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I think I am coming round Oz.


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It has been a long and hard journey. But I think I am finally starting to appreciate Oz.


We arrived in 2008 to Sydney and I loved it. Then work brought me to Perth and I hated it.


But I am starting to see some of it's pluses. There are still things I will miss. But there are things I have I couldn't have in the uk.


I think, for me it has come down to roots. We have rented since arriving and now are building our first home and I think this has made me feel more settled and start to feel like home.


There will always be part of me that is English. There will always things I will miss. But I think I am finally happy to call Oz home. I never thought I would say that!

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Yep. I think that was it. I spent a significant chunk of my adult life homeless. So have some roots was very important and selling my home in the uk to go back to renting was I think a pretty severe shock to the system. It felt like I was about to go back to the time of being homeless - I was renting when I became homeless and spent a year living in the shop door way of BHS in Middlesbrough - some of the members on here may have given me spare change.


So, moving back to renting after spending years to get to my first home felt so wrong. But, now buying my first home in Oz has had a fairly profound affect on me. I think the day we move in - I guess about 6 months will have a even bigger affect!

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Good to hear you feel more settled, wish you a happy future. I think unless you have had a rough time for whatever reason, it's hard to understand how fantastic it feels when it hopefully gets better. I had a pretty rough childhood, will spare you the details, but realized I could either sink or swim, it was up to me. I never sank!!

good wishes for the future.

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glad to hear that VS as you did sound very unsettled , maybe we can now go for that drink ............


Would love to mate. Just say the word. Have even discovered some Oz beer I like!


It has just been a bit of a harder transition than most. I think it was largely based on fear. I was so frightened.

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Would love to mate. Just say the word. Have even discovered some Oz beer I like!


It has just been a bit of a harder transition than most. I think it was largely based on fear. I was so frightened.


ok VS will do , what Oz beer are we talking about , I`m hooked on Dry Dock atm............but I am genuinely made up for you pal........

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When that moment happens and it all just falls into place - it's amazing mate isn't it:wink:


Yep Paul it is. For me, it was just realizing that I am not in the same place as I was back in the 80's.


Sounds bizarre but, that was where my mind was. It was very scary to be constantly being back in that place. Not so much for me, but for my wife and thinking about her being in that place where I would give anything for her not to be. It was simple fear. I can live with what ever life throws. But I was soooooo scared for my wife. I couldn't really accept I am not in the same position. But buying our own place has made me realize I am not.


It is hard when you go though a hard time to forget you are no longer going through it. I suppose it is a defense mechanism in the brain.


I think it was for me added to by having my brother and daughter commit suicide while in Oz. I think part of me blamed Oz. But it isn't Oz. It is just one of the things we live through.

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ok VS will do , what Oz beer are we talking about , I`m hooked on Dry Dock atm............but I am genuinely made up for you pal........


You name. My treat. I really enjoyed wild goat he other day. But open to try.


I am here till 30th before back to damned work (unless lotto comes up)

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I tried some of that dry dock Tony it's an ok drink ain't it, not enough in a bottle for me though:wink:


yes, feel as though your being ripped off as its no cheaper than the bigger bottles , does put me off buying some beers but like this one .......VS will see what we got on before 30th if not December hols , you must be off then and thanks ......

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It has been a long and hard journey. But I think I am finally starting to appreciate Oz.


We arrived in 2008 to Sydney and I loved it. Then work brought me to Perth and I hated it.


But I am starting to see some of it's pluses. There are still things I will miss. But there are things I have I couldn't have in the uk.


I think, for me it has come down to roots. We have rented since arriving and now are building our first home and I think this has made me feel more settled and start to feel like home.


There will always be part of me that is English. There will always things I will miss. But I think I am finally happy to call Oz home. I never thought I would say that!


Besides the decision to plant yourself in the way of building a house, the principle difficulty that I could see was loneliness. As you related recently coming across an old mate from your home town in your present home town, does from this point appear to have alleviated the negativity towards being here.

Nothing wrong with feeling settled. Being away can also help see it through different eyes.

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It has been a long and hard journey. But I think I am finally starting to appreciate Oz.


We arrived in 2008 to Sydney and I loved it. Then work brought me to Perth and I hated it.


But I am starting to see some of it's pluses. There are still things I will miss. But there are things I have I couldn't have in the uk.


I think, for me it has come down to roots. We have rented since arriving and now are building our first home and I think this has made me feel more settled and start to feel like home.


There will always be part of me that is English. There will always things I will miss. But I think I am finally happy to call Oz home. I never thought I would say that!


Your own home makes a world of difference, particularly when you have it built to your own specs.


Seems like you've had a hard time of it. I lived rough after coming out of the mob, so i know in some small way, where you're coming from..................insecurity is very hard to shake.

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. But I think I am finally happy to call Oz home. I never thought I would say that!


I never thought you would say it either lol - but I'm glad that you're feeling more settled and that it feels like home (especially as you work away a lot). It's a nice place to be able to appreciate where you are and also where you've come from.

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