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Tony Abbott out....


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Totally disagree CaptainR - sorry - he was killing our country - we were like a ship adrift

He is a Prime Minister, not a President, this isn't a one man show, he represents a parties political views and doesn't have ultimate authority. He can't be blamed for an entire parties legislative changes. I certainly don't think he's the best representative of Australia, and he has made an awful lot of mistakes, however these sudden kind of changes of leadership are an embarrassment to the country and show some serious weakness and instability in the government.

I believe that they should have simply started the ball rolling to bring forward the Federal Election to Early/Mid 2016 and taken a more methodical and democratic approach to changing the leadership.


It just looks like a tin pot 3rd world government to anyone looking in from the outside.

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It just looks like a tin pot 3rd world government to anyone looking in from the outside.


Which will suit the usual suspects down to the ground. They'll finally get to say, "I told you so." Next up on the list is a recession and the bursting of the housing bubble.

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May be a case of same old same old. But at least Malcolm Turnbull is more charismatic and I can watch and listen to him, without wanting to hurl the TV out the window.


I absolutely detested Abbott and all that he stood for. I am still in shock that he was actually elected PM in the first place. The only thing I will miss is the hilarity of his gaffes.

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Why is everyone so vindictive though ?

Be happy at a new man if you want but why revel in someone's humiliation ?


Posters wanting to see him humiliated and even cry is just beyond belief for people who profess to be caring about their fellow man.


I think ages back I can remember you being quite nasty about Julia? I'll apologise if I've got that one wrong but I'm sure I read some stuff

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onions out



I didn't watch TV last night - I was having too many laughs reading the Twitter feed on #libspill. Probably the best comedy entertainment of the year. Lots of "onions out" photos. One wag with a very quick tweet just after Abbott was ousted: "My onion's just hurled itself off the shelf!"

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Why is everyone so vindictive though ?

Be happy at a new man if you want but why revel in someone's humiliation ?


Posters wanting to see him humiliated and even cry is just beyond belief for people who profess to be caring about their fellow man.


I think ages back I can remember you being quite nasty about Julia? I'll apologise if I've got that one wrong but I'm sure I read some stuff


Hypocrites dont realise they are exactly that!


Even worse when they are sympathisers of idiotic PMs... like Abbott.

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Why is everyone so vindictive though ?

Be happy at a new man if you want but why revel in someone's humiliation ?


Posters wanting to see him humiliated and even cry is just beyond belief for people who profess to be caring about their fellow man.


He is anything but a fellow man. He completely disregarded his team and the people of this country.

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Just seen this posted on a FB page by a lady called K Byrne and it says everything I have been thinking extremely well:


It made me heartily sick to watch the nauseating hypocrisy of Abbott's Departure Speech - it was like the icing on a toxic cake after his stand-out performance as the most inept, embarrassing, inarticulate and dysfunctional Prime Minister in memory! Abbott's final parting cynical undertaking, in his role as our most abysmal PM, was to stand there, with a straight face, amazingly STILL blaming Labor for his OWN ineptitude in 23 months of EPIC FAILURE in every level of governance. No apology, no remorse, no insight!

There stood the stratospherically arrogant, pompous narcissistic, Abbott, taking credit for achievements NEVER made, patting himself on the back for policies (many of which were never passed) that seriously disadvantaged the poor, the unemployed, the sick whilst he oversaw the most horrific callous inhumanity, torture and even murder against legal asylum seekers. Then, if that speech wasn't enough to make us all reach for the bucket, Abbott had the AUDACITY to tell us that it was a privilege to "SERVE" the Australian people ... what a sad joke! The ONLY people this revolting fascist, Abbott, served was HIMSELF, his grasping family, Rupert Murdoch, the IPA and billionaire miners and multinational predatory corporations! Abbott was, indeed, the most self entitled, corrupt, pathological LIAR and fascist in our history who cynically abused his position of power to pass on lucrative jobs to his daughters and accepted under-the-table dirty deals such as the $60,000 scholarship - outrageous, remorseless nepotism! To the overwhelming majority of ordinary Australians who really suffered under the Abbott regime of staggering self entitlement and mean spirited, regressive policies, Abbott will NOT be missed - in fact his demise is being celebrated around the country and throughout the world! I bet Putin and the illustrious Angela Merkel are laughing their heads off as we speak! Abbott, you were, beyond any doubt, the absolute WORST PRIME MINISTER in our history, just ahead of the repugnant war criminal, John Howard.

