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  1. What a strange comment….
  2. Reduces interest costs and tax free.
  3. Wa7

    UK to Rural Qld

    Rural and remote are two very different beasts here. Remote to me would be the worst option ( having the hindsight of years living here ) but that’s just my opinion as you may love it. Rural is a bit of f a coin toss, some good some bad ?? Once you know where you could be let us know here and I’m quite sure you will get some good advice.
  4. If you don’t need finance then just buy the car outright.
  5. Doesn’t suggest anything except I think it strange………..:::
  6. I don’t suppose you know “how often I think it happens “ ? No one needs to get misty - eyed etc to support whoever they support it’s a sport thing and as you say your not interested in sport so you probably won’t get.
  7. Spot on. It would be strange for anyone to change the country they support against their place of birth. in a sporting sense (unless they’ve been here since primary school / early teens or had a bad experience in their homeland )
  8. Wa7

    Your last meal....

    Wasn’t too fussed on the bacon when I got here ( or the sausagesI) have slowly got used to the bacon and cannot for the life of me find decent gammon. Have uour favourite Chippy takeaway or curry as you won’t have it for a few years I suppose.
  9. Wa7

    NIN issues. Need help

    About 5 yrs ago.
  10. Wa7

    NIN issues. Need help

    Back in 2004 my Australian partner lived in the uk with me for a few years and I don’t remember there being any issues with getting a NI number/ card issued. Also regarding your kids passports, I have an Australian born child so simply applied for a British passport for them ( I am British born to British born parents )
  11. What’s your thoughts on Westpac at the moment Whey aye ?
  12. If you type in an address of a house on a particular street you like then this should land you on realestate.com with the particular house details you have searched, click on this and scroll away, it should then give you the homes previous sold prices and even a close indication of its current value.( sometimes homes won’t show previous sold prices but then you just type in next door ) Obviously next doors price is only a indicator but it gives you something to work off
  13. Well providing that is all correct, ancestry visa is still the much easier way to go.
  14. My Australian born child was able to get a British passport simply because i was his British born parent, so could be even simpler…………
  15. Been a while since we went through the process but don’t bother with a buyers agent just get yourself a good settlement agent and they should give you solid advice.
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