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This is what is wrong with the UK


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"This is what is wrong with the UK"


I’m not a royalist. I have issues with an unelected second chamber of parliament, hereditary peers and a two tier education system that is skewed to where you live/ where you can afford to live. But I don’t think any of those things define what is ‘wrong’ with the UK – foodbanks, increased numbers of homeless, the scale of economic inequality are all much stronger contenders if one is needed, imo.


Certain professions probably require an individual to kneel, bow or curtsey to the Queen in a symbolic recognition of her role but, as far as I know, for most of us it is a courtesy rather than a legal requirement. And for the vast majority of people it is relatively easy to avoid, unlike the very real consequences of this government’s social policies. T x

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"This is what is wrong with the UK"


I’m not a royalist. I have issues with an unelected second chamber of parliament, hereditary peers and a two tier education system that is skewed to where you live/ where you can afford to live. But I don’t think any of those things define what is ‘wrong’ with the UK – foodbanks, increased numbers of homeless, the scale of economic inequality are all much stronger contenders if one is needed, imo.


Certain professions probably require an individual to kneel, bow or curtsey to the Queen in a symbolic recognition of her role but, as far as I know, for most of us it is a courtesy rather than a legal requirement. And for the vast majority of people it is relatively easy to avoid, unlike the very real consequences of this government’s social policies. T x

Not a 2 tier education system for the working man but a much greater 2 tier system of private privileged education for those with the money and a exam factory education for those destined to be the factory fodder to continue the great divide, the other night I fell into conversation with an ex Lehman Bros banker who now trades wine in Sth France to super yachts, we were sharing a camp site, she commented that one of her friends who is still in banking reckoned it had cost him £1m to educate his 2 children to 6th form and then we wonder why people voted for Brexit.

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if you have rich parents they will buy you a top job even if your intelligence is below average,,,fact......if you are above average intelligence with working class parents you might do well but very very rarely achieve the cream jobs that are exclusive to rich families kids...another fact.

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Many years ago I worked for an aristocratic family in Norfolk. Very good job but I only lasted 3 months because I just couldn't take the bowing and scraping involved. Had to always end a sentence with 'your Lordshiop' or 'your Ladyship'.

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if you have rich parents they will buy you a top job even if your intelligence is below average,,,fact......if you are above average intelligence with working class parents you might do well but very very rarely achieve the cream jobs that are exclusive to rich families kids...another fact.


Unfortunately this happens in every country not just the UK. I remember recently seeing people meeting the queen and some chose to curtsy but more chose not to. I guess its up to the person. Maybe this just reflects that the leader is not a forward thinking Brit and I worry that the people of Brexit are not going to get what they voted for.

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I hate this why should anyone have to kneel in front of someone else?


Nice try! That's the bottom of the list of things that 'are wrong' with the UK.


and @parleycross - 5* for you for bringing Julia Gillard into this for no reason whatsoever...



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Many years ago I worked for an aristocratic family in Norfolk. Very good job but I only lasted 3 months because I just couldn't take the bowing and scraping involved. Had to always end a sentence with 'your Lordshiop' or 'your Ladyship'.

3 months of that! You must be a saint. I reckon I would have been lucky to last 3 days before telling His Lordship to shove his job up his pretentious arse.

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3 months of that! You must be a saint. I reckon I would have been lucky to last 3 days before telling His Lordship to shove his job up his pretentious arse.


Things have probably changed a lot since I was young in the UK. I worked with vets training for my vet nursing diploma before going to Norfolk - and one place we used to go to (a large horse breeding stud farm.) we were expected to call the owners 'Sir' and 'Madam'. Mind you, I really liked them. They were underneath all the snobby thing, a very nice couple - a bit eccentric but very nice.

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I hate this why should anyone have to kneel in front of someone else?

Then why do people bow down to religious leaders like the pope etc,thats not affecting the UK?
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I hate this why should anyone have to kneel in front of someone else?



But if corbyn didn't do it exactly right, (or even if he did), you would never hear the end of it.


Anyway, I don't believe you can curtsie and shake someone's hand at the same time. Just makes you look stupid. Unless of course she was helping her up?



These ones look like they are busting for a wee. Maybe they were?



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"This is what is wrong with the UK"


I’m not a royalist. I have issues with an unelected second chamber of parliament, hereditary peers and a two tier education system that is skewed to where you live/ where you can afford to live. But I don’t think any of those things define what is ‘wrong’ with the UK – foodbanks, increased numbers of homeless, the scale of economic inequality are all much stronger contenders if one is needed, imo.


Certain professions probably require an individual to kneel, bow or curtsey to the Queen in a symbolic recognition of her role but, as far as I know, for most of us it is a courtesy rather than a legal requirement. And for the vast majority of people it is relatively easy to avoid, unlike the very real consequences of this government’s social policies. T x

listing foodbanks, homeless , economic inequality issues are not unique to the UK, you could be describing many so called first world countries even the US where these things exist as well. As for the curtsey thing I would think it makes no odds to the queen whether people do or do not unlike the very old days when a period in the Tower of London or maybe lose your head if you didnt show respect to the Monarch. As shown in the photo actually performing a curtsey is not an easy thing to do elegantly anyway versus a simple bowing of the head.
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Many years ago I worked for an aristocratic family in Norfolk. Very good job but I only lasted 3 months because I just couldn't take the bowing and scraping involved. Had to always end a sentence with 'your Lordshiop' or 'your Ladyship'.



I also did did a job to a similar type of Family, she insisted on being addressed as lady he was not so concered, but to be fair to them they were great to work for they paid top dollar and we were well looked after , the house keeper come cook would bake every day so we would get cake and scones every day morning and afternoon. So no complaints from me in that department , A member of the family was a police officer in a small village where a certain well know family home was ( owns most of London) and he looked after him and his immediate family very well after he retired. So not all bad.

