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eu referendum update


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I'm a bricklaying contractor, good at what I do in Australia . Arrived in Suffolk in 2011. The best rate I could get was 10 quid a hour working for someone .Most of the blokes I worked with were Eastern European.Drove rates down as they were happy to do the job for that. Try living on that money. Wonder why this drives working class Brits mad. Every Bricky I know that has gone to England from Australia has the same story. Hopefully this might have a chance of changing now . If wages improve , locals might become interested and start training up



You think we will be building houses after this?

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I'm a bricklaying contractor, good at what I do in Australia . Arrived in Suffolk in 2011. The best rate I could get was 10 quid a hour working for someone .Most of the blokes I worked with were Eastern European.Drove rates down as they were happy to do the job for that. Try living on that money. Wonder why this drives working class Brits mad. Every Bricky I know that has gone to England from Australia has the same story. Hopefully this might have a chance of changing now . If wages improve , locals might become interested and start training up


Good luck with that and you have to remember the customer is a Brit wages will go up maybe but then so will prices and the net gain will be Zero or worse less than zero.


How many people also ask the question "less for cash mate?" everyone wants to pay as little as possible.

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The problem is that there is no mechanism to get it into parliament. As Theresa May and many others have said, the people have spoken. And not by a narrow majority either. There are frantic efforts going on to reverse this disastrous exercise in populism, (no compulsory voting either) but the prospects don't look good. For the EU, it has to be killing the chicken to frighten the monkey. How else to keep Marie Le Pen and others in their boxes? How can it be otherwise?

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I'm a bricklaying contractor, good at what I do in Australia . Arrived in Suffolk in 2011. The best rate I could get was 10 quid a hour working for someone .Most of the blokes I worked with were Eastern European.Drove rates down as they were happy to do the job for that. Try living on that money. Wonder why this drives working class Brits mad. Every Bricky I know that has gone to England from Australia has the same story. Hopefully this might have a chance of changing now . If wages improve , locals might become interested and start training up

you cannot blame the eastern europeans , you have to blame the bosses for paying them less than the going rate.

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I didn't say either. I said that the Tory party is generally considered to be the party that best represents the interests of business. If that is the case, then it could be construed that the opinion of 58% of Tories is that out best represents business interest

If you look at the demographic of the Tory constituency party the avg age is somewhere in the 50's or older and seem to be predominantly, what can only be described as upper middle class Anglicans, with a sprinkling of small business owners many of whom are Asian, the big boys support the Tories because they rely on them for low taxes and tax dodge approvals, although many have now realised that the Labour party can be bought more cheaply.

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you cannot blame the eastern europeans , you have to blame the bosses for paying them less than the going rate.

I don't blame Eastern Europeans Pb. if I could getaway with paying my boys $20 a hour I would too. Here it's not possible, think about it and how it was able to happen in the first place. My thoughts anyway..

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I don't blame Eastern Europeans Pb. if I could getaway with paying my boys $20 a hour I would too. Here it's not possible, think about it and how it was able to happen in the first place. My thoughts anyway..

It happened I believe because the employers stopped training and along with the Govt's since the 90 ' s have decimated the unions and social cohesion by forcing everyone to be self employed.

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I don't blame Eastern Europeans Pb. if I could getaway with paying my boys $20 a hour I would too. Here it's not possible, think about it and how it was able to happen in the first place. My thoughts anyway..

Like ghost ship, had it a few times on the bar at the pub, sells well. Try mad goose, just as hoppy but with a bit more malty taste.

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The Posh Boys were supposed to be the best and brightest in Britain, and look at the mess they have created. It's not about economics or business at the moment. It's about law. i.e. EU law. True, the train has not left the station. But there seems very little chance of stopping it. When it does, the process cannot be stopped. Those who voted Brexit are just dumb.


I voted Brexit? Am I dumb?


I hold the following qualifications:

11 A levels at A grade (Politics, Economics, Math, Advanced Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Biology, Sociology, Law, philosophy

LLB (Hons)



MGeol (Combined Geoscience Bsc and Masters)

Dip Higher Ed (Politics Economics)


I have managed projects across the world with budgets in the hundreds of millions. I have managed teams in the hundreds.


I voted Brexit, not after listening to politicians, but after looking through data, speaking to people I respect in business and finance and coming to the conclusion that the UK will be better out. I maintain that position.

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When asked what Game of Thrones character Gove was Ben Wallace replied


'he is actually Theon Greyjoy or will be by the time I am finished with him'


We don't need to be reminded of what happened to Theon.


