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Here We Go


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Afternoon everyone,


Thought I could share this with you all assuming you promise not to tell anyone else ;)


I'm currently sat in a bar at Gatwicks North Terminal, I am sat with me, a pint and a little box in my pocket! I'm flying 11 thousand miles to surprise my girlfriend on the beach at Mooloolaba and get down on one knee and ask her to marry me! I've kept it so quiet as to keep it from here, she is none the wiser and is going for "coffee and pancakes" Saturday morning... In actuall fact she's saying yes, I hope! Haha


She might be disappointed at the lack of coffee and pancakes but so be it!!


Not only am I sat on my own but I am currently shitting bricks!!


The only comfort I have is my comfy seat to look forward to, amazing what a bit of sweet talk and a subtle hint of a ring can do right?



Next stop - Dubai!


Anyways - JR out!!! Wish me luck!!!!

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Guest The Pom Queen

Oh how lovely and romantic. I'm excited for you. The second she says yes tell her you can't hug and kiss until you let us all know that she said yes :yes: :laugh:

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Well.... She said yes!!!!! Everything went to plan, flights all on time.


Time for me to have a nap!! Bit of a party to prepare for this evening!


Thanks everyone for your kind words!!!


Congratulations ... I wish you health , happiness and a long life together ...

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