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Tony Abbott out....


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I'm not a Liberal or Abbott fan, dislike them both. One thing I thought about him and his government though was they promised some hard things and delivered on each one. I know statistics can be brought up that show they weren't so good, statistics can be manipulates to show just about anything. I quite liked Julia Gillard, must be one of the few that did, but can't think of one thing she did that sticks in my memory as being worthwhile.


The things she'll be remembered for are throwing a hissy fit about misogyny, unfortunately.

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I'm not a Liberal or Abbott fan, dislike them both. One thing I thought about him and his government though was they promised some hard things and delivered on each one. I know statistics can be brought up that show they weren't so good, statistics can be manipulates to show just about anything. I quite liked Julia Gillard, must be one of the few that did, but can't think of one thing she did that sticks in my memory as being worthwhile.


The things she'll be remembered for are throwing a hissy fit about misogyny, unfortunately.


Trying to be objective, Tony Abbott was great as the Leader of the Opposition, but as PM, despite doing two things I admire, i.e. stopping the boats and the carbon tax, he was not a good PM. Rudd was also a great Leader of the Opposition, but stuffed up as PM. Gillard is an example though of, I think, The Peter Principle, being perfectly competent as deputy leader(?) of the ALP under Rudd, but once PM, way out of her depth. Come to think of it, perhaps both Abbott and Rudd are also examples of The Peter Principle?!

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The facts are against you, I'm afraid

If PMs are measured by the amount of good legislation passed, then Julia Gillard remains our most successful Prime Minister who had the highest rate of passing legislation with a rate of 0.495, *followed by Bob Hawke at 0.491. Compare that to Abbott's abysmal performance in only achieving FOUR things:


* per day, for anyone who is wondering.


And Gillard did all that despite not having a majority in either the House of Representatives or the Senate for her whole term as PM...and all the while being white anted by Rudd and criticised mercilessly by the dominant news power brokers in this country.

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Gillard ............. had to pander to independents and greens to get legislation through.


She had to negotiate. How much easier it should have been for Abbott with a much greater majority. He still couldn't achieve anything near her results in legislation passed.

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Yeah, i think that must have been something to do, with advice he got from David Cameron?The worst PM in Britain's History, next to Margret Thatcher, Ted Heath.And Tony Blair.It's still ringing in my ears.The Tories preaching of how Joining the EU (Common Market) would be so wonderful for Britain.Then Thacher's ranting's of The EU will be Britain's savior.In that sickening posh English accent of hers.Makes me shudder to think of the path the Liberals are taking with these free trades deals with China Japan,India and America.America Dumped ALL their over produced Wheat and Barley on the World market at half the price of Australian wheat and Barley,causing huge problems. Howard had to bribe Iraq's Saddam, to buy Australia's wheat. We know what Damage Howard's Japanese free trade has done, for Aussie jobs. buying up cattle Stations,the closing down of most Meat Processing Plants,and moving to live animal shipments.The closing of all Car Assembly plants.A one way deal for Japan?These free Trade agreements can only weaken a already weak Australian manufacturing base.Blue Steel is on the way out..It spells disaster,a one way good deal.For China.They have their eyes on buying up Australia's cattle stations.Japan has it's eyes on bying Australian ports.Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.The Liberals are good at that.But Like Britain the public are mostly anti Union.Due to owned Conservative News Media and Rupert Murdoch.+The Gullible Brain washed conservative supporters.

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Yeah, i think that must have been something to do, with advice he got from David Cameron?The worst PM in Britain's History, next to Margret Thatcher, Ted Heath.And Tony Blair.It's still ringing in my ears.The Tories preaching of how Joining the EU (Common Market) would be so wonderful for Britain.Then Thacher's ranting's of The EU will be Britain's savior.In that sickening posh English accent of hers.Makes me shudder to think of the path the Liberals are taking with these free trades deals with China Japan,India and America.America Dumped ALL their over produced Wheat and Barley on the World market at half the price of Australian wheat and Barley,causing huge problems. Howard had to bribe Iraq's Saddam, to buy Australia's wheat. We know what Damage Howard's Japanese free trade has done, for Aussie jobs. buying up cattle Stations,the closing down of most Meat Processing Plants,and moving to live animal shipments.The closing of all Car Assembly plants.A one way deal for Japan?These free Trade agreements can only weaken a already weak Australian manufacturing base.Blue Steel is on the way out..It spells disaster,a one way good deal.For China.They have their eyes on buying up Australia's cattle stations.Japan has it's eyes on bying Australian ports.Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.The Liberals are good at that.But Like Britain the public are mostly anti Union.Due to owned Conservative News Media and Rupert Murdoch.+The Gullible Brain washed conservative supporters.

You are well and truly stuffed then. Tory Govt in OZ, Tory Govt in NZ, Tory Govt in UK.

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