Despite the relentless, scornful and malicious comments made against Julia Gillard by Abbott as he made his repugnant departing speech, Julia Gillard will ALWAYS remain a better, more professional, dignified and successful PM than Abbott ever was. If PMs are measured by the amount of good legislation passed, then Julia Gillard remains our most successful Prime Minister who had the highest rate of passing legislation with a rate of 0.495, followed by Bob Hawke at 0.491. Compare that to Abbott's abysmal performance in only achieving FOUR things:

* with the help of the EPIC FAILURE, Joe Hockey - Abbott managed to QUADRUPLE OUR DEFICIT to a whopping $90 BILLION in only 23 months! How he can stand there and say he "inherited" a mess is an outrageous, disgusting LIE because the Gillard/Rudd governments left with the third lowest debt level in the world at only $26 Billion!


* the total annihilation of Australia's international reputation;


* the complete polarisation of our nation with his vindictive, callously inhumane policies targeting the poor, the unemployed and vulnerable whilst he pandered to Murdoch, Rinehart and the BIG END OF TOWN with massively unfair tax rebates;


* in conjunction with the anti-environmental minister from Hell, Greg Hunt, Abbott watched by and supervised the complete vandalisation of our environment allowing monstrous multinational mining corporations to come into Australia and mine our lands into oblivion without consequence. Never before has this country seen such devastation with the Great Barrier Reef under constant threat, huge tracts of land sold in WA and Quensland to foreign mining and fracking industries which will decimate our Artesian Water Basin and now the useless, snivelling Mike Baird following through on Abbott's encouragement to stand by whilst Chinese miners dig up the agricultural belt of NSW!

Turnbull won't be much better because he is STILL adhering to the same toxic, inhumane policies and is still heading the same loathsome cabinet filled with revolting, ultra right wing nutters. Hopefully, Turnbull will clear away the worst of them, eg Eric Abetz, Joe Hockey, Matthias Cormann, the absolutely vile Cory Bernardi, Michaela Cash, Warren Truss, the hysterical lunatics Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton! The only good thing you can say about Turnbull is that compared to the rest of the members of Abbott's Flat Earth Society, Turnbull is a moderate small "l" Liberal who does have a modicum of intelligence and slightly more charisma. Turnbull is also an anti-monarchist Republican so I am hoping that he will regenerate the debate on this issue. However, Turnbull has proven himself to be a coward and will always be beholden to the screaming, irrational ultra conservative neoliberal idiots that are running rampant through the LNP cabinet ... yet ANOTHER thing that can be attributed to the colossal LOSER, Abbott! With that batch of LOSERS on the cabinet, moving them around is like shuffling the chairs on the Titanic!

Abbott was thrown out of politics in disgrace by his own peers and will NEVER EVER receive the praise, adulation and respect that Gough Whitlam received and continues to receive. The illustrious, high achieving Whitlam will forever be his superior and the superior to ANY LNP PM in living memory. Abbott has been relegated to his rightful place as the most despised, dysfunctional, misogynistic PM in our history and, unlike Gough Whitlam and Paul Keating, Abbott will sink back into obscurity. Good riddance, Abbott, Australians will never forget or forgive the damage you have wrought on this nation in such a short time!

Now we have Turnbull and other members of government (Labor and Liberal) standing up in parliament singing Abbott's praises ... WHAT THE HELL? After watching Turnbull, Shorten and others rip Abbott to shreds last night you have to wonder if these staggering hypocritical politicians have got a SHRED of credibility left ... no wonder Australians are now thoroughly disillusioned and disconnected from the rabble that pretend to govern us on BOTH sides of the political fence!

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Gillard was a terrible PM.

Even Rudd was better than her.

The electorate hated her more than Abbott.


