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What's in a takeaway


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When we went to Cambodia last year they were eating tarantulas ( deep fried) and there were trays of skinned rats- apparently very tasty but I couldn't eat it. The worst was the dogs heads- all brown dogs for some reason, maybe they taste better??




2 hour boiled cabbage, potatoes and carrots in same cookpot


hmmm rats sounding nice

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Wasn't there a case in London a couple of years ago that large nubers of pigeons were disappearing from Trafalgar Square. Eventually they caught someone catching them to sell in his restaurant.


Perhaps the unidentified food was pigeon (or guinea pig - popular in Peru!)

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It's all brown dogs in China and Vietnam too, reason is that they're actually bred for eating, people don't, as a rule, grab Rover off the street for a stew. Have to say I didn't partake of the tarantula in Cambodia, looked revolting!

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I suppose at the end of the day an animal is an animal and as an animal eater it would be hypocritical of me to condemn a nation for eating an animal that is viewed in a different way to how we view it ( culturally) If dogs are food....well...let them eat dog..the thing I would take offence to is the breeding, farming and slaughtering conditions...dogs are intelligent precious pets to me, same with horses and cats.....I have no problem with eating cows, sheep and pigs though...I once worked with a chinese nurse who told me dog was very tasty...I couldn't look at her without thinking...'evil dog eater! ' after that....

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I suppose at the end of the day an animal is an animal and as an animal eater it would be hypocritical of me to condemn a nation for eating an animal that is viewed in a different way to how we view it ( culturally) If dogs are food....well...let them eat dog..the thing I would take offence to is the breeding, farming and slaughtering conditions...dogs are intelligent precious pets to me, same with horses and cats.....I have no problem with eating cows, sheep and pigs though...I once worked with a chinese nurse who told me dog was very tasty...I couldn't look at her without thinking...'evil dog eater! ' after that....

I agree up to a certain extent. However at the end of the day animals still have feelings, feel pain, distress etc. Yes people will always eat meat but it's the terrible conditions and methods of slaughter that I think are so wrong. Unnecessary and horrid... I just can't get my head around the fact some people (knowing the facts) are still ok eating it? What's all that about? Think there's something very wrong about that?

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