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Why do people leave Oz


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Great weather, resort lifestyle and one of the highest average wages in the world.


Even Boris Johnson commented on a visit to Australia how amazed he was that people return to England.




So it is surprising why so many people go back. If you have returned are you happy to be back in uk or wish you hadn't left ?

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There is much more to life than sunshine, beaches and high average wages (perceived)


>Insert wooden spoon here and begin stirring !!


Great weather, resort lifestyle and one of the highest average wages in the world.


Even Boris Johnson commented on a visit to Australia how amazed he was that people return to England.




So it is surprising why so many people go back. If you have returned are you happy to be back in uk or wish you hadn't left ?

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For many its not about any of those things you've listed. Those to me are superficial things and we didn't move to Aus for any of them really. Sure the added bonus of more sunshine over the year was nice, especially for hubby who loves his cycling, but honestly, it wasn't a major selling point.


There is so much more to migrating anywhere than weather and wages.


If you don't understand, relate or care how some people can feel totally adrift, lost, disconnected, unable to settle, homesick for loved ones and so many other things then lucky you. Or perhaps not.


ETA - We didn't leave the UK hating it, or thinking it had failed us, or failed as a country or anything close to that. Nor do we think Aus is a magically better life or has the answers to supposed questions for us (we didn't really have any questions of ourselves we needed to answer). We were happy in the UK and are happy here. Nothing changed much apart from geography. We are lucky in that repsect. Hubby and I both cope well living overseas and homesickness was never an issue for him for all his years in the UK and for me here, its not been one. It never was when living elsewhere overseas either, so here is hoping it isn't a real issue in the future here.

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i have decided to spend time with my parents before they die. and to allow them time with their child and grandchild. this seems a pretty big reason to me. as the cost of parent visas are insane and i do not expect them to reshuffle their whole lives at this stage, it's me who is prepared to make the sacrifice, as they have sacrified so much for me.

If i were living in spain etc, i would not have to make such compromises as i could spend extended time in the UK at no real cost. however, we all know where australia is and how much it costs to travel back and forth so this kind of scenario is not an option.

have had a great 9 years. will be back- hoping to see all the places on my bucket list ie european places- have no interest in Asia,and have seen most of oz.

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i have decided to spend time with my parents before they die. and to allow them time with their child and grandchild. this seems a pretty big reason to me. as the cost of parent visas are insane and i do not expect them to reshuffle their whole lives at this stage, it's me who is prepared to make the sacrifice, as they have sacrified so much for me.

If i were living in spain etc, i would not have to make such compromises as i could spend extended time in the UK at no real cost. however, we all know where australia is and how much it costs to travel back and forth so this kind of scenario is not an option.

have had a great 9 years. will be back- hoping to see all the places on my bucket list ie european places- have no interest in Asia,and have seen most of oz.



PS. what is this 'resort lifestyle' of which you speak?! I do the same boring mundane crap here as i would do anywhere. this is real life, working,raising a family etc- my house needs cleaning, garden doing, so not so much of a 'resort' lifestyle- as to the weather, sure is nice right now but ask me in the middle of summer and i was a mess- not to mention i have already had 2 skin cancers removed in the last few years......


resort lifestyle! ha!

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Great weather, resort lifestyle and one of the highest average wages in the world. Even Boris Johnson commented on a visit to Australia how amazed he was that people return to England. So it is surprising why so many people go back. If you have returned are you happy to be back in uk or wish you hadn't left ? -


Boris Johnson making that comment is one of the infuriating things about the UK the constant put down of a brilliant country, the media constantly tells everyone what is wrong with Britain etc. When the Olympics were held in Britain what a difference to the atmosphere of the country. The fact they put on wanted down under on the TV in January when people are cold and miserable selling a life of sunshine and dreams.


I am returning to Scotland, I do like Oz but its never been amazing to me its ok its nice but personally i prefer Scotland. I didn't leave because i hate Scotland i left because i thought and very naively thought my children would have a better life here, it is no better only different. I thought my kids would play outside with all the other kids in the street....no one seems to play outside after school, garage doors close and no one seems to leave. I want my children to see the world and see the beauty of their own country which up until now i took for granted. Its not about living a resort lifestyle i dont even know what that is, its about being part of my culture part of my families life and being there when and if they need me, nothing more and nothing less.


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Great weather, resort lifestyle and one of the highest average wages in the world.


Even Boris Johnson commented on a visit to Australia how amazed he was that people return to England.




So it is surprising why so many people go back. If you have returned are you happy to be back in uk or wish you hadn't left ?


