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Everything posted by can1983

  1. Also please try to remember: Its morally unacceptable: - To work uk limited company to reduce tax liability - To have house prices double in 10 years leaving people without affordable housing - To buy lots of houses to rent out to people to "enslave them" into paying your mortgage for 30 years - To start every public meeting in Australia by "acknowledging the traditional owners of the land where we meet today" but fail to give them any use of the land, money for its rent, address massive social inequality etc - to set UK university tuition fees at 9 TIMES what it was when I studied in the early 2000's and infinitely more than anyone paid pre 1998 I could go on but wont I've paid off my loan in full but I wouldn't begrudge anyone trying to avoid paying there's back
  2. just checked online, maybe they've got rid of it because the links are all old and no longer on the government sites. Sorry if ive got this wrong. Certainly in 2013 when my grandparents were looking at coming for my wedding it was a requirement
  3. can1983


    what a funny set of offices on the Pathway to Aus website: "Our first office opened on The Gold Coast in 2013 and has developed quickly opening offices in Brazil, Argentina, France and Adelaide. We have friendly staff fluent in French, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese who are more than happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have." I have three offices New York, Paris, Peckham!
  4. But the flipside to that is you can't visit for ever. Medicals are required for each and every trip once you reach 75 and there would come a time when you were unable to travel such a long way for health reasons.
  5. I should be fair to SanteFe I got a quote before we packed for 10 furniture items and 20 tea chests. We ended up shipping the 10 items plus 50 boxes by the time it we packed it down. You also have to factor in that when you are being relocated by others you take items which cost more to ship than they are worth. An example being a baby change table which got shipped assembled, GBP25 to buy GBP50 in shipping volume.....
  6. we got a quote for a verbal list of items and effects in boxes, they only turned up on the day to pack everything up. We ended up being 70% more by volume than the quote so they took it all (just about) and sent an updated quote afterwards. As my work were paying relocation the extra cost didn't worry us, you may feel differently of course. We used SantaFe, very good service at each end and price was good but we shipped it all in October and it only arrived in February!! way over double the quoted time but it was to Hobart (took 6 weeks from Sydney to Hobart)
  7. Where are you looking to move to? If you can buy for cash it frees up time and allows you to do the outdoors stuff you want to do so that's great. we have been in Tasmania for 6 months and have found we've been able to do lots more outdoors than at home. But that is mainly because weather is more consistent over summer and getting to nice bush or coastal areas even during peak holiday periods is convenient (takes the same time any time of day or year). Having to leave at 6am to beat the bank holiday getaway gets tiring after a while in the UK. We also have more than 50% of our family in Australia so never have the 'belonging' draw some people have to the UK But in Sydney or Melbourne you are pretty much left with the same traffic problems at peak times which affects your ability to 'do things' - try booking Lorne over Christmas less than 1 year in advance!!
  8. definitely not an issue changing delivery address. We put a family address first and changing it once we got the rental. Should use an address in the same city though for pricing purposes!
  9. Why do you want to come and live here? its going to be hard (not impossible) to get a visa and having your own business etc its a lot to give up
  10. can1983


    We get this all the time too. My wife kept her maiden name, some people even state our marriage isn't valid unless we have the same name!
  11. Well I do agree the child would never know, my son has seemingly forgotten everything about his first year in the UK, certainly not traumatised
  12. just spat out my lunch with laughter! I too have two of my sperm which were deemed Australian citizens when I'm not surely this is a simple case. Dad refuses child to leave which he has the right to do, mother cannot be forced to part from her child so must be allowed to stay its her human right unless the state determine she is unfit to parent
  13. only if one of them is Australian!
  14. I used to stress more about this but since I did some analysis and realised that the 1,2,5 and 10 year average rate is 1.72AUD to the pound I came to realise that anything more than that is a good rate. We all just focus on the 2.5 which hasn't happened in 20 years and the 2.0 which happens a few times a decade.
  15. In the UK I had to live in a room in a shared house for 12 years despite having gone to uni and having a good career. At least I got my degree for GBP1000 a year tuition fees now its best part of 10 time that the reality is life is getting worse for each generation after another nothing will change that At least in Tassie many (not all) mid twenties couples are able to buy, particularly outside of Hobart
  16. sorry but no amount of complaining will change the situation. Mainland capital cities are so much more difficult than anything in Tassie and always will be. Remember Huonville is only 45 mins from Hobart. That's half the average commute in Melbourne and its relatively cheap. Airbnb is EVERYWHERE, its made changes in lots of areas, the east coast is full of them too. you just have to live with the situation. Those people in tents could relocate to other parts of Tassie where vacancy rates are high and rents lower. the mercury would have you believe its like the Calais refugee camp its one bloke in a tent
  17. I heard that made up rubbish too. Some real estate idiot saying there weren't enough houses to go around so people were forced to sleep rough. at least they have a sea view I suppose
  18. can1983


    Thanks Skani, we live in a rental so limited things we can do to the house (and have a 19 month old which is why we are concerned)
  19. can1983


    We've had 5 or 6 wood scorpions in Kingston, apparently they will sting and it hurts / sometimes requires minor medical attention. seem to come in whilst its raining
  20. can1983


    Getting lots of scorpions in the house at the moment, any tips for discouraging them other than opening the door and letting the wind of change blow straight into the face of time
  21. trip to tasman peninsula yesterday, first time since 2010. lovely scenery
  22. and we had a relocation! didn't pay for flights, temp accommodation or shipping. Still have to pay for a car, house rental, household stuff not worth shipping etc. Un-necessary costs are never welcome
  23. Ha I know about that one. Left that behind! real pain about the car seat we need two because baby number two is on the way not cheap this moving country thing
  24. Yeah I wasn't going to on furniture but strictly speaking a uk fire retardant label on you sofa isn't legal is it? so a house fire where your uk sofa fuelled the fire etc etc gonna get new car seats, stupid law which makes no sense but the law is the law..
  25. I really had no idea about this, using uk car seat in oz at the moment! got another one in a shipping container arriving next month. oh dear ..... guess this also applies to all electrical, soft furnishing, furniture everything hasn't been testing to Australian standards.
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