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And the UK election result is.......


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Seems the British have comprehensively rejected the left ideology.


No, the English have. The Scots voted SNP for one very good reason to keep the reality of independence alive. If Cameron ignores the Scots at Westminster he will simple hasten the demise of the UK.

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No, the English have. The Scots voted SNP for one very good reason to keep the reality of independence alive. If Cameron ignores the Scots at Westminster he will simple hasten the demise of the UK.


Regardless of the number of SNP members in parliament, the majority of Scots voted against independence just a few months ago, so I can't see them having much effect in Whitehall to make any substantial difference to any future lesgislation.


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^^^ Independence would mean they'd have to raise, and spend their own money and I doubt that any help would be given by Westminster. Even the elected SNP members, on the whole, don't like the idea of that. Independence may be a dream for some but the reality of what that would mean for Scotland would soon wake them up.

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Regardless of the number of SNP members in parliament, the majority of Scots voted against independence just a few months ago, so I can't see them having much effect in Whitehall to make any substantial difference to any future lesgislation.



With the number of votes given to the SNP it shows that more Scots are doubting their No vote and if Cameron doesn't grant all of what he promised then more than the mere 200,000 No voters will turn to Yes. You obviously don't know the Scots.

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Scots are more than prepared to take control of their own finances rather than raising funds and handing them over to Westminster to be then given a portion back, which the English like to call handouts. Which elected SNP members do not like the idea of independence? They are in the wrong party if that is the case. Help from Westminster? The only help they have given to Scotland is to have squandered the royalties of their oil for years. If the Scots are such a drain on English finance why did the government want to keep them so much? Why did they run a campaign to keep them based on lies and fear and rush up to Scotland the day before the referendum to promise them the world - if they stayed in the union? The ones who believed the government lies are now realising they were just that - lies. Hence the big swing to SNP.

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^^^ Independence would mean they'd have to raise, and spend their own money and I doubt that any help would be given by Westminster. Even the elected SNP members, on the whole, don't like the idea of that. Independence may be a dream for some but the reality of what that would mean for Scotland would soon wake them up.


Please don't believe all that you read. Who told you that the elected SNP members don't like the idea of Scotland raising it's own finances? If Scotland is so poor why did the Westminster mob go to such lengths to persuade Scots to stay in the Union. It wasn't because they liked them, they normally insult and ignore them. The only reason was because they would no longer have the benefit of the finance Scotland generates.

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Scots are more than prepared to take control of their own finances rather than raising funds and handing them over to Westminster to be then given a portion back, which the English like to call handouts. Which elected SNP members do not like the idea of independence? They are in the wrong party if that is the case. Help from Westminster? The only help they have given to Scotland is to have squandered the royalties of their oil for years. If the Scots are such a drain on English finance why did the government want to keep them so much? Why did they run a campaign to keep them based on lies and fear and rush up to Scotland the day before the referendum to promise them the world - if they stayed in the union? The ones who believed the government lies are now realising they were just that - lies. Hence the big swing to SNP.


Great post! Just posted a similar one.

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With the number of votes given to the SNP it shows that more Scots are doubting their No vote and if Cameron doesn't grant all of what he promised then more than the mere 200,000 No voters will turn to Yes. You obviously don't know the Scots.


Or was the SNP vote a tactical vote to keep Labour out?

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No the SNP vote was to show that the Scots were tired of being either ignore or lied to by successive Westminster politicians. The SNP connect with the people of Scotland and have shown through the Scots Parliament that they do what they say and don't lie to get elected.

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With the number of votes given to the SNP it shows that more Scots are doubting their No vote and if Cameron doesn't grant all of what he promised then more than the mere 200,000 No voters will turn to Yes. You obviously don't know the Scots.


I'm married to one from a big family, and I don't know one of them or other Scottish friends who voted for independence.

Besides which Cameron has an absolute majority, and there certainly wont be another referendum on independence for many years to come.

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I'm married to one from a big family, and I don't know one of them or other Scottish friends who voted for independence.

Besides which Cameron has an absolute majority, and there certainly wont be another referendum on independence for many years to come.


A referendum on Europe could trigger one.

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Guest Guest66881
Or was the SNP vote a tactical vote to keep Labour out?



Not so much tactical more of a change in the house, i see the Scots like most brits disillusioned by a labour party and still not sure of a conservative one even though the cons got the majority, and rightly so.

Case of last minute changes of mind, better the devil you know for some i suspect.

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Please don't believe all that you read.


