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I really don't like football!(women's thread only lol)


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My OH loves his footy,and good for him but seriously......I cannot stand the game!:arghh:Now Rugby I do like,for me its all about guys showing their strength and its more action packed,but footy????Really find half time sooooo annoying!A bunch of guys sat around saying "He should of played it this way,he should of played it that way"The B***** guy played it the way he did AT THAT TIME,not 15 minutes later when you're all sat round discussing it!It does my head in!Is it really that technical chasing a ball around a pitch,or do men beef it up so it feeds their ego's?:laugh:

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My OH loves his footy,and good for him but seriously......I cannot stand the game!:arghh:Now Rugby I do like,for me its all about guys showing their strength and its more action packed,but footy????Really find half time sooooo annoying!A bunch of guys sat around saying "He should of played it this way,he should of played it that way"The B***** guy played it the way he did AT THAT TIME,not 15 minutes later when you're all sat round discussing it!It does my head in!Is it really that technical chasing a ball around a pitch,or do men beef it up so it feeds their ego's?:laugh:


As you are in the UK I'm assuming you mean soccer rather than Aussie rules. I'm not that bothered by it either. I used to watch World Cup matches but couldn't get in to the league games at all. My (Aussie) OH would watch a bit but he always used to complain that there weren't enough goals scored. Having watched Aussie rules I know where he is coming from. I really can't watch rugby though - just don't understand it at all.

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I don't absolutely hate it but I don't love it either. I played football at primary school, I refused to play netball instead lol. I've only ever been to one game and it was Celtic and Motherwell. I used to like watching the old firm games on a weekend because the atmosphere was good and we would usually have Dave's friends up for some drinks.


I couldn't tell you the first thing about any of the football rules though lol. Dave always wanted to go see a Madrid game and kept asking me to go but I always said no because it would be a complete waste of time for me, should of just went for the city break and made him go to the game himself! :laugh:

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The reason you lady's don't like it, is because it brings pleasure to men, and that's what you really don't like :wink:

No,thats not true,I want my OH to be happy,I even encourage him to go it alone to watch our local town footy!!!! I think they should scrap the half time analysis bit!Drives me absolutely crazy!:laugh:Why talk about stuff thats already been and gone?You can hit the repeat button but it won't change anything!I've just asked my OH about the half time thing and he's just admitted it also drives him crazy and that he's going to switch channels/fast froward when it comes on!lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can't stand soccer boring overpaid prima donna sexist pigs. Not keen on Rugby too much stopping and starting but footy ( Aussie Rules ) is fantastic, love it and can't wait for the season to start :jiggy: Go West Coast Eagles :jiggy:


Watch rugby league, if you can get it on Perth tv, especially State Of Origin.:yes:


Its fast, lotsa big tackles and exciting for the whole 80 minutes.




Cheers, Bobj.

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I've been watching football since I was 7 years old and my dad took me to a game. He also ran junior teams and I was the secretary for the club at 16 and went to league meetings. Now I'm manger (means secretary) of my sons team sending out match details, organising rosters etc. Love the game, much to hubby's delight as there's never any arguments of what to watch on TV.

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Girlie Boys nil vs Girlie Boys nil. No wonder they are bored shite less and just want to bash each other, and they're starting to do it here. Thank god real football is king in Oz!

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