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Everything posted by can1983

  1. Bit of a rhetorical question then ? Finding a rental will be a nightmare you might find its cheaper to change your flights than pay the temporary accommodation costs that time of year.
  2. Please rethink the move. Its not a better life here (especially if you have no connection to the country) and trying to deny a father who wants to see their child regular access is cruel (even if you get past the legalities of it). From his point of view the promise of an annual visit is just that - a promise, you could just change your mind. Once a child is removed legally the remaining parent has no way to get them back. I've seen so many people move here waving the willy wonker golden ticket as they arrive thinking they've made it big only to go home disappointed by the reality
  3. I think you can travel alone. Technically I don't think you need to even be in a relationship with your sponsor now that you have a 100 granted (not that I'm saying you don't need them anymore!). When I activated mine my wife was in the other queue and I wasn;t asked anything. Considering the amount of personal sacrifice and cost associated its all rather underwhelming
  4. I work over the road so know where you mean. Think its at least 150 but i'm not sure if they will all sell they have been pushing them over a year now. Why anyone would want to live in a farmers field with the noise of the southern outlet that takes ages to get onto the road that causes you the headache is beyond me.
  5. No they are not increasing, 2 months in a row now ? They can push for migrants but there are no jobs for them to do so I think your assumption is too simplistic and they are building hundreds and hundreds of new homes all the time. I live in Kingston and there are probably 3-400 in build within a few km of here
  6. Great atmosphere around the place whenever I've been. Transport with 'subway' and trains / buses. but its a seriously cold and grim place weather wise ?
  7. Sure doesn't seem too, a worthless local rag with nothing useful to say in my opinion. Think it will sort itself out now. 2 months in a row means the bubble is over
  8. second month in a row that the Hobart market has not increased. https://www.news.com.au/national/tasmania/home-value-growth-flat-in-the-past-month-quarter/news-story/8511abd7b6bccfdc42970eb154690203 double hurrah I wonder why the Mercury doesn't have a full two page spread on it like they did every month it went up
  9. not an issue if its life savings. You always have to declare where the money can from when using moneycorp etc if it is even audited. But one thing to consider is interest is taxable and this kind of transaction when you have moved country is not (primary residence, genuine moved over not bouncing it backwards and forwards 'trading') if the rate goes to 1.82 you've made 1% tax free. if it goes to 2 you've made 10% all tax free. So id only move money if you actually need it for a house etc not for a better savings rate
  10. Who writes the occupations, "aeroplane" is what id expect my toddler to say not a government. surely Aircraft or fixed wing aircraft is more appropriate 231111 Aeroplane Pilot 1
  11. chicken feed amount of money. wont even cover the additional car servicing over 5 years associated with living in the NT.
  12. Last year we got economy flights for the (then) 3 of us, shipping of belongings, 1 months accommodation and all insurances etc. Government position and the limit was $20k but needed the receipts. In the end we couldn't spend $20k (think it was $13k). It did corrupt our shipping list however. When someone else is paying and you are nowhere near their expected limit. We shipping GBP1 ikea glasses which probably added $2 each to the shipping cost because we'd have had to replace them here at our cost. Half broken furniture, towels etc Most pointless shipped item was "50 Hampshire walks"
  13. surely a ferry to France would suffice worst case .....
  14. mine was $795 for the quarter :0 but we have a new baby so heating requirement is high with high occupancy time at home I always chuckle when people say turn your tv off at the wall as standby uses lots of power. Irrelevant compared to heating costs in a house with walls made from plasticine
  15. you should try living in Tasmania. Only one supplier .......
  16. can1983


    Thank you for posting your numbers For me 5k would be a bit tight when the rent is $650 (although of course you consider it ok). We can cope fine on $5k a month running two cars (without finance) no private medical 2 young children local holidays but our rent is only $400 / wk. I would say $6k to cover the rent increase for Melbourne compared to where we live (Hobart) For Sydney I would say $6500 - $7000 take home is needed. When we lived in Sydney in 2013 we were DINKY and had 11k take home. At that time we were flush didn't need that much at all
  17. I have pounds and need AUD quite frankly if one pound buys 5 us cents or half a euro cent I couldn't care less so long as it buys as close as possible to AUD 2
  18. No I believe student life hasn't changed that much since the young ones.... only difference is now 99.98% of people go to uni when it used to be a far more sensible 20% or so
  19. We have friends who have a home in Fremantle which is worth a lot less than they paid for it at the top of the mining boom and they spent money on reno's too. Fremantle is surely prime suburb these days
  20. impossible to say, I'm in the same position though wont have the funds from selling in the UK until November at least. If you look at the 1,2,5 and 10 year average rate its 1.70 so actually now is a slightly better than average time Currently Brexit is actually stabilising the rate at around 1.75. Nobody knows what is going to happen until it does happen is my feeling. Every time there is some announcement on brexit the rate doesn't change. It used to be that if Teresa coughed I lost $10,000 dollars potentially now an announcement saying that the EU don't think any trade deal will happen and the rate stays unmoved. UK interest rates went up - nothing happened. The main change recently is the aus pm debacle. That's improved the rate
  21. This is a massive commitment. Sounds like getting the WHV would be a good way to get to know each other better. surely you would want to know each other better first? Of course it isn't the intention of the visa so it might be worth, in the official sense, going with a view to enjoying the country and happen to want to apply for a partner or marriage visa at the end of the 12 months. Remember de facto means you are a married couple in all but the legal sense so staying at her place for 12 months isn't enough. We are talking joint bank accounts, joint lease / property ownership, friends and family regarding you as a committed couple etc..... At this point, as someone who applied for a partner visa, I would say you are at 0 days towards the 12 months, sorry to be blunt
  22. At the moment I think you could offer half the asking price in WA ?
  23. you're at about 17k, and a $3k car is practically a bomb a half decent small reliable car $6-7k. Also if you more without a job rental real estate often want rent in advance as you have no job to assess affordability against and living costs for 2 months would be $4000 for a family of 4 surely.... furniture (are you shipping everything for that price) what about the stop gap between your leaving temporary accom and shipping arriving We spent $30,000 and had a relocation package covering flights, temporary accommodation and shipping
  24. Great to offer some relevant career tips to the OP the point I was trying to make is that it is very common that people who move to Australia looking to solve all the things they hate about the UK are often disappointed.... its a BIG risk with 3 kids in tow
  25. It is and I struggle to think of any circumstances where Melbourne would offer something that the UK cannot offer unless you are the deputy tournament organiser at Wimbledon and get offered overall control of the Australian open ? I have a distant relative who moved to Melbourne in the 1970's got a job when she couldn't in the UK and a massive house which should couldn't afford in the UK so it all worked super well. But I can't see that happening these days or ever again
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