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India tops immigration to Australia

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

India has emerged as the dominant source of immigrants in recent years, despite a drop in Indian migrant numbers since 2012-13.


Statistics on Australia’s migration orogram, released by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, show Australia received 189,097 immigrants in the 2014-15 year.


Those immigrants include people who were accepted under the family, skill and special eligibility streams. The migration program does not include refugees.


The standout country of origin for people in the program was India, with 34,874 people in 2014-15, followed closely by China.


While India is the leader, the number of Indian immigrants is down on 2012-13, when total numbers of Indian immigrants were 40,051.






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Guest The Pom Queen

Why as UK immigration dropped? Is it the exchange rate, do people get put off with negative comments, is the UK picking up and people just don't want to move?

How come the Irish and Indians are the only ones who can see how wonderful Australia is :wink:

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Given that the favourite destination for poms is WA and its economy is going backwards, its not really surprising.


Add in that Australia was very popular because you could sell your ex council house or 2 up 2 down and buy a big 4x2 with a pool. But now, you sell your house and find in Australia you can buy a bedsit

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Given that the favourite destination for poms is WA and its economy is going backwards, its not really surprising.


Add in that Australia was very popular because you could sell your ex council house or 2 up 2 down and buy a big 4x2 with a pool. But now, you sell your house and find in Australia you can buy a bedsit


Inclined to agree with you VS. It was easy when we moved to Australia in the very early 80's to buy a house and quickly find a decently paid full-time job but not anymore.

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Why as UK immigration dropped? Is it the exchange rate, do people get put off with negative comments, is the UK picking up and people just don't want to move?

How come the Irish and Indians are the only ones who can see how wonderful Australia is :wink:



The UK is a really cool place to live ATM.


Even the winter's balmy in the se. 16 degrees forecast today. Min of 13 last night. This is a Perth winter.

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The UK is a really cool place to live ATM.


Even the winter's balmy in the se. 16 degrees forecast today. Min of 13 last night. This is a Perth winter.


Maybe where you live down south. The weather in the north England and the south of Scotland has been atrocious. You are lucky to be having such a mild winter where you are.

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Yep 16c where I am today!No CH heating on this week either even at night.I have noticed Adelaide changing culturally.Indian bus drivers,taxi drivers,some Indians have set up a huge drive through car wash valeting service in the local westfield,and good luck to them too!When we emigrated it was predominantly greek and Italians with brits moving across.Then Vietnamese,now its the Chinese and Indians chance for a new life down under.

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Why as UK immigration dropped? Is it the exchange rate, do people get put off with negative comments, is the UK picking up and people just don't want to move?

How come the Irish and Indians are the only ones who can see how wonderful Australia is :wink:


You can't actually tell from the chart whether or not the number of immigrants from the UK has dropped. The only thing it shows is a ranking by country. There could still be an increase in the actual number of immigrants from the UK but (obviously) a smaller increase than India. Bearing in mind that the population of India is at least 15 times that of the UK it should always be a surprise if the UK is ahead of India on any headcount based statistic. Despite only being in 3rd place (behind just the huge populations of India and China) the UK is still punching well above its weight.

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Given that the favourite destination for poms is WA and its economy is going backwards, its not really surprising.


Add in that Australia was very popular because you could sell your ex council house or 2 up 2 down and buy a big 4x2 with a pool. But now, you sell your house and find in Australia you can buy a bedsit


I would agree re the downturn, but find it interesting you refer to ex council houses and two up two downs and wonder why?

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The visa rules also tightened a lot and prices went up quite a bit too so this will have prevented some family's from applying. I think the exchange being rubbish for so long also put people off who would otherwise have gone for it 5, 10 years ago.


Cal x


The cost of a visa is surely out of a lot of people's reach. Didnt it used to be by family but now its per person?


im only going on what I've read on here.


Then add up all the other associated costs, the paperwork, the waiting time.


Then no guranteed job at the end of the process or having to retrain in a job you've years of experience in.


basically starting again, with no family support.


I'm sure a lot of people would love to live here, but it is now out of their reach

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The cost of a visa is surely out of a lot of people's reach. Didnt it used to be by family but now its per person?


im only going on what I've read on here.


Then add up all the other associated costs, the paperwork, the waiting time.


Then no guranteed job at the end of the process or having to retrain in a job you've years of experience in.


basically starting again, with no family support.


I'm sure a lot of people would love to live here, but it is now out of their reach


Surely this applies to India? Perhaps even more so as wages there are much lower so the costs are higher relative to income.


I guess it is cost v benefit - maybe the benefits aren't as great for those moving from the UK as they are for those moving from India or at least perceived benefits as I do not think they are always realised for Indian migrants - the majority of my team were from India in Perth and they were the lucky ones, I got contacted almost daily by people very desperate for work and met an awful lot of rather over qualified taxi drivers.

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The UK is a really cool place to live ATM.


Even the winter's balmy in the se. 16 degrees forecast today. Min of 13 last night. This is a Perth winter.


You are right nj ,the weather in the u.k is becoming a massive plus .

I hate cold winters .....add that to the dark nights and I get a bit grumpy .

We have just driven through rural Warwickshire and into Solihull .

