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British Mining Workers heading back to UK


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Yes its not so good but this makes it sound like people are leaving by the boat load! Not everyone works in the mines. And for those that did and are now skint, why when earning the big bucks did they not put some away for times like this instead of living the high life. Quite often some were on here saying they thought nothing of splashing $500 on a meal out. I dont care how much you earn that is just showing off! My OH works in the mines and has been laid off several times, thats the nature of mine construction. There is still plenty work going for Tradies( maybe other professions are not doing quite so well) and we have never defaulted on anything, have no debt and have never had to lower our standard of living or rely on centrelink because we make sure we keep enough to get him over the few months inbetween jobs. Yes it may come to an end but again, because we have not lived like( some believe on here)like cashed up Bogans, are in a pretty good financial position because of the mine work to keep us going fine for a good long time before we need to start pleading poverty.

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There was a huge mining & real estate bubble waiting to burst just at the time we left Perth. Real estate prices were going through the roof.


There were lots of new sun seekers arriving by the plane load chasing the dream, and the builders were throwing up the houses quickly as they could, building big housing estates with little or no infrastructure in some pretty bland and dismal places miles out from Perth.


Lots of people bought their homes at artificially inflated house prices, of course it was bound to happen.


This time it will be worse, the mining and oil crash is going to be the biggest crash anyone has ever known.


Its not a very clever time to be migrating really.

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I think the tone on this site hits the mark pretty well. Lots more leaving threads.


Tbh it was always going to happen, and it's nothing out of the ordinary. Many people enjoy chasing the booms.



Bit sad for those who thought it would never end. But hey, if you don't listen.

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Oddly not long ago on this forum, one would be shot down in flames for suggesting something as subversive. A further oddity being those in complete denial of reality, have in many cases withdrawn from further comment on these forums. Humble Pie not to their liking.

Of course the writing has been on the wall for a good four years. Although any number had a view that the boom would go on for a generation. Some thought longer. Perth became a rather ugly, money obsessed place, way over valued and priced.



It remains overpriced of course. Housing is far too high. The NAB predicted falls of 7% to 10% this year in housing, which is something coming from a bank, whose interest remains strongly in denying further falls and like the REIWA insist prices have almost bottomed out and now being a good time to buy.


These estimates remain on the low side. Further numbers leaving the state and lower numbers coming in will ensure a less demand in that area.


Already Irish accents are far thinner on the ground in my area, which appears to be the centre of Irish activity in the Metro area than even last year. According to stats New Zealanders have been leaving in droves over the past two years. Hardly surprising if Brit's are as well.

There appears to be more threads on leaving on this forum than the past. I wonder if less interest in migrating here as well?

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Hi Flagofconvenience


We are Kiwi Citizens but originally from the UK, lived in NZ for 12 years before my hubby was head hunted for a job here. I am happy we have been given the opportunity to come to Australia.

New Zealand is a beautiful country and I love it, but very hard to earn good money, but I guess if it doesn't pan out for us here in OZ we can return to NZ :)

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The whingers who go on about pensions on that article are just that.....whingers with no credibility whatsoever. I can well guess who this bloke is, "“There's also the Australian tax system that taxes my pensions but does not give me any benefits at all. Not one thing is claimable. Zilch.” What a load of bollox! If you're on the basic, or part pension, then you should pay no tax. As for no benefits, what about reduced prices for scripts/rates/utilities/travel etc?


Then there's a another whinging about "frozen UK pension" so what? Any shortfall below the Oz state pension level and Centrelink tops it up to the Australian pension level. They're welcome to go back to a basic UK state pension that's only half of that which Oz offers as far as I'm concerned

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Well the state pension has always been frozen, so should have been factored in to costs when moving.

No other pensions are frozen and in this day and age it is unusual to only have the state pension if newly retired.

If no other pension then would struggle anywhere.


In QLD you get seniors discounts on all sorts of costs, good idea to find out exactly what they are and take advantage of them, some people don't bother.

Also locally, genuinely don't know if only here on the Sunshine Coast, we have home assist.

Apart from cost of item it's totally free. eg replace a light bulb(globe)

The idea is that rather than have us "doddery" retirees climbing a ladder to replace bulbs, clean gutters and other services, someone comes for free and does it for you


Local well stocked green grocer 10% off on Thursdays and local baker 10% off for seniors.

