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OK for kids to have a cuppa


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My little girl (8) just asked if she could have a cup of tea!!

Just wondering if its Ok or not???

I know it has caffeine but one cup? is it ok or not ?


I have sucessfully steered my kids away from fizzy pop drinks all their life so would i be ruining all my work by letting them drink tea?

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Guest Ptp113

My daughter has had chai for years (now 14). No surprises with a British/Russian heritage. She loves going out for a tea ceremony at this special place, and selects exotic teas each time. Way beyond her years my daughter.

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I was and my two boys bought up drinking tea and never had a problem. I am now a little stricter with my daughter ( there is quite a big age gap) but give her Rooibus ( Red bush ) tea! Looks like tea and tastes quite like tea...but zero caffeine and good for you :) I drink it and love it n if you've not had tea before...you'll never know the difference. :) give it a try.

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I was allowed tea and coffee at that age (but didn't really like them), but then I was allowed a glass of wine with dinner too...



Me too, though I don't drink tea or coffee at all - hate the stuff. As for wine, well :biggrin:

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Guest The Pom Queen
My little girl (8) just asked if she could have a cup of tea!!

Just wondering if its Ok or not???

I know it has caffeine but one cup? is it ok or not ?


I have sucessfully steered my kids away from fizzy pop drinks all their life so would i be ruining all my work by letting them drink tea?


Why can't she have tea, a cup of tea solves all the worlds problems lol.

I can understand you not letting her have fizzy drinks but I think tea is fine. Mind you Rob is banned from coffee as I hate the smell

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Why can't she have tea, a cup of tea solves all the worlds problems lol.

I can understand you not letting her have fizzy drinks but I think tea is fine. Mind you Rob is banned from coffee as I hate the smell



Yep, it's the smell I can't stand.


My kids rarely have fizzy drinks either, but my nine year old likes to have a cup of tea occasionally.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with giving kids tea tbh, I found an alternative but of she didn't like it and asked for tea, I wouldn't really have a problem as long as it was only one or two a day. As for fizzy drinks though...definite no.

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My son is 10 and has started drinking tea in the last year, I get Tetley's decaf for him. I didn't know about tannin affecting iron absorption though.

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It all comes down to what you want, Simmo.


If you are ok with it, as all the others have said, decaf, milky, dilute.


If you're not ok with it, strong, black and bitter. She won't touch it again for 10 years.

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I dont see the problem with fizzy drinks either to be honest. I buy the flavoured mineral water stuff and the odd bottle of diet coke for the weekend. Not an everyday drink of choice but fine occasionally surely.


I steer clear of the flavoured mineral water, it was on some TV prog discussing how bad it is for you..loads of sugar or something??

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My kids only had fizzy drinks for special occasions,and still don't drink them (they're adults now)We offered hot drink alternatives,like Caro,hot choc (not the surgary ones)and the occasional tea alternative (caffeine free).We lived(and still do)an alternative lifestyle,so stayed clear of anything mainstream.

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I steer clear of the flavoured mineral water, it was on some TV prog discussing how bad it is for you..loads of sugar or something??



I only buy no added sugar stuff. I steer clear of 'fruit juice' masquerading as such when in fact is 35% juice, topped up with water and sugar.

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