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8 months in and we're moving back home next year. !!!!!

Kerry Pollard

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well I first joined PIO in January this year, all excited in making the move, looking for advice and now we're 8 months in and after Christmas and New Year, we're planning on going back home in September, I know some people will think we've not give it enough time but for us well mainly me, I have, my hubby loves it and would probably stay forever, he does miss his daughter and mates but that's it really but he agrees with me on that our son needs to be brought up near his family and I need to feel like I belong.

We made the move thinking it would be a better life for us but to be honest it hasn't been any different to home.

We're on a 457 visa so its not forever anyway but I don't want to stay that long.

The grass certainly isn't greener on the other side but at least we've tried and I will be going home with my head held high.

Good luck to everyone that's either coming or going.


Kerry. Xx

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I'm the same! Done alot of travelling, spent many holidays/ whv in Oz! But moving here is very different. We are a year in, and thinking the same about going back. The positives don't out weight the negatives in Oz at the mo.


I'm planning on going home early/mid next year to test the waters and try and make a decision..stay or go home!?

Good luck on your return.

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well I first joined PIO in January this year, all excited in making the move, looking for advice and now we're 8 months in and after Christmas and New Year, we're planning on going back home in September, I know some people will think we've not give it enough time but for us well mainly me, I have, my hubby loves it and would probably stay forever, he does miss his daughter and mates but that's it really but he agrees with me on that our son needs to be brought up near his family and I need to feel like I belong.

We made the move thinking it would be a better life for us but to be honest it hasn't been any different to home.

We're on a 457 visa so its not forever anyway but I don't want to stay that long.

The grass certainly isn't greener on the other side but at least we've tried and I will be going home with my head held high.

Good luck to everyone that's either coming or going.


Kerry. Xx


It doesn't work for everyone, your visa was only temporary anyway. I think 8 months is long enough to know whether it is right for you or not. Life is too short.

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well I first joined PIO in January this year, all excited in making the move, looking for advice and now we're 8 months in and after Christmas and New Year, we're planning on going back home in September, I know some people will think we've not give it enough time but for us well mainly me, I have, my hubby loves it and would probably stay forever, he does miss his daughter and mates but that's it really but he agrees with me on that our son needs to be brought up near his family and I need to feel like I belong.

We made the move thinking it would be a better life for us but to be honest it hasn't been any different to home.

We're on a 457 visa so its not forever anyway but I don't want to stay that long.

The grass certainly isn't greener on the other side but at least we've tried and I will be going home with my head held high.

Good luck to everyone that's either coming or going.


Kerry. Xx


Hi Kerry .....well, I moved here to marry my (now) wife who lives here in NSW on the south coast. On balance it seeme the easiest way for us to be togetehr and wouldn;t disrupt my stepson's education etc etc Apart from that, I thought it would be a great lifestyle choice compared to where I was in Scotland - I am originally from Zimbabwe so thought it may even be a 'return' of sorts, climate-wise.


I got a 1 year work contact wich is coming to an end at the end of January and I am now seriously considering a rteturn to the UK. I have not had a good experience here if I am honest, and all the propaganda about Aus being the place to be is, I feel, way over the top. I have found it expensive, not nearly as friendly as people would have you believe, insular and parochial and nt nearly as progressive as the UK. But that's just my experience.


My wife and I have decided that I wll continue to look for work and if I find something else before the end of Jan, we will continue to give it a go. If not, we are planning to move to Scotland. I too would return with my head held high, knowing that I gave it a go but that it didn't work for me.


All the best with your move:wink:

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Hi Kerry .....well, I moved here to marry my (now) wife who lives here in NSW on the south coast. On balance it seeme the easiest way for us to be togetehr and wouldn;t disrupt my stepson's education etc etc Apart from that, I thought it would be a great lifestyle choice compared to where I was in Scotland - I am originally from Zimbabwe so thought it may even be a 'return' of sorts, climate-wise.


I got a 1 year work contact wich is coming to an end at the end of January and I am now seriously considering a rteturn to the UK. I have not had a good experience here if I am honest, and all the propaganda about Aus being the place to be is, I feel, way over the top. I have found it expensive, not nearly as friendly as people would have you believe, insular and parochial and nt nearly as progressive as the UK. But that's just my experience.


My wife and I have decided that I wll continue to look for work and if I find something else before the end of Jan, we will continue to give it a go. If not, we are planning to move to Scotland. I too would return with my head held high, knowing that I gave it a go but that it didn't work for me.


All the best with your move:wink:


Sorry you are finding Aus this way, however country areas away from the large centres tend to be totally different to the cities.


Could you possibly move somewhere else before returning to the UK.

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I miss everything, even down to the smell after it rains but most of all its my family.

Even though I wished we'd never come in a way I am grateful we did as its opened my eyes and at least we tried.


Hi tender, I feel for you. I am currently out of work as most of the jobs I've been looking at want PR or citizens and we are on a 457 visa, also my experience means nothing here and I have 10yrs under my belt. I'm looking into volunteering until we go back, I hope you find something.



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The wish to be with family is almost always greater at this time of year.


I know where I'd rather be in January and February though.


Best wishes to all for a Happy Xmas.



And me Alan .......its so bloody mild now though ..........im sure we wi get cold snap .....this will do though ......no snow ....no ice !0c

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Guest Guest 47403

Some people just aren't cut out to live away family and need the security of familiarity around them, good luck with your move back.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Good luck to all of you moving back. Like Alan says this time of year really pulls on the heart strings, personally I hate Christmas here but that's only one day a year I miss.

I think 8 months is plenty of time to know what is right for you.

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Hypothetically, if your parents moved out here.

Would that change your whole outlook ?



I don't think so, maybe if my whole family came out then maybe it might be different.

I know its been Christmas which has made my feelings even worse but it has made me more determined not to have another Christmas like the one we've just had.

I miss home. Xx

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We came over to Melbourne in Nov 1999. I hated it and missed myfamily and friends. My husband settled a LOT quicker. We decided to move home again after two years.

ALL the reasons we'd wanted to move were still there. Everyone doing exactly the same. House prices had gone sky high.

We tried to re-settle in UK and stuck it four months then came back to Melbourne and bought our own place. Its taken time but our kids have flourished and our careers took off.

Its a big thing emigrating. Took me four years to feel at home. I still miss UK but see it as my equal homeland with Oz and that will never change.

Think really hard WHY you did it in the first place. Pack up your things but leave them here in a container at the port. Go back. Re-assess. IF you want to stay, THEN ship your stuff. IF like us you go back and change your mind, you'll have saved $1000s by not shipping and your things will still be in Oz.

good luck!

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