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Everything posted by can1983

  1. I don't agree, anyone in the uk can move to Australia so long as they don't have serious criminal convictions or severe health problems. I imagine that rules out five to ten million. but that still leaves 30-40 million or so that aren't children or in the first category. They just have to be in a defacto relationship with an Aussie or New Zealander. Of course its not what most people choose to do but it is possible, there's not NO way.
  2. realistically if they don't check you needn't do anything. Most containers aren't checked, more likely to be checked if you declare something interesting like "hunting trophies" "elephant tusks" "sawn off" But if you don't declare or clean and get checked you face the consequences roll le dice.....
  3. https://www.news.com.au/national/tasmania/hobart-still-plenty-of-interest-investments-to-be-made/news-story/63e5563621917c0af82429dd3709c08e Put that in ya pipe and smoke it silliness is over
  4. I think we have a pretty good lifestyle too. But I do think you need a family income of $150k to do that if you are starting now and don't have the home equity or savings behind you.
  5. I have no idea how anyone who didn't pay off their $20k mortgage in 1981 could live on that. Our spending in the last 12 months excluding rent and capital purchases such as buying cars was $60k and that's without any loans, payments etc which we don't have. We sort of have private medical though - we put away $200 per fortnight into a savings account to cover future possible requirements rather than giving it to medibank or Bupa.
  6. I have to say I did the same exercise for our family of 4 last week. We spend $7100 a month which is just over our income before we factor in the rental income in the uk. Yes their lifestyle is extreme and they are spending $12,000 a month which is a bit eyewattering for someone who doesn't own a home. But the principle applies I think, $112k income (our family income) which is about national average is not enough to live in Australia. We live in Hobart which is one of the cheapest places to live and its fair to say I feel to live a comfortable life around $150k family income is required.
  7. Did anyone apply for a 'temporary high balances' protection from the FSCS when they sold their uk home? I'm tossing up whether to use 3 remaining uk accounts we have Barclays (wife), Nationwide (Me) Nationwide (Wife) to spread the proceeds which is between 2 and 3 times the usual limit of GBP85,000 per person per banking licenced institution or apply for the temporary high balance function. I guess we might only have the money in the uk for a few days but it could be longer depending on the exchange rate....
  8. Yes I think the waiting period should be different (I know it never will be). Having all of your children Australian creates a permanent lifelong bond to the country which is different to mum dad and two kids who watched wanted down under on telly and decided to move. But the rules don't recognise that difference. I would not suggest marriage with no children is grounds to 'skip the queue' I have done the UK partner visa previously. It too is a joke system I had to get a job from overseas which I quit pretty much as soon as we moved a complete waste of the employer and my time.
  9. Sorry for your situation. Migration can be a lot of money and its rarely fair. I had to pay $7000 just for the right to live with my wife and children who are all Australian. I also have to wait 4 years to become a citizen when all of my family are Australian.......
  10. A permanent resident is not a citizen its quite different. with pr you don't have the right to do what you want you can't vote, can be asked to leave if you don't meet residency requirements or commit a crime.
  11. Good job then that there are no pedestrians in Australia ? Seriously it is sad. people do it because if they have a crash they want someone else to die not them
  12. surely it would depend on where you draw the new border!
  13. Yes I think applications should be refused if the applicant will be 140 years old at the time of processing
  14. Yeah I know but why accept an application from a 70 year old saying that your application is due for processing in 2145?
  15. what actually is the point of having queues into decades, ive never understood that
  16. Oh yes I see long periods in Oz as perm will attract CGT on overseas interests. As I'm like many who move here whilst the sale completes the gain is minimal or if my estate agent is to believed house prices are falling so there has been no gain since I moved. That raises an interesting question... if you have a house in the uk worth GBP250 in June 2017when you move and the exchange rate is 2.00 ($500,000). You sell in June 2018 for GBP245 and the rate is 1.80 ($441,000) you've made a loss there of $59k so is that a tax loss ?
  17. Almost nobody ends up with a capital gains bill for being overseas, but you are required to do the declaration. There are 3 ways to calculate it and you are allowed to take the one which is to your advantage. You just need to get the advice of a good accountant!
  18. I think its a series of copycat idiots from the original idiot that did it on the factory floor. Just declare anyone caught doing it will face attempted murder charges and it will all go away
  19. don't think you can fill your car with stuff - customs need to inspect car on arrival and wont clear everything out
  20. yep sounds as easy as it gets. If you miss some evidence off it will be requested by the Case Officer. In my case I had uploaded a black and white certified passport and they wanted colour! but it didn't really affect anything
  21. Rules vary by occupation but doing a degree is not skilled, its just the beginning post graduate work experience is required. Companies can't sponsor who they like only those meeting visa requirements
  22. I'm unaware that there has ever been a taxi driver anywhere who is not working illegally. I thought it was par for the course ? I went for a job at Uber they told me that they had checked on Vevo and noticed I was a permanent resident so were 'unable to progress with my application at this time'
  23. Bit of a rhetorical question then ? Finding a rental will be a nightmare you might find its cheaper to change your flights than pay the temporary accommodation costs that time of year.
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