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So Brexit now needs parliamentary approval?


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Few votes in it to be fair. And produces a less distorted outcome than the UK first-past-the-post system where a PM commands an overall majority in the House with roughly a third of the vote.


202,340 to be precise. I don't agree with first past the post either.



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his policies so far will not be beneficial for Australia. How's that fence feeling?


Hes not in power yet so his policies aren't affecting anybody certainly not me, from past experiences what politicians say to get elected and what they actual do in practice are very different , Are his polices going to make me work any harder No, are they going to enable me to retire sooner No , my life will be very much the same , I might just sit on the fence and watch the world go by , certainly not going to be losing sleep over it.

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Hes not in power yet so his policies aren't affecting anybody certainly not me, from past experiences what politicians say to get elected and what they actual do in practice are very different , Are his polices going to make me work any harder No, are they going to enable me to retire sooner No , my life will be very much the same , I might just sit on the fence and watch the world go by , certainly not going to be losing sleep over it.


Must be nice to only have to weigh up world events by whether it impacts only yourself.


Thousands perish in tsunami in SE Asia. Will I have to work harder or retire earlier? No. No problem then, move on.

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Must be nice to only have to weigh up world events by whether it impacts only yourself.


Thousands perish in tsunami in SE Asia. Will I have to work harder or retire earlier? No. No problem then, move on.


you have lost me. What has a tsunami in SE Asia got to do with Trump becoming the next president?

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So I suppose the murder of a Polish man in Harlow and the delivery of hate mail to Poles in Harlow and the stationing of Polish police there is just another example of a left wing plot/mass hysteria, which news are you watching, Fox.

The stationing of Polish police in Harlow? The UK should be worried if that's the case. What rights and jurisdiction do Polish police have in the UK? Can't the British police force handle the problem?

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Must be nice to only have to weigh up world events by whether it impacts only yourself.


Thousands perish in tsunami in SE Asia. Will I have to work harder or retire earlier? No. No problem then, move on.

In fairness what do any of us use as a measure for World Events other than how it affects us personally. Sure we all feel sorry for people killed in Tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides, bombs in Syria but wringing our hands about it or letting it affect us too much is not going to help. We have to move on and accept we are the lucky ones. The more you sit and ponder and worry about stuff that's out of your control the less likely you are to feel content for what you and the family has.

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In fairness what do any of us use as a measure for World Events other than how it affects us personally. Sure we all feel sorry for people killed in Tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides, bombs in Syria but wringing our hands about it or letting it affect us too much is not going to help. We have to move on and accept we are the lucky ones. The more you sit and ponder and worry about stuff that's out of your control the less likely you are to feel content for what you and the family has.


I am sure the majority of good people in Europe felt that in the 1930s. History tells us to be vigilant about what is going on. It may not affect you today but it might tomorrow.

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In fairness what do any of us use as a measure for World Events other than how it affects us personally. Sure we all feel sorry for people killed in Tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides, bombs in Syria but wringing our hands about it or letting it affect us too much is not going to help. We have to move on and accept we are the lucky ones. The more you sit and ponder and worry about stuff that's out of your control the less likely you are to feel content for what you and the family has.
to read the news today, most wouldn't have realised seven died in a tram crash in Croydon with fifty injured.
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I am sure the majority of good people in Europe felt that in the 1930s. History tells us to be vigilant about what is going on. It may not affect you today but it might tomorrow.

Nothing's changed though. We keep talking about the holocaust and the First and 2nd world wars as if we stopped it happening. Of course ignoring Africa and a few Asian countries where the butchery and ethnic cleansing has never stopped and nothing that the EU, the UN or anybody else does seems to change it. In fact the last few years when America and its allies thought they were doing the right thing by getting rid of a few dictators has only made the world a more dangerous place. The Arab Spring wasn't exactly a success either.

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The stationing of Polish police in Harlow? The UK should be worried if that's the case. What rights and jurisdiction do Polish police have in the UK? Can't the British police force handle the problem?

In fact, no Polish police were stationed in Harlow, 2 Polish officers paid a visit for 1 week to liaise with the local Polish community, they had no formal Police powers.

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The stationing of Polish police in Harlow? The UK should be worried if that's the case. What rights and jurisdiction do Polish police have in the UK? Can't the British police force handle the problem?


To assist British police I'd suppose where Polish nationals are concerned. In Thailand, western uniformed 'police assistants' have long been used to intervene in drunken incidents and minor crime rather successfully. I wonder if any of the Med holiday hot spots have British employed in a similar context?

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In fact, no Polish police were stationed in Harlow, 2 Polish officers paid a visit for 1 week to liaise with the local Polish community, they had no formal Police powers.


Sounds more like it. Easy to see how things can get taken out of context on jumped on. Not unusual in forums like this. Thanks for bringing the reality to light.

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To assist British police I'd suppose where Polish nationals are concerned. In Thailand, western uniformed 'police assistants' have long been used to intervene in drunken incidents and minor crime rather successfully. I wonder if any of the Med holiday hot spots have British employed in a similar context?

Yes they have 2B5463C200000578-0-image-a-53_1439585664021.jpg


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In fairness what do any of us use as a measure for World Events other than how it affects us personally. Sure we all feel sorry for people killed in Tsunamis, earthquakes, landslides, bombs in Syria but wringing our hands about it or letting it affect us too much is not going to help. We have to move on and accept we are the lucky ones. The more you sit and ponder and worry about stuff that's out of your control the less likely you are to feel content for what you and the family has.


Well you may well in the most isolated city in the world, but events spiralling out of control can and do impact on Australia, even Perth. Trump's policy towards China, certainly would have repercussions on Australia, if acted upon. Our policies on immigration and refugee intake, economics and trade are certainly all impacted on what is happening overseas. In fact Australia (and their banks) are very much influenced by overseas events.

