getting several of the 'Windows support' calls trying to get access to my computer and telling me I had a serious virus, I asked the next caller for the company name (in a calm, chatty way) asked for their address and contact number.


then phoned them back and asked to speak to the person in charge - told them I was fed up getting calls and that I was reporting them to Consumer affairs for harassing me. Then I phoned consumer affairs and passed on the details I had.


last week I started getting them again, after the third one I asked where he was (he had an Indian accent) he told me St Kilda, he gave me a phone number and an ABNORMAL when I asked for them. Then I told him I was going to report the company, that what he was doing was a scam, he begged me not to report him, said he was sorry, almost crying, said he needed the money etc etc

I told he he needed to find another job, any job because I was going to pass the info on and Ended up hanging up on him still begging me not to report him.


could have been a genuine low paid worker terrified he would lose his job or could have been a heartless scammer, I don't know.


I reported them to consumer affairs then reapplied to the no call service and have not had another one since.

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I just let it go onto ansaphone, plus over here I find most people use mobiles, I tell people to leave a message and genuine ones do, the other useful and funny thing to do is tell them Im emigrating, wherever I feel like that day


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