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Did it take moving to realize that you did not have it that bad after all?

Phil & Vikki

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We have been thinking about it recently and was wondered if anyone else had the same thought. Recently, we have started to realize that what we initially had in the UK was not really as bad as what we thought it was. Yes there were issues which coming to Australia helped us sort out, but after all it was not too bad there at all. Moving to another country makes you realize that everywhere has its own set of issues and problems.


When we were deciding to come out to Australia, we thought that we had it bad in the UK, but now after a bit of time away, we realize that things may not of been that bad. THis is in respects to health, money, friends, family, British ways and all the other things that crop up in conversations :)



Not that we have things bad here. It is funny how sometimes you think things are far worse than they actually are, when you are set on doing something like moving. It is only when you step back can see the whole picture. The old saying that the grass always looks greener on the other side is often true.

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They are both great places to live for differing reasons. There's certainly nothing wrong with the UK or Australia for that matter.


I think often the people who slag off Britain on the way out are the one's who return slagging off Australia on the way back in.

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No I always knew we had a good life in the UK. We did not move to escape something, I always thing those are the worst reasons for leaving.



We has a great life in the UK. Lived in a nice area, two well paid jobs, and a base of friends and family. But we had an opportunity to do something else.


We were not running away from anything, but coming to something.


Is it "Better" or "Worse" .. dunno, it's certainly different, and there are more opportunities if you work hard.

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We had a pretty good life in the UK too. Just got to the point where we were newly married, first child, first mortgage, small end terrace, both working in good jobs but for the first time in years we weren't able to afford a holiday to get our fix of sun and sand for a couple of weeks that used to keep us going. The summer was crap that year and we both started thinking is this as good as it gets from now on? I suppose we would have got past it as we spent a lot doing the house up but once we had started thinking about emigrating and looking into it, then realised we would be able to do it, we would have always wondered what if?


Obviously all turned out well and we love it here. Just been back for a holiday and we both feel we couldn't live back there again but that doesn't mean it's for everyone either. We have always loved hot weather, being near the ocean, sport, beach, sand. That's what we used to go away for so it suits us to have it most of the time.

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Like others we too didn't have a bad life and didn't leave to get away from anything. We knew that living and working in another country would be quite different than the life we were used to - which it's proven to be.

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I'm an aussie and have lived here my whole life but done a recent stint in the UK, I was only there 6 months however not being able to find work and generally struggling to settle I decided to move back home to Oz! It was only when I got here that I realised things weren't so bad there and having a relationship with my extended family was soo great and I missed that greatly. I have since been able to look at the "whole picture" for both countries and decide that the UK is where I want to be for now. Oz has changed alot in the past 10 even 15 years and things aren't the same, I find people more angry and the certain things about Oz grind on me more now than before and I can't wait to get back to the peaceful countryside!

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I am another who didn't hate or leave the Uk for any great reason, we just had a deal to do both countries as we had a 'mixed country' marriage.


Oh now says that she loves going back to the uk to see family and friends but wouldn't want to live there.






If you read the 'Positive immigration stories' sticky in N,C&D you will find that most successful* migrants are not running from anything that bad. Australia just suits their lifestyles, wants and needs better than the uk does.


In the reciprocal, there are people who's lifestyle, wants and needs are better serviced in the uk.






*successful isn't the best word, I just can't think of anything better ATM.

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those who said they never came to escape.Well what did you come for a laugh?people always move to escape or expierence (same word)something different.i will be honest I came here to escape from fony blairs policys,the pc brigade,the weather,the gangs of kids outside the offy or bottle'oe'and a lot more.and I like the freedom here of being legally being able to drink a stubby while driving lol but they ban smoking?In SA anyway gotta love oz.

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I thought our first holiday in Aus would unsettle us, and be enough to push us into starting the visa process. We have family in W. A and that first visit was brilliant - we had a great holiday. Been back a few times since, and always enjoy it. But we relocated within the UK some time ago and are very happy with life. The UK provides a lifestyle that we enjoy and know we would miss if we were to leave. To be honest, had we stayed in the home town where we were born and raised I think Aus may have seemed a more attractive proposition, but by moving just a few hundred miles down the road we were able to find a very different lifestyle. It wouldn't work for everyone I know, but if nothing else it's a cheaper option when it does ! T. X.

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I thought our first holiday in Aus would unsettle us, and be enough to push us into starting the visa process. We have family in W. A and that first visit was brilliant - we had a great holiday. Been back a few times since, and always enjoy it. But we relocated within the UK some time ago and are very happy with life. The UK provides a lifestyle that we enjoy and know we would miss if we were to leave. To be honest, had we stayed in the home town where we were born and raised I think Aus may have seemed a more attractive proposition, but by moving just a few hundred miles down the road we were able to find a very different lifestyle. It wouldn't work for everyone I know, but if nothing else it's a cheaper option when it does ! T. X.