On the whole, I do prefer the climate in Australia but I don't know what a resort lifestyle is although I am sure I don't live one as for salaries well I believe that an equilibrium is found naturally between salaries and cost of living so it makes no odds to me.


I am glad that me and my OH are able to live contended and happy lives in either country. We have no current plans to leave Australia but I have empathy with people that do want to leave. I don't have much family left and my OH is very independent of his slightly larger, family but I can completely understand that other people have strong family ties and will feel that tug back. Perhaps it is because I lived overseas previously and experienced homesickness that I can understand the feeling better than you are able.

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Great weather, resort lifestyle and one of the highest average wages in the world.


Even Boris Johnson commented on a visit to Australia how amazed he was that people return to England.




So it is surprising why so many people go back. If you have returned are you happy to be back in uk or wish you hadn't left ?


The wages don't really come into it. Perth has a boom bust economy, always has, and it may be learning towards the bust. In fact, three years down the track you could look back with relief if you left now, as the dollar is still very strong.


But for most people money is not their driver. We left (2003) because my wife was ill with depression and loneliness.


We regret it, and we would return, but that is more for family than lifestyle. The Perth lifestyle is good, but there are only so many times you can visit Perth zoo. I'd say there is more to do in the UK for kids, but if you had your own pool in oz it would tip the balance.


The UK did have more opportunity for kids, but with the high uni fees, that balance may now be with oz.

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We all have different reasons. Expect the main one is family, you never realise how important they are until they are not there anymore. Also maybe a small proportion of us are sentimental, patriotic and just miss the place - that's me.


As for money, I'm no better off here than back there but some of us are more materialistic than others I suppose.


What floats one person's boat sinks another!


Is Boris thinking of lodging his visa application then?!

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We all have different reasons. Expect the main one is family, you never realise how important they are until they are not there anymore. Also maybe a small proportion of us are sentimental, patriotic and just miss the place - that's me.


As for money, I'm no better off here than back there but some of us are more materialistic than others I suppose.


What floats one person's boat sinks another!


Is Boris thinking of lodging his visa application then?!


If Boris comes that would be another reason to leave! :laugh:

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I think people leave for a range of reasons and some are the reasons that they actually moved to Oz for in the first place. In my time on here these are some examples i have come across:

1. The weather, but then found it is too hot for them

2. Better work life balance, but then found they were working longer hours than they had before

3. More money, but then found they are worse off financialy (seen this one a number of times)

4. Better environment for the children, then realised it isnt some utopia and it is still a first world country with first world problems

5. Better politics (yes i have seen that given as a reason), then they arrive and see the standard of the pollies

6. Better education, then find its not much different and some find it worse

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There are countless reasons why people leave OZ, including those born here. The decline in living standards over recent decades not being the least. Although some are earning big bucks many were better off a couple of decades back when it was a far fairer land. Increasing widening of the gap between the have's and have nots. Increasing youth unemployment or underemployment. The additional one million immigrants every three years, without the infrastructure to cope. The out of sight house prices pushing house prices increasingly out of reach of more. The lack of clarity for the future with an over emphasis on Ponzi immigration and house prices ever increasing with little insight into what will replace China when the bang comes. The ever boom bust scenarios of the country.

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Weather is only great if you like at times weather so hot you can only go out for a few minutes and then some parts of oz resemble the UK weather wise, most oz states have more annual rainfall than Manchester.

lifestyle? that's a strange one, lifestyle is down to the individual, you can have a great lifestyle anywhere in the world if you work hard at it.

Wages when you take the cost of living are actually lower in oz than the UK for a lot of people.

Oz does not have the history and beauty of the UK IMO.

Europe on the doorstep, best football league in the world, the better ales, AND THE MAIN PULL......THE British people......why would you not want to come back.....it's strange so many stay so long before realising.

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I feel that many may make the initial move to please a partners wishes. However, they then do not settle because their hearts are still in the UK. I would imagine that this would be a very difficult situation for any family. A partner pushed against their wishes can lead to resentment, loneliness and a feeling that they will never settle could lead to a self fulfilling prophecy.

As much as I know my heart and soul belong in Australia, had my husband not wanted to go to I would have to stay (thus facing resentment building anyway) - or go without him, ending our relationship - not something I want to do!

I suppose I am just very very grateful that we share the same dream and are prepared to make that dream work.

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We simply preferred our life in the UK for so many reasons, some previously mentioned. Plus another big factor- the good old British sense of humor. I really don't think you can beat it, no matter where you are in the world. We get an unfair bashing sometimes. We love living here and and I can say with my hand on my heart I totally don't regret coming back, not one bit...Life is what you make it but it helps having some good Ingredients!

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