The facts are against you, I'm afraid

If PMs are measured by the amount of good legislation passed, then Julia Gillard remains our most successful Prime Minister who had the highest rate of passing legislation with a rate of 0.495, followed by Bob Hawke at 0.491. Compare that to Abbott's abysmal performance in only achieving FOUR things:

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A tiny bit ranty but I agree with most of it.


BTW Cory Bernardi isn't a cabinet member, is he?


Just seen this posted on a FB page by a lady called K Byrne and it says everything I have been thinking extremely well:


It made me heartily sick to watch the nauseating hypocrisy of Abbott's Departure Speech - it was like the icing on a toxic cake after his stand-out performance as the most inept, embarrassing, inarticulate and dysfunctional Prime Minister in memory! Abbott's final parting cynical undertaking, in his role as our most abysmal PM, was to stand there, with a straight face, amazingly STILL blaming Labor for his OWN ineptitude in 23 months of EPIC FAILURE in every level of governance. No apology, no remorse, no insight!

There stood the stratospherically arrogant, pompous narcissistic, Abbott, taking credit for achievements NEVER made, patting himself on the back for policies (many of which were never passed) that seriously disadvantaged the poor, the unemployed, the sick whilst he oversaw the most horrific callous inhumanity, torture and even murder against legal asylum seekers. Then, if that speech wasn't enough to make us all reach for the bucket, Abbott had the AUDACITY to tell us that it was a privilege to "SERVE" the Australian people ... what a sad joke! The ONLY people this revolting fascist, Abbott, served was HIMSELF, his grasping family, Rupert Murdoch, the IPA and billionaire miners and multinational predatory corporations! Abbott was, indeed, the most self entitled, corrupt, pathological LIAR and fascist in our history who cynically abused his position of power to pass on lucrative jobs to his daughters and accepted under-the-table dirty deals such as the $60,000 scholarship - outrageous, remorseless nepotism! To the overwhelming majority of ordinary Australians who really suffered under the Abbott regime of staggering self entitlement and mean spirited, regressive policies, Abbott will NOT be missed - in fact his demise is being celebrated around the country and throughout the world! I bet Putin and the illustrious Angela Merkel are laughing their heads off as we speak! Abbott, you were, beyond any doubt, the absolute WORST PRIME MINISTER in our history, just ahead of the repugnant war criminal, John Howard.

Despite the relentless, scornful and malicious comments made against Julia Gillard by Abbott as he made his repugnant departing speech, Julia Gillard will ALWAYS remain a better, more professional, dignified and successful PM than Abbott ever was. If PMs are measured by the amount of good legislation passed, then Julia Gillard remains our most successful Prime Minister who had the highest rate of passing legislation with a rate of 0.495, followed by Bob Hawke at 0.491. Compare that to Abbott's abysmal performance in only achieving FOUR things:

* with the help of the EPIC FAILURE, Joe Hockey - Abbott managed to QUADRUPLE OUR DEFICIT to a whopping $90 BILLION in only 23 months! How he can stand there and say he "inherited" a mess is an outrageous, disgusting LIE because the Gillard/Rudd governments left with the third lowest debt level in the world at only $26 Billion!


* the total annihilation of Australia's international reputation;


* the complete polarisation of our nation with his vindictive, callously inhumane policies targeting the poor, the unemployed and vulnerable whilst he pandered to Murdoch, Rinehart and the BIG END OF TOWN with massively unfair tax rebates;


* in conjunction with the anti-environmental minister from Hell, Greg Hunt, Abbott watched by and supervised the complete vandalisation of our environment allowing monstrous multinational mining corporations to come into Australia and mine our lands into oblivion without consequence. Never before has this country seen such devastation with the Great Barrier Reef under constant threat, huge tracts of land sold in WA and Quensland to foreign mining and fracking industries which will decimate our Artesian Water Basin and now the useless, snivelling Mike Baird following through on Abbott's encouragement to stand by whilst Chinese miners dig up the agricultural belt of NSW!

