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Who has to work away from their partner/family?


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One thing i've found in aus is that where we want to live and where the work we want to do is in completely different parts of the country, i think this might be less of a factor for more professional careers like it, nursing, retail etc but would be intrested to know how many on here find themselves renting one place but then working away to actually make any money?

must admit i do quite enjoy working away and seeing the country this way but being away from my better half is not good.

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Guest Guest40285

Did it for years before children came along, never again, rather be poor, could earn way more than I do but wont leave my kids.

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My OH sets off tomorrow for his first swing on Barrow Island I'm down in Mandurah WA. He's been working only 10 minutes away for the last 3.5 years though but he was offered this job out of the blue by a grateful client who liked his work. Since doing the inductions and tickets he has been offered two more jobs working away so I feel this could be the future. Now he doesn't have to do it but he's earning 3 times what he was earning locally and nearly 6 times what he was earning in the UK so its all very seductive, but defo not compulsory!

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Your in a situation at the moment Paul...a young couple not only trying to set the foundations for a life together but doing it a new country too boot.


i so admire you both for the effort you've put in to making it work.


As for working away, for some its just a way of life and there never known anything different, ie armed forces, fishermen or whatever they have qualified in like VS.


Others decide to do it for bigger money, again if both parties are happy with this, then why not.


i could do it, as in I think I could cope, but not sure if I would like it or not.


Time passes way to quick, I've been with my OH nearly 30 years, but I can look back at photos of us as teenagers and still wonder where time has gone, but at least we've had most nights going to sleep together and waking up together and even when the day to day work life has been tough, we've always had weekends, which we always have made the most off.


Basically what I'm saying is my immediate family is the the most important thing to me. I want to enjoy as much time with them as possible. Thankfully we are as happy with a few sarnies on the beach and the simple things of life to worry about what money we could be making.

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Me and Dave did it for quite a while. He worked away before we moved in together and then a quite a few times during. It can be hard especially if your going through a lonely time but you just have to get through it especially if it's long term. The people I feel really sorry for are the armed forces families, I don't think I could ever do that!

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Been married for nearly 44 years, husband was in the RAF, then airlines. When our oldest was 18, my friend said you and I deserve a pat on our backs? I said why, she replied that we had got our oldest to age 18 without any major hiccups, and our husbands had probably only been around for 9 of those years. To be honest we have had to work very hard to stay together, it's not easy, as you have to be very strong and independent to survive. Then the next stage is retirement and suddenly you are together 24/7 after having spent a lot of time apart.

luckily the hard work has paid off and my husband is still my best friend as well as my husband, it wasn't perhaps the ideal way to live, but that was the nature of his job, and we found a way to cope. So it can work.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I think each family/couple are different and for some it works really well for others it can cause a divorce. A friend of ours his wife had a baby and he was sent to Cyprus (with the forces) it sounded a great place but she hated it and went back home to live with her mum. I'm not sure what this will do to their relationship now to be honest. She has already told him she wants him to leave the forces, but as we know its not always possible, plus I think she wants the money he is earning.


There are lots and lots of farms around here Paul and you don't have to be over near Perth. Look at the Cape or Innisfail even on the tablelands around a Mareeba and Atherton there would be work, most of these you could drive to Cairns or come back on your days off. Also a lot of the major outback towns like Mt Isa have airports so you could fly back to Cairns. There are a couple of big stations just past Mt Molloy why not take a trip down and chat to them when you are next home.

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My OH sets off tomorrow for his first swing on Barrow Island I'm down in Mandurah WA. He's been working only 10 minutes away for the last 3.5 years though but he was offered this job out of the blue by a grateful client who liked his work. Since doing the inductions and tickets he has been offered two more jobs working away so I feel this could be the future. Now he doesn't have to do it but he's earning 3 times what he was earning locally and nearly 6 times what he was earning in the UK so its all very seductive, but defo not compulsory!




Hiya, what does your OH do for a living?


Thanks Sarah

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bit further a field than me then! hows life out that way?


It is ok here - hot and humid and no escape as we are in tents.


To be honest i am pretty over it. Particularly long swings away from home. In Oz it was ok as swings were nice. But, there is no work over there now. So, looking at other options career wise

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Guest Guest16631

.......been part of my life for as long as I can remember.......,

.......something that just becomes normal......

.......though I maintain the partner at home......does need to be independent and able to cope as a single parent .......

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I've never fancied working away. Could have got a lot more money but it wasn't what we came here as a family for. Been offered jobs FIFO and the money is tempting but the people we've known who do it still spend whatever they get. We had a couple of friends who were working FIFO, thought they were doing really well and then they ended up divorcing. I think they just got used to having their own space and grew apart.


As soon as the guys got into a new relationship they packed in working away and got jobs in Perth.


Our eldest works FIFO, week on week off. Lives at home though, no serious girlfriend, saves lots and likes to have a good time when he's not at work. He's going to Miami to some music festival in a couple of weeks and then a couple of weeks travelling in the States with friends. Booked tickets for tomorrowland at the weekend so works well for him.

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Guest Guest16631

.......for so many though there is little option........!

.......safety often being a huge consideration......

.......not always ideal ....I agree.......but to be able to adapt and make the best....

......is a key ingredient in its success.....ime....

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.......for so many though there is little option........!

.......safety often being a huge consideration......

.......not always ideal ....I agree.......but to be able to adapt and make the best....

......is a key ingredient in its success.....ime....


When I read someone as sensible and balanced as you has always done it, it feels me with positivity thank you :notworthy:

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I've never fancied working away. Could have got a lot more money but it wasn't what we came here as a family for. Been offered jobs FIFO and the money is tempting but the people we've known who do it still spend whatever they get. We had a couple of friends who were working FIFO, thought they were doing really well and then they ended up divorcing. I think they just got used to having their own space and grew apart.


As soon as the guys got into a new relationship they packed in working away and got jobs in Perth.


Our eldest works FIFO, week on week off. Lives at home though, no serious girlfriend, saves lots and likes to have a good time when he's not at work. He's going to Miami to some music festival in a couple of weeks and then a couple of weeks travelling in the States with friends. Booked tickets for tomorrowland at the weekend so works well for him.


That's how I felt sometimes. I got used to being alone and then when he was there after a few days I wanted my own space back lol

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13 years away at sea preceded by 6 years in the British Army.

I missed countless Christmases, birthdays, anniversaries, and even my sisters wedding. I was lucky I was home for the birth of my son.

It's become a way of life for me as I have spend more time away from home in my adult years than at home. My wife still finds it difficult when I leave but my son takes it in his stride as it's all he's ever known.

It's quite a sad situation but it pays the bills and then some. The advantage is that I get to spend good quality time at home and I appreciate every minute I get with family.

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