Does that happen in UK? genuine question.


My friend has recently had an op on her hand, so another organisation is coming to do the ironing and other basic help.


So so this "there is no help here" comment is contrary to my experience as a retiree here for 13 years.


Also had to laugh at the don't receive winter heating allowance!!!!

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Hi Flagofconvenience


We are Kiwi Citizens but originally from the UK, lived in NZ for 12 years before my hubby was head hunted for a job here. I am happy we have been given the opportunity to come to Australia.

New Zealand is a beautiful country and I love it, but very hard to earn good money, but I guess if it doesn't pan out for us here in OZ we can return to NZ :)


Best of luck with your Australian adventure. Your hubby was fortunate considering the downturn over here. Sadly Australia has become very much a mercenary type country over recent decade and a half but don't mean any negative reflection in saying that on your good fortune..

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Well the state pension has always been frozen, so should have been factored in to costs when moving.

No other pensions are frozen and in this day and age it is unusual to only have the state pension if newly retired.

If no other pension then would struggle anywhere.


In QLD you get seniors discounts on all sorts of costs, good idea to find out exactly what they are and take advantage of them, some people don't bother.

Also locally, genuinely don't know if only here on the Sunshine Coast, we have home assist.

Apart from cost of item it's totally free. eg replace a light bulb(globe)

The idea is that rather than have us "doddery" retirees climbing a ladder to replace bulbs, clean gutters and other services, someone comes for free and does it for you


Local well stocked green grocer 10% off on Thursdays and local baker 10% off for seniors.

Does that happen in UK? genuine question.


My friend has recently had an op on her hand, so another organisation is coming to do the ironing and other basic help.


So so this "there is no help here" comment is contrary to my experience as a retiree here for 13 years.


Also had to laugh at the don't receive winter heating allowance!!!!


Thing being of course we should remember UK has a very poor pension system compared to a lot of Europe. Nothing of much substance to compare to Australia, apart from the big one. Assets not taking into consideration as in Australia.

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Yes its not so good but this makes it sound like people are leaving by the boat load! Not everyone works in the mines. And for those that did and are now skint, why when earning the big bucks did they not put some away for times like this instead of living the high life. Quite often some were on here saying they thought nothing of splashing $500 on a meal out. I dont care how much you earn that is just showing off! My OH works in the mines and has been laid off several times, thats the nature of mine construction. There is still plenty work going for Tradies( maybe other professions are not doing quite so well) and we have never defaulted on anything, have no debt and have never had to lower our standard of living or rely on centrelink because we make sure we keep enough to get him over the few months inbetween jobs. Yes it may come to an end but again, because we have not lived like( some believe on here)like cashed up Bogans, are in a pretty good financial position because of the mine work to keep us going fine for a good long time before we need to start pleading poverty.


Could have absolutely written this myself. We were told in no uncertain terms that my OH would be out of a job with absolute certainty well over twelve months ago and got shot down in flames and told I was in denial when I explained that after speaking to him he said there was years of work left where he is for certain trades. Well over twelve months later he's just bean told he has at least another twelve months if he wants it. He's not in the mines however but you are absolutely right there is always work for qualified tradies.

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Could have absolutely written this myself. We were told in no uncertain terms that my OH would be out of a job with absolute certainty well over twelve months ago and got shot down in flames and told I was in denial when I explained that after speaking to him he said there was years of work left where he is for certain trades. Well over twelve months later he's just bean told he has at least another twelve months if he wants it. He's not in the mines however but you are absolutely right there is always work for qualified tradies.


My OH was never out of work either QSS. It did mean being prepared to move to where the work was so he had to work away from home at times. Good to hear your OH has work for a while yet.

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It's strange times, there are 13 iron ore carriers waiting at anchor to berth in Dampier, before loading up and heading off to China. The oil & gas offshore support ships are heavily down on numbers, Karratha is far quieter then it was a few years ago. I'm sure it's the same in Port Hedland. Perth Airport used to be packed at 6am everyday with the Qantas Club bustling with flouro.