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I also did did a job to a similar type of Family, she insisted on being addressed as lady he was not so concered, but to be fair to them they were great to work for they paid top dollar and we were well looked after , the house keeper come cook would bake every day so we would get cake and scones every day morning and afternoon. So no complaints from me in that department , A member of the family was a police officer in a small village where a certain well know family home was ( owns most of London) and he looked after him and his immediate family very well after he retired. So not all bad.


The family I worked for had a butler, housekeeper, cook, gardeners and a chauffeur. His Lordship and Her Ladyship are both dead now but their eldest son and heir runs the estate. I agree with the fact that the 'old retainers' were well looked after when they retired.

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listing foodbanks, homeless , economic inequality issues are not unique to the UK, you could be describing many so called first world countries even the US where these things exist as well. As for the curtsey thing I would think it makes no odds to the queen whether people do or do not unlike the very old days when a period in the Tower of London or maybe lose your head if you didnt show respect to the Monarch. As shown in the photo actually performing a curtsey is not an easy thing to do elegantly anyway versus a simple bowing of the head.


The fact that increasing social deprivation is not unique to the UK is indisputable. But social deprivation isn’t inevitable and it is a disgrace that an economy ranked as the 5th wealthiest in the world saw more than a million people rely on foodbanks in the last 12 months. Hospital admissions due to malnutrition are also on the increase, and nearly two thirds of children deemed to be living in poverty are members of working families. Over 100,000 children are classified as homeless….these and many other hard hitting social issues are what is wrong with the UK today, imo. I’m not keen on antiquated social gestures like curtsies and forelock tugging but, in the scheme of things, I think they pale into insignificance when it comes to the title of the thread. T x

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The family I worked for had a butler, housekeeper, cook, gardeners and a chauffeur. His Lordship and Her Ladyship are both dead now but their eldest son and heir runs the estate..


At 19 yr old I was asked if I would like to be "batman" to My Regimental Commander a certain (since honoured) Lt Colonel (at that time). The duties included "living in" his personal residence on the cliffs overlooking Silema harbor malta with just another soldier from the catering corp who was his cook, looking after his "kit", bodyguarding, and driving him wherever he needed to be at a certain time/place.


I was introduced (via his cook) to his penchant for German wines, how he liked his kippers for breakfast and how they were flown over to Malta along with his Salmon and Badedas.............yes............his bath wasn't complete without Badedas.


I loved it (initially). He would often be away and his cook and I had the whole place to ourselves and the Maltese "chicks" were often cordially invited and thought we were "cool" 'cause we wore "civvies" when he was away which were the obligatory (hippie) Levis or Wrangler jeans with a paisley shirt.


Anyways...............the punch line................yes, I was head hunted for the job..........apart from my immaculate turnout and prizewinning boy soldiering, they (he) had my records from recruitment showing that I had been raised in care............a prime target for groomers.............and sadly, even though I was 19 and despite the fact that I had been in the army since the age of 15, I was still naive when I took the role, despite rumours regarding him being a bachelor. at age 43................other than saying that he liked me to whisk his Badedas bath until it bubbled, and he would come into the bathroom whilst I was doing it, I'll leave the rest (what subsequently happened) to your imagination................at 19 I'd already been on active service but this bastard filled me with more fear than FLOSY or the NLF in Aden could ever do. Who would ever listen to a "simple squaddies" word against a Lt Colonel from a distinguished family?


Quite simply........the excesses and depravity of the Victorian era by these classes continue long into the 20th and 21st century and as long as Eton/ Harrow and other similar places exist, the depravity will continue. They are as much as product of their class as chavs are of the socio-econimically deprived

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At 19 yr old I was asked if I would like to be "batman" to My Regimental Commander a certain (since honoured) Lt Colonel (at that time). The duties included "living in" his personal residence on the cliffs overlooking Silema harbor malta with just another soldier from the catering corp who was his cook, looking after his "kit", bodyguarding, and driving him wherever he needed to be at a certain time/place.


I was introduced (via his cook) to his penchant for German wines, how he liked his kippers for breakfast and how they were flown over to Malta along with his Salmon and Badedas.............yes............his bath wasn't complete without Badedas.


I loved it (initially). He would often be away and his cook and I had the whole place to ourselves and the Maltese "chicks" were often cordially invited and thought we were "cool" 'cause we wore "civvies" when he was away which were the obligatory (hippie) Levis or Wrangler jeans with a paisley shirt.


Anyways...............the punch line................yes, I was head hunted for the job..........apart from my immaculate turnout and prizewinning boy soldiering, they (he) had my records from recruitment showing that I had been raised in care............a prime target for groomers.............and sadly, even though I was 19 and despite the fact that I had been in the army since the age of 15, I was still naive when I took the role, despite rumours regarding him being a bachelor. at age 43................other than saying that he liked me to whisk his Badedas bath until it bubbled, and he would come into the bathroom whilst I was doing it, I'll leave the rest (what subsequently happened) to your imagination................at 19 I'd already been on active service but this bastard filled me with more fear than FLOSY or the NLF in Aden could ever do. Who would ever listen to a "simple squaddies" word against a Lt Colonel from a distinguished family?


Quite simply........the excesses and depravity of the Victorian era by these classes continue long into the 20th and 21st century and as long as Eton/ Harrow and other similar places exist, the depravity will continue. They are as much as product of their class as chavs are of the socio-econimically deprived

At 19 no matter who he was I would not let anyone no matter who he is sexually abuse me. I agree these people from privileged backgrounds get away with murder as the victims are scared to report it, it has always gone on I am afraid will continue as the rich get richer and the poor suffer the consequences.

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