Very true. We could have come here a decade or so earlier, but life was good enough in the UK. We weren't blind to its shortcomings but had a decent life so could manage. What truely got me was the weather, maybe you don't feel it when younger, or maybe we Didnt notice how bad it was cos we were having a good time...but when you stand and cry, like I did cos I was so cold, hibernate for the majority of the year, no matter how many invites you get to go out.


Also to be truthful, I just did not like what I saw was happening to the UK .

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Very true. We could have come here a decade or so earlier, but life was good enough in the UK. We weren't blind to its shortcomings but had a decent life so could manage. What truely got me was the weather, maybe you don't feel it when younger, or maybe we Didnt notice how bad it was cos we were having a good time...but when you stand and cry, like I did cos I was so cold, hibernate for the majority of the year, no matter how many invites you get to go out.


Also to be truthful, I just did not like what I saw was happening to the UK .



I think the UK weather is probably a big driver for a lot of people. And going by the youthful photo in your avatar I think you're probably a fair bit younger than me, so maybe that's one of the reasons I am a bit more optimistic about the UK future longer term. I remember some pretty dire times in the not too distant past, things like like having to pay 15% mortgage interest , only people with serious money having holidays abroad and very few of my friends and neighbours having any chance at all of a university education. Things change though, peak and trough, it just depends on where you are in life as to how much those things affect you as an individual I guess. Not looking to tempt fate, but even given the current economic climate we are pretty happy with life in the UK, and don't really need to move overseas to realise it (in reply to the OP) Tx


ETA - should just clarify that I don't think lack of finance to holiday abroad is 'dire' :swoon::embarrassed:

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those who said they never came to escape.Well what did you come for a laugh?people always move to escape or expierence (same word)something different.i will be honest I came here to escape from fony blairs policys,the pc brigade,the weather,the gangs of kids outside the offy or bottle'oe'and a lot more.and I like the freedom here of being legally being able to drink a stubby while driving lol but they ban smoking?In SA anyway gotta love oz.

Nope, a lot of people move because that's where the next opportunity cropped up. If you moved to escape Blair, I'm surprised you've stuck it so long - the last 6 yrs in Aus have been just what you describe as escaping from! Except the weather of course.

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those who said they never came to escape.Well what did you come for a laugh?people always move to escape or expierence (same word)something different.i will be honest I came here to escape from fony blairs policys,the pc brigade,the weather,the gangs of kids outside the offy or bottle'oe'and a lot more.and I like the freedom here of being legally being able to drink a stubby while driving lol but they ban smoking?In SA anyway gotta love oz.


Nobody that said they didn't come here to escape said they didn't come to experience something different. Those are two entirely separate matters. I would maintain that I didn't need to escape from anything as I had a very pleasant life in the UK. But we moved here for the adventure, to experience life in a different country and to be able to explore this side of the world more easily.

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We didn't move to escape anything either. My husband was offered a really good job opportunity with all expenses paid, so thought why not? We were looking for something for an adventure anyway and it came at the right time.

We moved back for the same reason and back again for the same reason!

This time we came back to the UK because our girls were so unhappy at school and the eldest was at an age where we didn't want to risk her future for the sake of her being miserable. That said, we're happy here for now, but who knows what the future will hold. We may well head back to Aus when my oh retires in a couple of years, part time at least. We may not. We're lucky to have work contacts in both places, so we're not trapped anywhere.

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Very true. We could have come here a decade or so earlier, but life was good enough in the UK. We weren't blind to its shortcomings but had a decent life so could manage. What truely got me was the weather, maybe you don't feel it when younger, or maybe we Didnt notice how bad it was cos we were having a good time...but when you stand and cry, like I did cos I was so cold, hibernate for the majority of the year, no matter how many invites you get to go out.


Also to be truthful, I just did not like what I saw was happening to the UK .


Our main reason mirrors yours though I don't think anything bad is happening to the UK. Just got in from a run and it was cold for first time. Will be indoors in the gym for the next 6 months. The cold was never a major issue for me until a few years ago but loathe it now. The UK is as good as anywhere in the world from May to September. Marking time from November through March is not the way I want to spend my remaining years.

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Guest Guest 47403
those who said they never came to escape.Well what did you come for a laugh?people always move to escape or expierence (same word)something different.i will be honest I came here to escape from fony blairs policys,the pc brigade,the weather,the gangs of kids outside the offy or bottle'oe'and a lot more.and I like the freedom here of being legally being able to drink a stubby while driving lol but they ban smoking?In SA anyway gotta love oz.


I wouldn't head back in a hurry you now have 'fony cameron policys,the pc brigade,the weather,the gangs of kids outside the offy or bottle'oe'and a lot more.'

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those who said they never came to escape.Well what did you come for a laugh?

Pretty much.


It was an opportunity to do something different and try something else.


It wasn't a big deal. It was some paperwork, some waiting, some packing and a flight.


Seems to be going well at the moment, but who knows what opportunities are round the corner.


Live is for living.

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