Turnbull won't be much better because he is STILL adhering to the same toxic, inhumane policies and is still heading the same loathsome cabinet filled with revolting, ultra right wing nutters. Hopefully, Turnbull will clear away the worst of them, eg Eric Abetz, Joe Hockey, Matthias Cormann, the absolutely vile Cory Bernardi, Michaela Cash, Warren Truss, the hysterical lunatics Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton! The only good thing you can say about Turnbull is that compared to the rest of the members of Abbott's Flat Earth Society, Turnbull is a moderate small "l" Liberal who does have a modicum of intelligence and slightly more charisma. Turnbull is also an anti-monarchist Republican so I am hoping that he will regenerate the debate on this issue. However, Turnbull has proven himself to be a coward and will always be beholden to the screaming, irrational ultra conservative neoliberal idiots that are running rampant through the LNP cabinet ... yet ANOTHER thing that can be attributed to the colossal LOSER, Abbott! With that batch of LOSERS on the cabinet, moving them around is like shuffling the chairs on the Titanic!

Abbott was thrown out of politics in disgrace by his own peers and will NEVER EVER receive the praise, adulation and respect that Gough Whitlam received and continues to receive. The illustrious, high achieving Whitlam will forever be his superior and the superior to ANY LNP PM in living memory. Abbott has been relegated to his rightful place as the most despised, dysfunctional, misogynistic PM in our history and, unlike Gough Whitlam and Paul Keating, Abbott will sink back into obscurity. Good riddance, Abbott, Australians will never forget or forgive the damage you have wrought on this nation in such a short time!

Now we have Turnbull and other members of government (Labor and Liberal) standing up in parliament singing Abbott's praises ... WHAT THE HELL? After watching Turnbull, Shorten and others rip Abbott to shreds last night you have to wonder if these staggering hypocritical politicians have got a SHRED of credibility left ... no wonder Australians are now thoroughly disillusioned and disconnected from the rabble that pretend to govern us on BOTH sides of the political fence!

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Just seen this posted on a FB page by a lady called K Byrne and it says everything I have been thinking extremely well:


It made me heartily sick to watch the nauseating hypocrisy of Abbott's Departure Speech - it was like the icing on a toxic cake after his stand-out performance as the most inept, embarrassing, inarticulate and dysfunctional Prime Minister in memory! Abbott's final parting cynical undertaking, in his role as our most abysmal PM, was to stand there, with a straight face, amazingly STILL blaming Labor for his OWN ineptitude in 23 months of EPIC FAILURE in every level of governance. No apology, no remorse, no insight!

There stood the stratospherically arrogant, pompous narcissistic, Abbott, taking credit for achievements NEVER made, patting himself on the back for policies (many of which were never passed) that seriously disadvantaged the poor, the unemployed, the sick whilst he oversaw the most horrific callous inhumanity, torture and even murder against legal asylum seekers. Then, if that speech wasn't enough to make us all reach for the bucket, Abbott had the AUDACITY to tell us that it was a privilege to "SERVE" the Australian people ... what a sad joke! The ONLY people this revolting fascist, Abbott, served was HIMSELF, his grasping family, Rupert Murdoch, the IPA and billionaire miners and multinational predatory corporations! Abbott was, indeed, the most self entitled, corrupt, pathological LIAR and fascist in our history who cynically abused his position of power to pass on lucrative jobs to his daughters and accepted under-the-table dirty deals such as the $60,000 scholarship - outrageous, remorseless nepotism! To the overwhelming majority of ordinary Australians who really suffered under the Abbott regime of staggering self entitlement and mean spirited, regressive policies, Abbott will NOT be missed - in fact his demise is being celebrated around the country and throughout the world! I bet Putin and the illustrious Angela Merkel are laughing their heads off as we speak! Abbott, you were, beyond any doubt, the absolute WORST PRIME MINISTER in our history, just ahead of the repugnant war criminal, John Howard.

Despite the relentless, scornful and malicious comments made against Julia Gillard by Abbott as he made his repugnant departing speech, Julia Gillard will ALWAYS remain a better, more professional, dignified and successful PM than Abbott ever was. If PMs are measured by the amount of good legislation passed, then Julia Gillard remains our most successful Prime Minister who had the highest rate of passing legislation with a rate of 0.495, followed by Bob Hawke at 0.491. Compare that to Abbott's abysmal performance in only achieving FOUR things:

* with the help of the EPIC FAILURE, Joe Hockey - Abbott managed to QUADRUPLE OUR DEFICIT to a whopping $90 BILLION in only 23 months! How he can stand there and say he "inherited" a mess is an outrageous, disgusting LIE because the Gillard/Rudd governments left with the third lowest debt level in the world at only $26 Billion!


