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Everything posted by thombatt

  1. Have you thought of going to the Ato and telling them they made a change to your account without your authorisation and that they must pay to the original nominated account, then they can chase your "friend". He may not be so smug then.
  2. If you look at the definition of dual for UK, NZ and Australia, it means "more than one" , not two.
  3. Ford and Holden are gone! A year ago they would have been there but with the factory closures and pooof! Still Merc and BMW are expensive motors.
  4. This is a bad time of the year for making predictions as to how long a visa will take. The Australian government works on a 1 July to 30 June basis. It also has a quota for the number of visas it will issue. So if they are behind the quotathey process them like crazy to get to the quota. If they are ahead of the quota, or if the quota looks like no problem they may delay the issuing of visas at this time of the year and may delay to the 2015 year. My understanding is that the quota will be easily achieved, so there may well be delay in the issuing of visas at the moment.
  5. What you are proposing is fraud. The offense will be committed on the Australian Federal government which may result in a prison term with subsequent deportation. Your daughters in Australia may also be in trouble, as they may have assisted you in providing false information on your application.They may also be deported for such an offense.
  6. What it does do is make it easier for the Australian government to withdraw a visa after it has been issued. If you've been naughty all they have to do is grab your form 80, examine it a lot more closely, find a discrepancy and withdraw the visa.
  7. Some countries like Germany and Singapore make you relinquish their citizenships when you become a citizen of another country. No idea if this applies to OP
  8. For both UK resident and non-resident owners, VAT will always need to be considered. As a general rule, VAT does not need to be (indeed cannot be) charged on rents to residential tenants. The downside of this is that a residential landlord cannot recover any of its associated VAT costs. However, if any works are to be carried out at a UK property, the UK “zero” and “reduced rates” should be considered carefully as they may reduce the VAT costs incurred (and may allow certain VAT costs to be recovered). Not sure if you are a residential or commercial landlord
  9. It's pretty bad when citizens have less rights than EU nationals
  10. If I was a customs officer I'd confiscate it and eat it after you had gone lol
  11. Your last will and testament is also a good document
  12. My understanding is that there are a number of additional reporting requirements to the tax authorities in the UK because of the changes in the double tax agreement. Changes that the ATO demanded. As a result a number of institutions in the UK will not accept Australian customers, it's just "to hard". Hence the requirement to be out of Australia. Could be wrong, but that's my take on it.
  13. How does h complete his landing card, assuming he isn't in Australia already?
  14. Well I guess it's one way of making people meet their moral obligations. Effectively some states are closing down the 190 option
  15. My wife is Scottish and we plan to retire in Scotland, so the decision has consequences for us, even if we are not able to vote. My natural reaction is a "no", so I've asked questions on the Yes Scotland site. I've not received a reply, despite asking again, twice. This in it's own right concerns me. These are some of the concerns that I've raised 1 in the development of the economic figures presented by the SNP what can the price of oil decline to before the current SNP policies become unsustainable? 2 are there any proposal for an upper house like the House of Lords or the Australian Senate, how will its members be elected/appointed and how will a bill passage actually work? 3 There is currently a "special relationship" between the UK and the USA. How will Scotland fit into this relationship post independence, if at all? 4 Is the economic viability of Scotland based on the "Common Weal" paper put forward? (if the answer is yes, then my vote would definitely be no) 5 the economic viability of an independent Scotland seems to be entirely based on the SNP policy of running down defense and depending on rUK to move north of the border when there are issues, is this correct? 6 What happens if an independent Scotland is a complete disaster, are there any safeguards to allow Scotland to rejoin the UK, or would the rUK hold that decision entirely? I understand that Scottish see value for deciding for themselves how their affairs are run, and to many that is worth the price of a decline in wealth. New Zealand and Iceland are quoted as examples of successful smaller countries by Salmond, but he fails to mention that both of them very nearly went bankrupt in the last 40 years, Iceland in 2008 and NZ in 1984. The pain those countries went though to get out of it was huge and I don't think Scotland is up to that sort of pain quite frankly.
  16. But if you earn income you are a resident from day one for income tax!
  17. Your shipping company wont ship gas bottles. They don't like things that might go bang.
  18. Tell them how you're bbq'ing a cow and a pig in your backyard and how much you're looking forward to eating them.
  19. Nz'ers get a bloody good fair go. They can live and work in Australia without having to go through the whole immigration process like the rest of the world has to.
  20. You can Your Australian mortgage provider will basically consider two things before giving you a mortgage (or the size of the mortgage) 1 the security they have for the debt (this is effectively the value of the property and is it greater than the debt) 2 your ability to pay the debt. For this they will assess the payments you have to make on your UK mortgage, but will take into account the rent you receive. An Australian bank can certainly attach foreign assets to settle a debt. Whether it is worth the trouble is another mater. They would have to make application through the UK court system.
  21. Redcliffe is close by and I see lots of soccer been played there. I know the PCYC has quite a few fields. I presume it's Association Football you're talking about, not Union, League or Assie Rules. I did a quick seach on Redcliffe soccer and came up with about 5 clubs. So you should find a happy home in one of those.
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