With commodities and oil all at rock bottom prices, the next few years will be interesting. Yet the liberal government still seems keen to find a way to allow cheaper labour in to cut costs.

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My OH was never out of work either QSS. It did mean being prepared to move to where the work was so he had to work away from home at times. Good to hear your OH has work for a while yet.

It's good he has the choice however it would be nice to give up the 26/9, we're getting a bit over it now, although it's set us up nicely I'm not going to complain we've saved as well as updated so just weighing up whether to carry on or look for something else. He's contracted so can come back to Perth at any time so it's tempting but then again it's a case of making hay while the sun shines it's a hard decision. But we are very lucky to have it to make.

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Then there's a another whinging about "frozen UK pension" so what? Any shortfall below the Oz state pension level and Centrelink tops it up to the Australian pension level.


Well yes, IF they qualify for the Australian pension. I think the people complaining about the frozen pension didn't manage to complete the required years of work before reaching retirement age.

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It's strange times, there are 13 iron ore carriers waiting at anchor to berth in Dampier, before loading up and heading off to China. The oil & gas offshore support ships are heavily down on numbers, Karratha is far quieter then it was a few years ago. I'm sure it's the same in Port Hedland. Perth Airport used to be packed at 6am everyday with the Qantas Club bustling with flouro.

With commodities and oil all at rock bottom prices, the next few years will be interesting. Yet the liberal government still seems keen to find a way to allow cheaper labour in to cut costs.



The amount of ships waiting off shore from Newcastle is quite a site, where I have been working a coal train passes by approximately every 15 min, not saying it's going to last forever but China needs to provide power for its vast population and industries not sure if they are looking at alternative power options .

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Well yes, IF they qualify for the Australian pension. I think the people complaining about the frozen pension didn't manage to complete the required years of work before reaching retirement age.


Not quite sure of your logic Marisa? We are all complaining about the frozen pension, it's a totally illogical rule, which depends on where you live rather than the years contributed. I qualified at age 60 and my husband age 65, I didn't have quite the full required years, but topped it up, whereas my husband had fully contributed, we are complaining because of the inequality of it being frozen because we moved to Oz. No one mentioned it would be frozen one day in the future when we started paying our NI contributions, it was dreamed up years later.


it's increased for instance in the USA but not Canada or random countries as Somoa, it's all seems totally random and illogical, but the ex Commonwealth countries all seem to be on the frozen list.

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Not quite sure of your logic Marisa? We are all complaining about the frozen pension, it's a totally illogical rule, which depends on where you live rather than the years contributed. I qualified at age 60 and my husband age 65, I didn't have quite the full required years, but topped it up, whereas my husband had fully contributed, we are complaining because of the inequality of it being frozen because we moved to Oz. No one mentioned it would be frozen one day in the future when we started paying our NI contributions, it was dreamed up years later.


it's increased for instance in the USA but not Canada or random countries as Somoa, it's all seems totally random and illogical, but the ex Commonwealth countries all seem to be on the frozen list.


Like I say, in reality it means nothing to most, because although your UK pension doesn't increase, your Australian top up meets the shortfall, that is unless you are not eligible for a top up due to having too many assets, too much other income or not being resident in Oz long enough. If you're a "basic pensioner" with no superann or assets below the level, a UK frozen pension doesn't affect. The frozen UK pension only affects those not eligible for an Oz pension or top up, and although they would have a higher income than the Oz state pension, I agree, it's unfair in their cases

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Not quite sure of your logic Marisa? We are all complaining about the frozen pension, it's a totally illogical rule


I agree it's illogical and you're entitled to complain, but I was replying to JohnDoe who said it didn't matter - because it's topped up by the Aussie pension. I was just pointing out that only works if you're entitled to the Aussie pension!

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I agree it's illogical and you're entitled to complain, but I was replying to JohnDoe who said it didn't matter - because it's topped up by the Aussie pension. I was just pointing out that only works if you're entitled to the Aussie pension!


See above. Most expat pensioners, I would hazard a guess, would be entitled to a top up assuming that they are below the asset and other income level. Being pensionable age, most would have been here 20+ yrs due to the (age) points system and eligibility for an Oz pension (for them) was only 10 yrs residency, even if they had never worked here.

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