Personally - I think he's Cersie. - but who does that makes Theresa May? Denarius?

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I voted Brexit? Am I dumb?


I hold the following qualifications:

11 A levels at A grade (Politics, Economics, Math, Advanced Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Biology, Sociology, Law, philosophy

LLB (Hons)



MGeol (Combined Geoscience Bsc and Masters)

Dip Higher Ed (Politics Economics)


I have managed projects across the world with budgets in the hundreds of millions. I have managed teams in the hundreds.


I voted Brexit, not after listening to politicians, but after looking through data, speaking to people I respect in business and finance and coming to the conclusion that the UK will be better out. I maintain that position.


I know of a lot of very intelligent people who voted to leave. I came very close myself. My wife voted to leave.


I think it comes down to how you view risk, and of course, if you have little to lose, you view risk very differently than those with more to lose. But even then, I don't think you will ever draw a line in the sand. It probably divides the nation in a way that nothing else can.

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I retract. Misled. Partly by opportunists like Johnson. Partly by tabloid press. Murdoch and Dacre - use fear, resentment, envy to promote Brexit. Once it actually happens, use fear again. Look at Cornwall - votes to leave, then expects to continue to get EU subsidies. Oh dear !!!Millions of English and Welsh seemed to think they could have their cake and eat it. As if Britain somehow always deserves special treatment. I think it should be painfully obvious by now that the Europeans have had a gutful of that. There will of course be some winners. There always are. But they are going to be vastly outnumbered by the losers - with what consequences, when the awful reality finally dawns? Presuming of course Article 50 is invoked, and it is very hard to see how that process can be stopped.


You aren't by any chance a member of an amateur dramatic society?

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Someone posted recently about the Intellectual Property issues between the EU and Microsoft etc. And how Brexit might affect all that as far as the UK is concerned. Can't find it. Please repost, with fuller explanation for those of us not across this.

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“What bothers me the most is that the two principal rivals of the Tories turned an inner-party conflict into a full-blown state and government crisis, and thereby damaged the European Union as a whole,” Steinmeier said. “And now, they leave the responsibility for the consequences with others.” German foreign minister. He's also asking for a timetable for Brexit negotiations to start.


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There has been a rush of Brits wanting to apply for Irish passports. Apparently you are eligible if born in Northern Ireland, or have a parent born in Ireland. Maybe my grandchildren in the UK will be able to keep their EU passports after all, since their maternal grandmother is Irish.?????????????????

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Someone posted recently about the Intellectual Property issues between the EU and Microsoft etc. And how Brexit might affect all that as far as the UK is concerned. Can't find it. Please repost, with fuller explanation for those of us not across this.








Within the EU Microsoft and Google cannot use anti competitive practices without the fear of being brought to court to face fines and sanctions.

The EU fights for EU members rights to Intellectual Property as many US companies would try to claim rights they just don’t have.

As a collective the EU has the resources and the will to deal with this. Can you see the UK government standing up for this or legislating any time soon they will be bogged down in other legislation for years. Our relationship with the US is important but sometimes they take the p*#!.

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I voted Brexit? Am I dumb?


I hold the following qualifications:

11 A levels at A grade (Politics, Economics, Math, Advanced Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Biology, Sociology, Law, philosophy

LLB (Hons)



MGeol (Combined Geoscience Bsc and Masters)

Dip Higher Ed (Politics Economics)


I have managed projects across the world with budgets in the hundreds of millions. I have managed teams in the hundreds.


I voted Brexit, not after listening to politicians, but after looking through data, speaking to people I respect in business and finance and coming to the conclusion that the UK will be better out. I maintain that position.


The fact that the remain campaigners chose to imply the leave campaign were " dumb " was in itself a "dumb " idea................

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I hold the following qualifications:

11 A levels at A grade (Politics, Economics, Math, Advanced Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Biology, Sociology, Law, philosophy...

Why on Earth would you have 11 A Levels? Plus, most people with A Levels would say Maths and Further Maths.

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I voted Brexit? Am I dumb?


I hold the following qualifications:

11 A levels at A grade (Politics, Economics, Math, Advanced Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Biology, Sociology, Law, philosophy

LLB (Hons)



MGeol (Combined Geoscience Bsc and Masters)

Dip Higher Ed (Politics Economics)


I have managed projects across the world with budgets in the hundreds of millions. I have managed teams in the hundreds.


I voted Brexit, not after listening to politicians, but after looking through data, speaking to people I respect in business and finance and coming to the conclusion that the UK will be better out. I maintain that position.


History Might be relevant now.

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