All the villages and churches have the Christmas lights on .

And it ain't bloody cold ...no wind ....no ice ...no snow .

I said to my wife ,its like spending the winter somewhere else

Iam actually enjoying the winter


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Maybe where you live down south. The weather in the north England and the south of Scotland has been atrocious. You are lucky to be having such a mild winter where you are.


Who told you it was atrocious ? ...wheres the 3 ft of snow ?

Iam in the west midlands .....very acceptable ...in fact bloody great .

We are 6 days away from the shortest day ,then its getting lighter again

The north and Scotland are generally colder ,but how many sporting fixtures have been cancelled ?

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Who told you it was atrocious ? ...wheres the 3 ft of snow ?

Iam in the west midlands .....very acceptable ...in fact bloody great .

We are 6 days away from the shortest day ,then its getting lighter again

The north and Scotland are generally colder ,but how many sporting fixtures have been cancelled ?


Its that atrocious, Edinburgh ,2 weeks from Xmas ,has weather 8 -14c over the next 7 days

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You can't actually tell from the chart whether or not the number of immigrants from the UK has dropped. The only thing it shows is a ranking by country. There could still be an increase in the actual number of immigrants from the UK but (obviously) a smaller increase than India. Bearing in mind that the population of India is at least 15 times that of the UK it should always be a surprise if the UK is ahead of India on any headcount based statistic. Despite only being in 3rd place (behind just the huge populations of India and China) the UK is still punching well above its weight.



As far as I can tell, the numbers have dropped (figures from immi site - Permanent migration - skilled & family stream)


2007-2008 30,841 from the UK (highest over the last 20 years)

2009-2010 25,738 from the UK

2013-2014 23,220 from the UK

2014-2015 21,078 from the UK (latest available figures - lowest number since 2002-2003)

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Who told you it was atrocious ? ...wheres the 3 ft of snow ?

Iam in the west midlands .....very acceptable ...in fact bloody great .

We are 6 days away from the shortest day ,then its getting lighter again

The north and Scotland are generally colder ,but how many sporting fixtures have been cancelled ?


I am in Lancashire (up north) and it is 13 degrees today. I was colder last year in Sydney winter time.

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I suspect the figures include student visa grants. The Indian population are generally very well educated and ambitious. Unfortunately India does not provide much of the specialist education many desire so they go off shore, UK, Australua USA etc. I do feel the imigration process is abused frequently or exploited fully ie working instead of study etc.



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Guest Guest109139
The UK is a really cool place to live ATM.


Even the winter's balmy in the se. 16 degrees forecast today. Min of 13 last night. This is a Perth winter.





I agree, it really is a cool place to live. And I'm loving this winter so far, I was dreading the winter after six years in Perth, however it has been really mild, 15 degrees today down in the south west, I was wearing T-shirt and jeans today! My new sledge in the shed will have to stay in its box for a while then :yes:

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Who told you it was atrocious ? ...wheres the 3 ft of snow ?

Iam in the west midlands .....very acceptable ...in fact bloody great .

We are 6 days away from the shortest day ,then its getting lighter again

The north and Scotland are generally colder ,but how many sporting fixtures have been cancelled ?


You people down sarf live in your own little bubble. Atrocious weather isn't just snow (which I hate). The people in the Scottish/English borders had gale force winds and flooding. Utter misery for them.

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Back to original post. Immigration from China and India now make up 35% of Australia's migrant yearly total alone. That is before other large contributing countries like The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia are counted.


UK numbers have fallen but that country remains in third position but with an ever declining total per cent of incomers. They are still higher up the scale than in Canada, when I last looked, where UK numbers came towards the bottom of the top ten.


This is a deliberate policy, to reinforce Australia's unique antipodal trading position, by greatly increasing an Asian population, which will act to further cement Australia in the region.


Australia will be no place for xenophobes as the nation continues to change face at a rapid face. I suppose this coming new face will both repeal and appeal to potential new UK migrants in the future.


Mostly though immigration is out of self interest. So if it is thought that opportunities and increased wealth are better Down Under, Brits will remain fairly high in the migration scales. Just unlikely to be in the top few nations which will continue to reflect Australia place in the world.


It should be noted until several years ago India was a fairly low contributing source of migrants. It was deliberate policy to massively boost numbers.

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UK numbers have fallen but that country remains in third position but with an ever declining total per cent of incomers. They are still higher up the scale than in Canada, when I last looked, where UK numbers came towards the bottom of the top ten.


Canada's top four out of five immigrant source countries are from Asia; China, India and the Philippines. The US is number five or six I believe. The numbers from the UK have been falling for over a decade now. From what I understand, and I don't know if this is true or not, but with the exception of the US, Canada has made it very difficult for those from other english-speaking countries to be granted visas into Canada. We seem to be targeting Asian countries and even other french-speaking countries. I don't quite understand the rational for this. In my city, Winnipeg, we have the largest per-capita Filipino population in the country (11% of the city is Filipino) continuing to grow every year, and our city is now almost 25-30% Asian. Vancouver and Toronto are now over 50% Asian. I would't be surprise if Vancouver is now 60-70% Asian.

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