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How often do you (or would you want to) head back to the uk to visit family?


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After arriving in 1978, I went back in 1983 (for six months), 1984/5 (over Xmas), 1986, (summer), 1989/90 (December/January), 1993, (summer), 1995 (summer), 1996 (for twelve years), and since I left England in 2008 not been back.


Trying to think when my parents came out to OZ - 1980/81 (They were happy that we (three brothers) were SO pleased to see them), 1981 again, for two years - they bought a house at Narrabeen, and should have taken out citizenship), 1984, 1986/1987, 1991, 1994.


My brother Neil went back twice, in 1997, for the first time in 18 years, for my Mum's funeral, and 2004. I don't think Michael went back much either. After 15 years here, he moved to the USA.

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I also arrived in 1978 and had one trip back in 2004.


I don't have any close living family in UK anymore so no reason to go back.


But I would like to do a proper driving holiday around UK and Ireland one day as there is so much of the country I have never visited.

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I think my first trip home will determine how often I go back, right now I want to go back once a year but I think that's due to being homesick. When I go back I might find that once a year is unnecessary, hopefully haha coz it's expensive [emoji85]

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It's been more than 10 years since I've been in the UK and I'd only really go back as part of a larger Europe trip and to show the OH where I grew up. I have no close family there any more and no ties other than emotional ones and I'd rather spend the time and money going to new places closer by.

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We went back after four and a half years the first time. That is almost two years ago now, and although we would love to go and see family/friends, the cost means that we just can't afford it yet. I think if we can get back to visit every three to four years we will try to do so. From memory, the flights alone cost something like $7-8000 for the four of us, then there was car hire and accommodation for some places where family weren't able to put us up. Then added to that there were the other costs such as passports (we had just become citizens and some of the UK passports had expired so we had to get Aussie ones), spending money, cattery costs and other bits and bobs.


I would like to go back next year if we can afford it, along with a quick jaunt to France whilst we are in Europe so that we can visit some friends who live in Toulouse.

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I find that a bit unusual and also a little sad, if he means it of course. Is there really nothing and nobody (other that you of course) in his life at the moment that he thinks is worth a trip back for.


Possibly it is unusual, but he has been the driving force of this move. He says that when we lived in Australia he felt truly happy and proud of himself for the first time in his life. The reasons we moved back to the UK aren't big enough to stay.

I neglected to explain that I'm Australian (actually now I've dual citizenship but Aussie by birth), my sister will be about an hour from us, and I have various extended family in Victoria. So our situation is not necessarily as isolating as others here once we move.


**replied before reading other responses, and it looks like it isn't wholly unusual to not feel the desire to head back. I love it here, but I love my husband and children more.

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I have no plans to return but suspect a major family occasion will warrant a return at some point. It would only be for people though, not the place. Nothing at all against the UK but having lived there for 54 years and had many holidays there (out of necessity more than choice in most cases) I don't see the need to revisit. Not just the cost, I hate long haul flying. Many say they will visit us but I suspect that they won't bother even though some have never seen Australia.

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Guest hill billy

No was never homesick when we first arrived, yes you miss family but that's the choice we made and have never regretted it.

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This was one of the biggest issues for me, if I could have afforded the cost and annual leave to go back once or twice a year I'd probably have stayed. I used to get so jealous of a friend who used to go back about three times a year for work but tag on an extra week each time.

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This was one of the biggest issues for me, if I could have afforded the cost and annual leave to go back once or twice a year I'd probably have stayed. I used to get so jealous of a friend who used to go back about three times a year for work but tag on an extra week each time.


Yes, it's a big issue. The people most likely to succeed as migrants are the ones who don't mind not seeing family for two or three years on end, because that's often the reality. I often see potential migrants posting here about family visiting, or going back once a year, but that's not always practical - the air fares are not cheap, and you soon discover that flying over for a week or two is too exhausting and leaves you needing another holiday. I used to save up my leave and go for six weeks every other year - luckily I always had jobs that would allow me to take that much time off, not everyone does.

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Yes, it's a big issue. The people most likely to succeed as migrants are the ones who don't mind not seeing family for two or three years on end, because that's often the reality.


I personally, don't think that's the case Marisa. I miss family immensely, as do many of the migrants that are now my friends. I guess most feel the way that I do (because they have made a success of migration). They were fully aware of how much they may miss family and friends and "took that into account" when they went through the migration process. It's not that (your words) they "don't mind not seeing family" but more about the fact that they made allowances for that..............they thought the missing family was worth the migration process, despite the pain that it may cause. Anyone who doesn't take account for missing family (in my mind) is an absolute fool and shouldn't even be considering migration because TBH, and IMHO, is ill prepared and not to put too fine a word on it, is a social feckwit. Sorry if that offends those who found that once here, they missed their loves one so, but feck me! did you minimise their meaning in your life so much that you thought you could live without their close proximity?

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I moved over 4 years ago with a plan to go back every 2 years and have an actual holiday on the non-UK trip year.


most of our family have done the opposite and visited every 2 years so we end up seeing each other every year.


This year would have been our UK trip but have decided to move back for good. BOO!!!


We don't have any children, which would make a big difference in flight costs and effort in 30+hr flight.

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I'm going back in November for a couple of big family occasions , wedding and a milestone birthday. Otherwise, I wouldn't be bothering. First trip back since we moved here 3 years ago. Would rather not waste annual leave on UK trips lots of the world still to see. will be good to see family though.

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I think, after reading all these that i appear to be in the same boat! We've been here 18 mths and i keep moving the goal posts due to money! I first said it would be now (july/aug), then at xmas, then easter next year now I'm saying july next year!!! Aargh it's just so much money and it would pay for our PR, but then i feel guilty as i keep telling people we're coming back then change it! My mum has been out twice, but she doesn't seem to be very understanding when i say i feel quite 'torn' as i want to come back for a visit but at the same time i keep thinking what else we could be doing with that money and she doesn't 'get' it!

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I think, after reading all these that i appear to be in the same boat! We've been here 18 mths and i keep moving the goal posts due to money! I first said it would be now (july/aug), then at xmas, then easter next year now I'm saying july next year!!! Aargh it's just so much money and it would pay for our PR, but then i feel guilty as i keep telling people we're coming back then change it! My mum has been out twice, but she doesn't seem to be very understanding when i say i feel quite 'torn' as i want to come back for a visit but at the same time i keep thinking what else we could be doing with that money and she doesn't 'get' it!


Exactly. We never went back for the first 15 yrs as we thought the money would be better spent setting ourselves up here. I sometimes wonder if some of those who return, do so because they use their money making annual pilgimages to the motherland instead of making their lives more secure here. I remember a while back someone saying that they went back twice a year!!!!! They were a one income familY!!!!!! How the hell did they manage it?

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