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What's in a takeaway


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My dad sent me some pics of the snow they've had recently, he also put in a cutting from a newspaper (apparently it was from something called the horse-meat baquet which had been on BBC 3 recently).


An Indian takeaway curry was bought at random in London, along with burgers kebabs and chinese dishes, with all being sent for analysis. In the curry - the meat was supposed to be lamb, but DNA tests ruled it out as Lamb, beef, chicken, pork, goa, horse and human flesh


A beef burger contained no beef (apart from blood and heart), beef in black bean sauce was mostly chicken blood and chicken scraps and a little beef.


The only meat that was what it said it was ... was a doner kebab which was pure lamb.


Did any one watch the programme?


Makes you think about what you're getting doesn't it?

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Guest chris955

If you eat takeaway you take your chances, Im a carnivore so Im not overly worried about it. The only way to know exactly what you are eating is to prepare everything yourself which isnt always possible or practical. To me if you eat something and it tastes good you are onto a winner :)

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You couldn't eat human flesh though, I have heard it tastes like pork, it defo smells like it ... I lived near a crematorium and on cremation days it smelt like someone was having a huge BBQ .... It was horrid, maybe thats why I don't like pork much


Makes a change from tasting like chicken LS. The article did wonder if it was cat or dog .. but surely they would have tested for that too?


A blogger who has eaten dog when in China said it's a cross between beef and mutton and was delicious

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My dad sent me some pics of the snow they've had recently, he also put in a cutting from a newspaper (apparently it was from something called the horse-meat baquet which had been on BBC 3 recently).


An Indian takeaway curry was bought at random in London, along with burgers kebabs and chinese dishes, with all being sent for analysis. In the curry - the meat was supposed to be lamb, but DNA tests ruled it out as Lamb, beef, chicken, pork, goa, horse and human flesh


A beef burger contained no beef (apart from blood and heart), beef in black bean sauce was mostly chicken blood and chicken scraps and a little beef.


The only meat that was what it said it was ... was a doner kebab which was pure lamb.


Did any one watch the programme?


Makes you think about what you're getting doesn't i.

Who cares.. They tastes great!! Better than a poxy sizzle

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Guest The Pom Queen
In takeaways i only eat chicken - so what would that be!?


It's a bit horrible when you think about it

Everything tastes like chicken lol

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Makes a change from tasting like chicken LS. The article did wonder if it was cat or dog .. but surely they would have tested for that too?


A blogger who has eaten dog when in China said it's a cross between beef and mutton and was delicious


maybe that's why our lamb was gross last night, we chucked it,

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In takeaways i only eat chicken - so what would that be!?


It's a bit horrible when you think about it



Cat or rabbit ....

i went to an Indian restaurant a few years ago with a work colleague and I refused to eat or pay for the meal, I asked the waiter which breed of cat had they used, if they were dishing up chicken I was a monkeys uncle ,,,, no way they gave me chicken ..

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I only get meat from our English butcher now. This horse meat scandal has really made me think about what I am eating. The Wrinklies are on fish and chicken only now.


There was an article in the Spanish press saying that they have reason to believe that dogs are being fed to dogs here and they have found dog and cat in some supermarket products. The Spanish supermarket meat shelves have been stocked up, but funnily enough no Spaniards have been buying meat:eek:


I find it hilarious that the only takeaway to have contained proper meat was the Dooner:wink:

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I only get meat from our English butcher now. This horse meat scandal has really made me think about what I am eating. The Wrinklies are on fish and chicken only now.


There was an article in the Spanish press saying that they have reason to believe that dogs are being fed to dogs here and they have found dog and cat in some supermarket products. The Spanish supermarket meat shelves have been stocked up, but funnily enough no Spaniards have been buying meat:eek:




I find it hilarious that the only takeaway to have contained proper meat was the Dooner:wink:


That made my daughter laugh to - that's it's often the but of jokes but was 100% lamb

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Years ago our local Chinese takeaway (which was said to be the best in the area and a favourite of most I knew) was inspected. They found the carcuses of dogs and cats in the back yard. The takeaway was closed for some time afterwards. Thinking back we would often have spates of cats going missing in certain areas and see notices up in shops, on trees and fences etc. Usually blamed on being taken by foxes. That takeaway is still operating and always has a steady queue.

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I only get meat from our English butcher now. This horse meat scandal has really made me think about what I am eating. The Wrinklies are on fish and chicken only now.


There was an article in the Spanish press saying that they have reason to believe that dogs are being fed to dogs here and they have found dog and cat in some supermarket products. The Spanish supermarket meat shelves have been stocked up, but funnily enough no Spaniards have been buying meat:eek:


I find it hilarious that the only takeaway to have contained proper meat was the Dooner:wink:


Hot Dogs..........?

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Tomato Catchup? When we went to Cambodia last year they were eating tarantulas ( deep fried) and there were trays of skinned rats- apparently very tasty but I couldn't eat it. The worst was the dogs heads- all brown dogs for some reason, maybe they taste better??

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  • 4 months later...

I read the OP and a couple of replies after then had to skip to the end as i was not feeling good (face pulling as i read it) dog and cat and human flesh ohhhh god how gross. Now i love my food but right now i might just become a veggie :wink: who on earth would or can eat stuff like this and i would not go near anyones lips if they ate it to lol

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