I don't, but I believe this from the Institute for Fiscal Studies


"In this report, we have examined the long-run fiscal pressures that would face

Scotland in the event of independence. Despite the considerable degree of

uncertainty about the future path of borrowing and debt in Scotland, the main

conclusion of our analysis is that Scotland would require a significant additional

fiscal tightening, over-and-above that already announced by the UK government,

in order to bring its long-term public finances on to a sustainable footing. The

same is true for the UK as a whole, though the scale of fiscal tightening required is

smaller. We estimate that the UK as a whole would require a permanent fiscal

tightening worth 0.8% of national income (or about £13 billion in today’s terms),

to be implemented in 2021–22, in order to be on course for debt to return to 40%

of national income by 2062–63. The fiscal gap for Scotland (using the same

definition) is estimated to be 1.9% of Scotland’s national income even in a

relatively optimistic scenario in which it continues to implement the spending

cuts currently planned by the UK government in 2016–17 and 2017–18,

experiences higher inward migration, enjoys a much later decline in North Sea

revenues than forecast by the OBR, only takes on debt equal to 40% of national

income at the point of independence, and is able to continue borrowing at the

same interest rate as forecast for the UK. All the other scenarios we consider in

this report have a considerably worse outlook for the long-run public finance

position of Scotland. Our model suggests that public sector debt across the UK

will decline from 2017–18 until the end of the 2030s. However, all but one of the

scenarios we have presented for Scotland suggest that Scottish debt would rise as

a share of national income every year, in the absence of further policy action. The

fiscal pressures facing an independent Scotland would therefore be more

immediately pressing than those facing the UK as a whole.

Given this, the Scottish government should be clear now about the fiscal

challenges that could be faced on independence. This is important for any

government, especially those that are reliant on external creditors. However, it

would be particularly important for a newly independent government of Scotland

without an established reputation for fiscal management. Scotland would

therefore be likely to reap significant rewards from putting in place fiscal rules

and introducing an independent fiscal council that could reassure potential

investors that the Scottish government was committed to prudent management

of the public finances. Thus far, the set of policies that the current Scottish

government has suggested for an independent Scotland would serve to increase

public borrowing, not reduce it. An independent Scotland would have the

freedom to make its own decisions about spending priorities and the appropriate

design of the tax system, but it would be constrained by the necessity to deliver a

significant cut in spending and/or increase in tax revenues in order to put its

public finances in a sustainable long-run position."

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I'm married to one from a big family, and I don't know one of them or other Scottish friends who voted for independence.

Besides which Cameron has an absolute majority, and there certainly wont be another referendum on independence for many years to come.


We obviously come from opposite sides of the fence as my experience is the opposite. Why did over 50% of Scots elect 55 SNP members to go to Westminster? To gain what was promised by Cameron to secure a NO vote and which has mostly been reneged on. If he refuses to give the autonomy he promised all of it, not some watered down version, then they,the Scots people, will demand another referendum.

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The Institute of Fiscal Studies report is based on Scotland fiscal position staying the same as now and what you quoted deals mainly with the UK as a whole. Nicola Sturgeon addressed the IFS two or three weeks ago and by all accounts they were very impressed, so I would worry too much about Scotland going bankrupt if I were you.

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Please don't believe all that you read. Who told you that the elected SNP members don't like the idea of Scotland raising it's own finances? If Scotland is so poor why did the Westminster mob go to such lengths to persuade Scots to stay in the Union. It wasn't because they liked them, they normally insult and ignore them. The only reason was because they would no longer have the benefit of the finance Scotland generates.


The actual reason is that splitting the Union is bad for both parties. In a divorce both sides end up worse off financially and it would be the same if the countries split.


There are many that want the split up so much that they think that they can live with being worse off or they go into denial convincing themselves that Scottish oil and commerce is propping up the rest of the UK - it just isn't. England, feasibly, would be better off in all probability if it went alone completely free from Wales and Northern Ireland but there is a bigger picture here which, fortunately, the majority in Scotland recognised when it came to the referendum.


Scots claims to be a downtrodden people are wearing pretty thin south of the border. They enjoy many benefits such as free university tuition which the rest do not get paid for by the British taxpayer and have their own government.

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Why on earth are people still going on about splitting the union up.


That was well and truly rejected by Scottish voters only a few months back.

Is that all SNP stand for ?

If that is it they will be pretty irrelevant.

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They enjoy many benefits such as free university tuition which the rest do not get paid for by the British taxpayer and have their own government.


Attitudes like this fuels the Scots desire to break away. British taxpayers do NOT fund free University. That comes from the Scottish budget. The Scottish government decided to spend THEIR money to provide free university as it is obviously a priority for them.

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They enjoy many benefits such as free university tuition which the rest do not get paid for by the British taxpayer and have their own government.


Attitudes like this fuels the Scots desire to break away. British taxpayers do NOT fund free University. That comes from the Scottish budget. The Scottish government decided to spend THEIR money to provide free university as it is obviously a priority for them.


It's fortunate that they're able to. The population in Scotland is small compared to England so I guess their spending money to population ratio is better.

Too many people in England to be able to offer the same to us. It's a nice dream though!

I'm still thankful that nursing is funded by the NHS though.

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They enjoy many benefits such as free university tuition which the rest do not get paid for by the British taxpayer and have their own government.


Attitudes like this fuels the Scots desire to break away. British taxpayers do NOT fund free University. That comes from the Scottish budget. The Scottish government decided to spend THEIR money to provide free university as it is obviously a priority for them.


The Scottish budget comes from British taxpayers. What part of that statement do you have difficulty comprehending?

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Guest Guest66881
Why on earth are people still going on about splitting the union up.


That was well and truly rejected by Scottish voters only a few months back.

Is that all SNP stand for ?

If that is it they will be pretty irrelevant.



Exactly Parley, why the fuss?


The scots don't want to go it alone but the new SNP leader might, she was only voted to power because the Scottish public was sick of how the Labour party was going.

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