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Everything posted by can1983

  1. Nottingham (shire) is a fairly uninspiring part of the UK could you not try somewhere else nearer to home and family? West Country, Lakes, etc Brisbane is the state capital furthest from the beach technically, though of course its not far to go! Never seen the point of Canberra, now fiercely expensive and miles from anything everyone leaves on a Friday. 35º summer's days and 5º nights. Freezing cold in the winter
  2. It isn't easy, In our case my sister and I have both moved within a year and that is all of our parents children and grandchildren living on the other side of the world. However in our case both our partners are Australian and so its always been a probability/possibility it was going to happen. If your family are all from the UK I would probably think in terms of why you are doing it as a kind of selling it without bagging out the uk too much!
  3. Articles like this in the wider media are without factual basis but whip up a frenzy and drive up house prices. I'm trying to house my family and the reality is these sort of articles are going to add years to my mortgage
  4. A friends house in the NW was recently valued at $10k more than they paid for it 5 years ago. they are spot on the median for the NW. That's a rise but its not really earthmoving amounts is it?
  5. Also to remember is median house price is the middle value of all sales so: - If lots of flats sell one year the median falls without prices necessarily changing - to say Hobart will overtake Adelaide is a false measure. The median property in Hobart would be a 3 bedroom house on a 800m2 block less than 15 minutes from the CBD whereas in Adelaide there are somewhat more flats so it could be a 2 bedroom house on a smaller 600m2 block 30 minutes from the CBD. In Melbourne its likely to be a 2 bed flat over an hour from the CBD. So how is this measure relevant!! I'm sure someone could present some 'facts' that the most desirable place to live in Australia is Coober Pedy
  6. why post this what are your trying to achieve? to incite comment well it's worked! Here's a rant Yesterday I looked at a property for the second time which has been on the market since February still not sold The house opposite us was advertised in the range 400k-440k in February sold after 3 months for 390k 2 weeks later it flooded in the storm sale fell through. Articles saying everyone is leaving Melbourne in their hundreds of thousands to move to Hobart without a job are fictitious drivel. so are one off comments from agents on houses they undervalued and exceeded expectations. how about this one, see anyone can make stuff up: "Latest statistics from the association of random surveyors show that in the last 12 months there has been a 4562% increase in demand from Chinese buyers for housing in Hobart. The demand is driven by Xi Jinping's visit to the state and his comments that it is very nice. ARS expect prices to soar over the next 3 months by 45% due to potential direct flights to Hobart from Shanghai opening up in 2034" "Soaring house prices in Hobart, conservatively expected to rise by 125% in the next 3 weeks, have been apportioned to the 500 airBnb properties in the apples isles capital. Mr Jones of the ARS stated "There might only be 500 airbnb properties in Hobart out of 150,000 dwellings but we are finding that this demand is pushing up prices as everyone is now renting out their home to strangers and the extra $5000 a year is enough of an incentive to spend $500,000". Mr Jones continued "Recent scenes of family with incomes over $150,000 forced to sleep rough on the streets in sheets of cardboard are a real shot in the arm for the state as it finally gives us all something to talk about and fill the pages of the Mercury" "Prices growth in Hobart is so strong that buyers have no choice but to offer 17 times the asking price just to secure a deal. "Just the other day we had a 3 bedroom house on the market for overs over $535,000 sell for $9.1million because it contained a self contained granny flat which could be advertise on airbnb"
  7. can1983

    World Cup

    I'm not sure how practical it is to meet up at the silly hours of the games!, but I am I Hobart PM me if you like
  8. I'd second this. When I applied our son wasn't technically an Australian citizen but he was going to become one via a separate application and so wasn;t included on the application
  9. ha ha, $30,000 is only 10% actually if you google anaesthetist jobs in Australia the numbers are completely made up. No job advertised is more than $200000. That survey says average is $359,056 porky pies article I reckon
  10. Wow Anaesthetists earning that much! must be a demand and supply issue surely. That's not really consistent with the level of skill, you would think it was easier to control pain than perform brain surgery!
  11. I'm sure it would have been, it still is lovely for those that can afford it. But, in my opinion, house prices have made it too hard these days
  12. 2008 tried to move to Sydney, felt homesick went back to uk after 8 weeks! 2011 move back to Sydney, stayed 3 years and got married lost my job and went back to uk in 2014 had a child in the uk 2017 returned to Oz this time in Hobart, my wife's home state really enjoying it so far hope to never have to return to the uk Sydney was wonderful but a horrible place to raise children or live long-term unless you earn $250,000 plus a year and can afford a decent place to live.
  13. For sure its like applying again old one is of no use, was on a 457 for 3 years from 2011 to 2013 inclusive
  14. word of advice, living and working here is a lot less fun than going on holiday. Holidays in oz certainly more fun than holidays in uk but living isn't always the case
  15. I specifically asked for the permanent visa be issue and explained how I had met the criteria. We had been together a similar amount of time and had one child at the time
  16. trip to tasman peninsula yesterday, first time since 2010. lovely scenery
  17. Just validation trip at the moment, doing some job research, have a job interview next week so hoping it will be permanent soon!
  18. Blue skies and sunshine today in Swansea. Not sure how warm but gotta be 23-24. Wind picking up now though
  19. I know they should have been able to see it. I just figured these days it's not a good idea to try to argue in an airport ?
  20. I arrived yesterday, jet lagged so online at this time of the morning! validating is certainly an underwhelming process. In these days of electronic records and no stamps I made a point of actually asking if they could see I was a resident and arriving before the entry date. They did say I was recorded as pr. I'm not expecting balloons and an aboriginal dance welcome but it did get me thinking though as I'm going back to uk until after my latest entry what evidence do I have I have validated.... a tip tip for those travelling, I took a copy of the grant letter with me and u need it. The airlines can't see you have a visa and did ask me to show evidence of a visa
  21. well we all face the exchange rate problem I suppose... We wont sell our house and rent it instead because we refuse to move our money for less than $2.00 It's cheaper to rent for 5 years then move your money at $2.00 than move it at $1.50 now thing is it was $1.47 when I lived in oz in 2011-2013 it went back to $2.05 ish in 2015 now its $1.63 it only needs Donald trump to say Australia is a stupid country and it will be back over $2.00 within a month
  22. Brexit? really do people really move to the other side of the world because of one vote?
  23. Actually it was an email in September from "family Migration" in London asking for medical and police checks for OZ and UK together with some missing / replacement evidence. I had absolutely no other contact or correspondence at all from them. I can understand that they don't want to waste time on emailing but to spend $7000 on a one way process where you cant contact them easily is frustrating at times I should add the September email said I had 70 days to do everything listed or else the decision would be based on what was submitted at that time. So if I had waited until today to get my medicals done I would have been rejected I suppose!
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