* the total annihilation of Australia's international reputation;


* the complete polarisation of our nation with his vindictive, callously inhumane policies targeting the poor, the unemployed and vulnerable whilst he pandered to Murdoch, Rinehart and the BIG END OF TOWN with massively unfair tax rebates;


* in conjunction with the anti-environmental minister from Hell, Greg Hunt, Abbott watched by and supervised the complete vandalisation of our environment allowing monstrous multinational mining corporations to come into Australia and mine our lands into oblivion without consequence. Never before has this country seen such devastation with the Great Barrier Reef under constant threat, huge tracts of land sold in WA and Quensland to foreign mining and fracking industries which will decimate our Artesian Water Basin and now the useless, snivelling Mike Baird following through on Abbott's encouragement to stand by whilst Chinese miners dig up the agricultural belt of NSW!

Turnbull won't be much better because he is STILL adhering to the same toxic, inhumane policies and is still heading the same loathsome cabinet filled with revolting, ultra right wing nutters. Hopefully, Turnbull will clear away the worst of them, eg Eric Abetz, Joe Hockey, Matthias Cormann, the absolutely vile Cory Bernardi, Michaela Cash, Warren Truss, the hysterical lunatics Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton! The only good thing you can say about Turnbull is that compared to the rest of the members of Abbott's Flat Earth Society, Turnbull is a moderate small "l" Liberal who does have a modicum of intelligence and slightly more charisma. Turnbull is also an anti-monarchist Republican so I am hoping that he will regenerate the debate on this issue. However, Turnbull has proven himself to be a coward and will always be beholden to the screaming, irrational ultra conservative neoliberal idiots that are running rampant through the LNP cabinet ... yet ANOTHER thing that can be attributed to the colossal LOSER, Abbott! With that batch of LOSERS on the cabinet, moving them around is like shuffling the chairs on the Titanic!

Abbott was thrown out of politics in disgrace by his own peers and will NEVER EVER receive the praise, adulation and respect that Gough Whitlam received and continues to receive. The illustrious, high achieving Whitlam will forever be his superior and the superior to ANY LNP PM in living memory. Abbott has been relegated to his rightful place as the most despised, dysfunctional, misogynistic PM in our history and, unlike Gough Whitlam and Paul Keating, Abbott will sink back into obscurity. Good riddance, Abbott, Australians will never forget or forgive the damage you have wrought on this nation in such a short time!

Now we have Turnbull and other members of government (Labor and Liberal) standing up in parliament singing Abbott's praises ... WHAT THE HELL? After watching Turnbull, Shorten and others rip Abbott to shreds last night you have to wonder if these staggering hypocritical politicians have got a SHRED of credibility left ... no wonder Australians are now thoroughly disillusioned and disconnected from the rabble that pretend to govern us on BOTH sides of the political fence!


As Parley has noted, however incompetent Abbott may have been as PM, he is still behind Rudd, Gillard and Whitlam. I can acknowledge Abbott's mistakes and the fact that his demise was largely of his own making, just like those other three I mentioned, but I will always remember him for having stopped both the boats and the carbon tax, and for his role in negotiating the FTA with China.

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As Parley has noted, however incompetent Abbott may have been as PM, he is still behind Rudd, Gillard and Whitlam. I can acknowledge Abbott's mistakes and the fact that his demise was largely of his own making, just like those other three I mentioned, but I will always remember him for having stopped both the boats and the carbon tax, and for his role in negotiating the FTA with China.


Another one taken in by oft-repeated three word slogans: from my earlier link -


61. Stopped the boats


Untrue. Boats are still setting out. Some are turned back. Some are sunk after refugees are put in orange lifeboats. Some are towed away. Others sail off after the Government pays people smugglers to go elsewhere.

We just no longer know how many refugees are still sailing. Or still drowning.


As for the FTA: http://www.smh.com.au/comment/how-many-jobs-the-chinaaustralia-free-trade-agreement-will-create-hardly-any-20150914-gjlv06.html?stb=twt

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