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Well you may well in the most isolated city in the world, but events spiralling out of control can and do impact on Australia, even Perth. Trump's policy towards China, certainly would have repercussions on Australia, if acted upon. Our policies on immigration and refugee intake, economics and trade are certainly all impacted on what is happening overseas. In fact Australia (and their banks) are very much influenced by overseas events.

Don't argue with that flag. It's what we can do about it though. No sense in worrying and stressing, the sun will come up in the morning, hopefully get a ski paddle in early doors and won't think about Trump, Clinton, America and what affect or not they will have on my situation. Might get talked about over a coffee after paddling but I think there will be a fair amount of mirth.

Typical blokey banter. The Donald would feel right at home.

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Don't argue with that flag. It's what we can do about it though. No sense in worrying and stressing, the sun will come up in the morning, hopefully get a ski paddle in early doors and won't think about Trump, Clinton, America and what affect or not they will have on my situation. Might get talked about over a coffee after paddling but I think there will be a fair amount of mirth.

Typical blokey banter. The Donald would feel right at home.


Well it may look different if have a mortgage and loss your job due to international politics. I agree someone of the nature of Trump would do very well in Australia. We are little different. There remains a large untapped minority of people, (large minority) whom feel disposed out there and 'lost' in the Australia that has formed over the past twenty years.


You are wrong in falling for the myth, I believe, that this is a laid back, chilled out country. It may well be for you, but a lot are hurting. The dream is fading and more are only beginning to realise this. Australia I have long claimed, is following a dangerous route allowing so many people from abroad in each year.

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And you know all this as fact ? I haven't got a clue as to how his term in office will pan out and neither do you by the sounds of it you are ready to jump into the river.


People voted the way they did for a reason and maybe they have had enough of career politicians they wanted change

Thatcher had a massive majority,like wise with Blair sure there were tough times and difficult decisions made but we kept on going and we all will this time ,

The comments going about on social media are a joke , I am neither pro Trump or anti Trump but believe in democracy and that has what has happened the people of America have decided.


He will have to remove the noose from around his neck first.......


The Limousine Liberals and Lear Jet Liberals jetting around the world burning fossil fuels whilst trying to prevent global warming......go someway to explaining the way the vote went......Yep Trump is also a mega rich Billionaire with a private jet......The American vote was not so much for Trump.....but against Clinton and sick of the champagne socialism.....at least Jeremy has appearance on his side......he looks very much like an out of work Physics teacher.....not a Lear jet in sight.

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The stationing of Polish police in Harlow? The UK should be worried if that's the case. What rights and jurisdiction do Polish police have in the UK? Can't the British police force handle the problem?


You should have been a pollie, never address the question and throw a dead cat onto the interview desk to divert attention from the real issue.

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Nothing's changed though. We keep talking about the holocaust and the First and 2nd world wars as if we stopped it happening. Of course ignoring Africa and a few Asian countries where the butchery and ethnic cleansing has never stopped and nothing that the EU, the UN or anybody else does seems to change it. In fact the last few years when America and its allies thought they were doing the right thing by getting rid of a few dictators has only made the world a more dangerous place. The Arab Spring wasn't exactly a success either.


It wasn't the wars that was the problem it was the social consequences of the Versailles treaty after the first which led to the rise of Nazism (Hitler) the collapse of the Weimar Republic amidst social disintegration and the collapse of the economy in the US and collapse of trade in Europe which led to the rise of Nationalist dictators and disillusionment with democracy across Europe and the retreat of the USA into protectionism and isolationism, does any of that sound vaguely familiar.


The reason why a number of people on here are highlighting the actions of a range of nationalist demagogues is that there are parallels with what happened in the beginning of the 20th century and where it ended, with WW2 and the cold war and how the worlds leaders let it happen.


That above all else is why the EU was, and is, too important to destroy, even so we are seeing ultra nationalist govts in Poland, Hungary, Czechslovakia which are rejecting the ethos of the EU and yet demanding to retain all its benefits, that is why a strong UK should have stayed and demanded action against them rather than destabilising the one body which might have acted as a counterbalance to the growth of nationalism and to whatever Trump might want to do with NATO and Putin.


So rather than thinking that none of this will arrive on your doorstep think instead that we might quite easily see trade between countries as we have become used to in the last 40 years completely disrupted and the ability to have a job perhaps at risk and opportunities for your children severely limited and the old world order of standing armies back again requiring conscription.


It all sounds too incredulous for words but that was what everyone thought in 1920's.

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In fact, no Polish police were stationed in Harlow, 2 Polish officers paid a visit for 1 week to liaise with the local Polish community, they had no formal Police powers.

They were there for longer than a week, what difference does it make how long they were there, they were there because of the rise in racist attacks and abuse of the Polish population in Harlow as a result of the brexit campaign.

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Well it may look different if have a mortgage and loss your job due to international politics. I agree someone of the nature of Trump would do very well in Australia. We are little different. There remains a large untapped minority of people, (large minority) whom feel disposed out there and 'lost' in the Australia that has formed over the past twenty years.


You are wrong in falling for the myth, I believe, that this is a laid back, chilled out country. It may well be for you, but a lot are hurting. The dream is fading and more are only beginning to realise this. Australia I have long claimed, is following a dangerous route allowing so many people from abroad in each year.

They are the same forgotten people (or feel they are forgotten) that got brexit over the line and Trump in. When your standard of living has not improved or gone backwards over the last 30 years what have you got to lose by wanting change. They just think ah well, things can't get much worse.

It's a worldwide phenomenon flag, enhanced by social media.

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